nylo_support 5.82.1 copy "nylo_support: ^5.82.1" to clipboard
nylo_support: ^5.82.1 copied to clipboard

Support library for the Nylo framework. This library supports routing, widgets, localization, cli, storage and more.

[5.82.1] - 2024-08-09 #

  • pubspec.yaml dependency updates

[5.82.0] - 2024-07-18 #

  • New create method added to NyFormData class. This will allow you to create the form from the instance.
  • Add FormStyle to NyForm. This will allow you to set a global style for the form. It currently only supports TextField and NyFormCheckbox widgets.
  • Ability to create custom validation rules in NyForm's
  • Added refreshState to NyForm class. This will refresh the state of the form.
  • Added new typedefs FormStyleTextField and FormStyleCheckbox for handling custom styles in NyForm
  • Added clear method to NyForm class. This will clear the form.
  • Added clearField method to NyForm class. This will clear a specific field in the form.
  • Update setField and setData methods in NyForm class. This will now update the state of the form after setting the field.
  • Small refactor to the NyTextField class
  • Refactor NyFormCheckbox class to support global styles
  • FormStyle added to Nylo class
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.81.2] - 2024-07-09 #

  • Update default toast widget text style

[5.81.1] - 2024-07-09 #

  • Remove default validation rule from NyLoginForm

[5.81.0] - 2024-07-08 #

  • Refactor FormValidator class.
    • To set a validation rule, you must now use FormValidator.rule("email") instead of FormValidator("email")
    • You can now join multiple validation rules. E.g. FormValidator().minLength(5).uppercase() will check if the value is at least 5 characters long and has an uppercase letter.
  • Fix autofocus on Field's in NyForm

[5.80.0] - 2024-07-07 #

  • Ability to create forms using slate packages

[5.79.1] - 2024-07-06 #

  • Fix slight issue with NyForm when handling validation rules
  • Update validate helper in NyState to skip null values

[5.79.0] - 2024-07-06 #

  • Add new Forms
    • NyFormCheckbox - This will create a checkbox form field
    • NyFormDateTimePicker - This will create a date time picker form field
  • Refactor NyFormData class
  • pubspec.yaml dependency updates

[5.78.1] - 2024-07-05 #

  • Fix deleteAll() method in Backpack to not remove the nylo key

[5.78.0] - 2024-07-03 #

  • Remove deepLink required parameter for deep linking

[5.77.0] - 2024-07-02 #

  • New NyForm widget! Designed to help you create forms easier in your app.
  • Fix password_v1 & password_v2 validation rule not working in all cases
  • Update NyTextField to support different types of text fields
  • Add makeForm to MetroService class to create a form
  • Update EmailRule, URLRule to support null values
  • Rename PhoneNumberUsaRule to PhoneNumberUsRule
  • Update textFieldMessage on some validation rules
  • Small refactor of NyTextField widget. The copyWith contains new parameters.
    • New passwordViewable parameter added to NyTextField widget
    • New validateOnFocusChange parameter added to NyTextField widget
  • Update NyState to check when post frame is complete for a better user experience
  • New NyFormPicker Widget added to the library - This will create a bottom modal with a picker. It can be used in NyForm's and as a standalone widget.
  • New NyForm.login method added to NyForm class - This will create a login form
  • Ability to add custom form casts to NyForm class via Nylo. E.g. Nylo.addFormCasts({"my_cast": (value) => value.toString()});
  • Update docs
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.76.0] - 2024-06-16 #

  • Add support for the child parameter in NyStatefulWidget to be a Function that returns a State.
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.75.3] - 2024-06-14 #

  • Add await to ErrorStack.init

[5.75.2] - 2024-06-14 #

  • Update Error Stack to use ErrorStackLogLevel.verbose (default)
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.75.1] - 2024-06-14 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.75.0] - 2024-06-13 #

  • Add new extensions labelSmall, labelMedium and labelLarge to Text widget

[5.74.0] - 2024-06-12 #

  • Small refactor to NyRichText widget
  • Add _errorStackErrorWidget to Nylo class
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.73.1] - 2024-06-11 #

