puby 1.33.0 copy "puby: ^1.33.0" to clipboard
puby: ^1.33.0 copied to clipboard

Run commands in all projects in the current directory. Handle monorepos with ease.

Run commands in all projects in the current directory. Handle monorepos with ease.

Features #

  • No configuration necessary. Run puby anywhere. It won't complain.
  • Execute pub get in seconds rather than minutes with puby link
  • Reclaim disk space with puby clean
  • Supports all project-level pub commands
  • Execute any command in all projects with puby exec
  • Determines the project engine (dart, flutter, fvm) automatically
  • Convenience shortcuts for common dart/flutter commands
  • Combined exit code for use in CI
  • Per-project command exclusions
Command Equivalent
puby [options] [engine] pub [options]
puby link Warm the pub cache and run [engine] pub get --offline (see below)
puby gen [options] [engine] pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs [options]
puby test [options] [engine] test [options]
puby clean [options] flutter clean [options]
puby mup [options] [engine] pub upgrade --major-versions [options]
puby reset puby clean && puby get
puby exec [command] command

For projects configured with FVM, fvm flutter is used. FVM support can be disabled with the --no-fvm option.

Use as an executable #

Installation #

$ dart pub global activate puby

Usage #

$ puby get
$ puby upgrade --major-versions

This command is based on flutter update-packages. All of the dependencies required by all of the projects in the current directory are cataloged and cached if necessary, then pub get --offline can safely run in all the projects in parallel.

This command no longer requires existing pubspec.lock files to function and instead uses the same version resolution strategy from the pub command to catalog dependencies.

The puby link command can run many times faster than puby get, so it is very useful for large mono-repos.

Benchmarks in the flutter/packages repo:

Command Duration
puby get 9:01.97
melos bootstrap 47.810
puby link 25.881

Benchmark setup:

  • M3 MacBook Pro
  • Gigabit internet connection
  • Run puby clean && dart pub cache clean before each run
  • melos bootstrap is run with a custom branch of flutter/packages with the required setup

Notes on puby exec #

Paths relative to the directory you are running puby in will not work. For example:

  • puby exec ./ will not work
  • puby exec $PWD/ will work

Configuration #

Create a puby.yaml file in the root of the project you want to configure

Exclusions #

Add command exclusions to prevent them from running in a project

  - test
  - pub run build_runner

Exclusions match from the start of a command, and the entire exclusion string must be present. Here are some examples:

Exclusion Example command excluded
test [engine] test --coverage
pub run build_runner [engine] pub run build_runner build
pub points



Run commands in all projects in the current directory. Handle monorepos with ease.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


ansicolor, equatable, flutter_tools_task_queue, path, pub_hosted, pub_update_checker, pubspec_parse, yaml


Packages that depend on puby