skawa_components 1.5.3 copy "skawa_components: ^1.5.3" to clipboard
skawa_components: ^1.5.3 copied to clipboard

Additional components for AngularDart based on Material Design principles. These reusable components are not part of the official Material Components library.

skawa_components #

Pub Package

"Non-Material" Components #

These components are following the Material Design principles, but not part of the material components.

The goal is to share a couple of components which are used internally but not material.

Currently Available components:

  • <skawa-infobar>
  • <skawa-master-detail>
  • <skawa-ckeditor>
  • <skawa-markdown-editor>
  • <skawa-nav-item>
  • <skawa-sidebar-item>

Currently Available directives:

  • *featureEnabled and *featureDisabled

Currently Available pipes:

  • hexColorize

Getting started #

See examples

Need a component? #

Let us know what you'd like to use, open an issue!

Looking for maintainers #

If you have a component you'd like to be part of this collection, let us know, we can chat!

Licensing #

Skawa Components reuses and builds on top of certain parts of angular_components package. (Namely, base SCSS files) angular_components license

Skawa Components is released under MIT license.

pub points


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Additional components for AngularDart based on Material Design principles. These reusable components are not part of the official Material Components library.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


MIT (license)


angular, angular_components, diff_match_patch, intl, js, markdown, meta, sass_builder


Packages that depend on skawa_components