playx_core 0.4.1 copy "playx_core: ^0.4.1" to clipboard
playx_core: ^0.4.1 copied to clipboard

Core package for playx eco system contains shared classes and utilities.

PlayX Core #

pub package Build codecov License: MIT

Core package for playx eco system contains shared classes and utilities.

Features #

  • Common utilities and packages across PlayX packages
  • Common extensions that is needed for different apps.
  • PlayxPrefs facade : Key value pair storage powered by SharedPreferences.
  • PlayxSecurePrefs facade : Key value pair encrypted storage powered by SecurePreferences.
  • PlayxEnv : Wrapper for configure any the application with global variables using a .env file`.
  • bootCore function : inject and setup what is necessary .
  • Exports : packages like get, shardPreference.

Installation #

in pubspec.yaml add these lines to dependencies

playx_core: ^0.3.4

Usage #

  • Boot the core

     void main ()async{
      /// boot the core
      await PlayXCore.bootCore();
      /// run the real app
      runApp(const MyApp());
  • You can then use the PlayxCore to access the different utilities and packages.

    Here is an example to use PlayxPrefs to store and retrieve data.

    /// store data
    PlayxPrefs.setString('name', 'John Doe');
    PlayxPrefs.setInt('age', 25);
    PlayxPrefs.setDouble('height', 5.8);
    /// retrieve data
    String name = PlayxPrefs.getString('name');
    int age = PlayxPrefs.getInt('age');
    double? height = PlayxPrefs.maybeGetDouble('height');

Documentation #

Check out the documentation for detailed information on how to integrate and utilize playx_core in your Flutter applications.

Support and Contribution #

For any questions, issues, or feature requests, please visit the GitHub repository of playx_core. Contributions are welcome!

See Also: #

Playx : Playx eco system helps with redundant features , less code , more productivity , better organizing.

Playx_theme :multi theme features for flutter apps from playx eco system

Playx_localization : Localization and internationalization for flutter apps from playx eco system

Reference #

License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details