  • Fix MetroService not properly suffixing the file names

[5.73.0] - 2024-06-11 #

  • Added StorageConfig class to the library. This will allow you to set the storage configuration for your app.
   androidOptions: AndroidOptions(
      resetOnError: true,
      encryptedSharedPreferences: false
  • Set NyRichText style color to Colors.black by default

[5.72.1] - 2024-06-11 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.72.0] - 2024-06-08 #

  • Added loadJson method to helpers to load a json file

[5.71.0] - 2024-06-06 #

  • Added containsRoutes method to Nylo class. Now you can check if a route exists in your app. E.g. Nylo.containsRoutes(["/home", "/settings"])
  • Fix MetroService duplicating slate file names

[5.70.0] - 2024-06-05 #

  • Update NotEmptyRule Validation rules to include null, Map and List types
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.69.5] - 2024-05-22 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.69.4] - 2024-05-17 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.69.3] - 2024-05-14 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.69.2] - 2024-05-12 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.69.1] - 2024-05-12 #

  • Downgrade flutter_secure_storage to 9.0.0

[5.69.0] - 2024-05-11 #

  • Fix NyState not receiving state updates
  • New stateReset method added to NyListView and NyPullToRefresh
  • Add StateAction.setState method
  • Update flutter_secure_storage
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.68.1] - 2024-05-05 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.68.0] - 2024-05-01 #

  • Add ErrorStack to the library
  • New useErrorStack helper added to Nylo. This will enable ErrorStack in your application.
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.67.1] - 2024-04-29 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.67.0] - 2024-04-28 #

  • Update confirmAction method in NyState to support more options

[5.66.0] - 2024-04-25 #

  • Add updateRouteStack to Nylo. This method will update the route stack with a new routes.
    ], dataForRoute: {
    SettingPage.path: {"name": "John Doe"}
  • Add nylo.onDeepLink to listen for deep link events in your app.
  nylo.onDeepLink((String route, dynamic data) {

[5.65.2] - 2024-04-25 #

  • Update NyState to check that data is of Type Map before calling data[key]

[5.65.1] - 2024-04-20 #

[5.65.0] - 2024-04-20 #

  • Update NyPullToRefresh validate that the data is a List
  • Update NyListView validate that the data is a List

[5.64.0] - 2024-04-17 #

  • Add the ability to set a custom transition to a route.group e.g. router.group(() => {'transition': PageTransitionType.fade}, (router) { ... })
  • Add the ability to set a transition_settings to a route.group e.g. router.group(() => {'transition_settings': PageTransitionSettings(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)}, (router) { ... })
  • Update _getPageTransitionIsIos to detect if the platform is iOS to use the CupertinoPageRoute for the transition
  • Small refactor to _getPageTransition.* methods in router.dart
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.63.0] - 2024-04-08 #

  • New NyAction class added to the library
    • limitPerDay method added to NyAction class - This will limit the number of times an action can be performed in a day.
    • authorized method added to NyAction class - This will check if the user is authorized to perform an action.

[5.62.0] - 2024-04-01 #

  • Add extra parameters to ListView for NyListView.grid

[5.61.0] - 2024-03-29 #

  • Added updateCollectionWhere to NyStorage class

[5.60.1] - 2024-03-28 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.60.0] - 2024-03-26 #

  • Added footerLoadingIcon to NyPullToRefresh widget

[5.59.0] - 2024-03-26 #

  • Remove initializeDateFormatting call in Nylo and app_localization.dart
  • Update _loggerPrint not to print Exception if the message is empty
  • Update NyPullToRefresh
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.58.0] - 2024-03-24 #

  • Refactor app_localization.dart file. Breaking changes to the way you set up your app localization.
    • Removed languagesList parameter
    • Removed valuesAsMap parameter

[5.57.0] - 2024-03-21 #

  • Update NyListView to use default state management
  • Added router.add so you can create routes easier
  • Change NyApiService to use getter on interceptors
  • Fix MetroService not automatically adding routes to router
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.56.1] - 2024-03-18 #

  • Remove Equatable from Model class

[5.56.0] - 2024-03-18 #

  • Add Equatable to Model class
  • Fix modelDecoders on NyStorage.addToCollection

