refined_markdown 1.2.2 refined_markdown: ^1.2.2 copied to clipboard
A simple Markdown renderer that is written mostly in dart (grammar analysing and rendering part). Simple, quiet, fast, that is all refined markdown is intended to be.
1.2.1 #
Fix #
- Rendering fault when there exists “\n *\n”;
- Styled text rendering fault when some of the font features are not defined
1.2.0 #
Add #
- Minimal text style support using html grammar.
- New picture rendering (online picture only! I will not support using local pictures because this might be quite complex and involves quite a lot of native adaptations)
- Deleted text rendering
- Highlighted text rendering
- Divider rendering
Fix #
- Link rendering fault when mixed with normal text
Optimize #
- Bold text and etalic text displaying
Notice #
- This is the very stable version that has lived up to my expectation right now, if there are any rendering fault, feel free to give an Issue or a PR, that will help a lot.
- I’m working on rendering tables, this might be a hard process, I need more time.
- Due to my laziness, if you have any ideas about how to render local pictures, feel free to contact me, thank you very much!
1.1.0 #
Optimize #
All rendering logic, now the rendering order no longer relies on the so-called “priorities”.
Fix #
- “\n” rendering when input contains "\n\n”
- Link rendering failed when bold text format “**” is in “[]”
- Bold and italic rendering fault when enrolled in normal words
- Code segment rendering fault when it is empty
- More minor bug fixes.
1.0.0+6 #
[Add] Basic travis CI support.
1.0.0+5 #
Upload version badge in README for convenience. =w=
1.0.0+4 #
Fix #
- Symbol displaying of normal list
- “\n” ignored in links at the beginningof a new line
- Links failed to render when a list is formerly declared
Optimize #
- All lists rendering logic
- All links rendering logic
Notice #
If there are still displaying problems, please feel free to give an Issue or a PR, I’ll handle them as quickly as I can, thank you.
1.0.0+3 #
You know what, the displaying of readme looks weird. QAQ
1.0.0+2 #
Really sorry, update README again! I am an obsessive. QAQ
1.0.0 #
Nothing changed, just update README, and prove that this package is not an early version.
0.0.1 #
First commit.
What is working now? #
Now support rendering the following grammar. Some of them may not work as you wish, I am trying my best to optimize it, please be patient.
Normal text
Bold text
Italic text
Syntax highlight
code segment
Code blocks(including highlighting, using flutter_highlight. Thanks to pd4d10!)
Normal list
Sequence list
Task list
What is next? #
- Just optimize the functions that has been built as much as I can.
- Add some html support that are frequently used.
- Support table rendering.