angular_components 1.0.3
angular_components: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard
The official Material Design components for AngularDart. Used at Google in production apps.
Material design components for AngularDart.
The AngularDart Components Gallery contains live examples and documentation.
This productive and stable set of widgets, contributed to by hundreds of Googlers, make debugging and deploying your app easier. Strict latency and testing policies make these widgets an excellent fit for projects using the Angular package.
Useful links #
Required Fonts #
Add the following font downloads to the head element of your page:
Roboto Font (example)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=",400,500,700">
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Material Icon Font (example)
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
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Custom component styles #
The styles of these components can be customized in your project with a component's provided Sass mixins.
- Add a dev dependency on the
sass_builder package to your
sass_builder: ^2.0.0 # update for the latest version
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- Now you can import styles and mixins from this package via dart style package imports in your Sass files.
In your .scss
@import 'package:angular_components/css/material/material';
.blue {
color: $mat-blue;
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