[5.55.0] - 2024-03-17 #

  • Added sort method to NyPullToRefresh widget
  • Added sort method to NyListView widget
  • New parameter modelDecoders on NyStorage.read to define the model decoders when reading from storage
  • New parameter modelDecoders on NyStorage.readCollection to define the model decoders when reading from storage
  • New parameter modelDecoders on dataToModel to define the model decoders when reading from storage
  • Remove async from addModelDecoders method

[5.54.0] - 2024-03-10 #

  • Added router.group method

[5.53.0] - 2024-03-07 #

  • Added Future<void> wipeAllStorageData() to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.wipeAllStorageData()
  • Added scheduleOnceAfterDate(String name, Function() callback, {required DateTime date}) to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.scheduleOnceAfterDate('my_task', () => print('Hello'), date: DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 1)))
  • Added scheduleOnceDaily(String name, Function() callback, {DateTime? endAt}) to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.scheduleDaily('my_task', () => print('Hello'), endAt: DateTime.now().add(Duration(days: 2)))
  • Added scheduleOnce(String name, Function() callback) to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.scheduleOnce('my_task', () => print('Run once'))
  • Added Future<DateTime?> appFirstLaunchDate() to Nylo class. Usage DateTime? dateTime = Nylo.appFirstLaunchDate()
  • Added Future<int> appTotalDaysSinceFirstLaunch() to Nylo class. Usage int days = Nylo.appTotalDaysSinceFirstLaunch()
  • Added Future<int?> appLaunchCount() to Nylo class. Usage int? count = Nylo.appLaunchCount()
  • Added Future<void> appLaunched() to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.appLaunched()
  • Added isSameDay(DateTime date) to DateTime extension
  • Added new NyAppUsage class to the library
  • Added monitorAppUsage() to Nylo class. Usage Nylo.monitorAppUsage() - This will start monitoring the app usage like the first launch date, total days since first launch, launch count and more.
  • Added showDateTimeInLogs() to optional show the date and time in logs
  • Updated log method to add a ":" in-between log messages
  • Fix withGap extension for Column widgets

[5.52.0] - 2024-03-05 #

  • Add new toggleValue method for List's. This will toggle a value in a list. E.g. myList.toggleValue(10);

[5.51.0] - 2024-03-03 #

  • Add new toSkeleton() extension for Widget's
  • New NyScheduler class added to the library

[5.50.0] - 2024-02-28 #

  • Add new NyRichText widget

[5.49.1] - 2024-02-28 #

  • Remove debug print statement

[5.49.0] - 2024-02-26 #

  • New method setSendTimeout added to NyApiService
  • New method setReceiveTimeout added to NyApiService
  • New method setConnectTimeout added to NyApiService
  • New method setMethod added to NyApiService
  • New method setContentType added to NyApiService

[5.48.1] - 2024-02-24 #

  • Fix NyTextField to use validationRules
  • Update Dio to 5.4.1

[5.48.0] - 2024-02-16 #

  • Add toTimeAgoString extension to DateTime
  • Fix onLanguageChange method in NyLanguageSwitcher

[5.47.0] - 2024-02-14 #

  • Add deleteFromCollectionWhere for NyStorage. E.g. NyStorage.deleteFromCollectionWhere((value) => value == 1, key: "myKey");

[5.46.0] - 2024-02-14 #

  • Add defaultValue on the match function

[5.45.0] - 2024-02-12 #

  • New StateAction class for handling state actions

[5.44.0] - 2024-02-08 #

  • Add NyTextField.emailAddress() widget - This will create an email address text field
  • Add NyTextField.password() widget - This will create a password text field
  • Ability to set passwordVisible on NyTextField widget
  • Add NyTextField.compact() widget - This will create a compact text field
  • Add password_v1 validation rule for checking if a password is valid
  • Add password_v2 validation rule for checking if a password is valid

[5.43.1] - 2024-02-07 #

  • Fix NyListView.grid Widget

[5.43.0] - 2024-02-07 #

  • Ability to set a Grid view in NyListView e.g. NyListView.grid()
  • Ability to set a Grid view in NyPullToRefresh e.g. NyPullToRefresh.grid()
  • Change getRouteHistory to return a list of the route history
  • Change getCurrentRouteArguments to return a map of the current route arguments
  • Change getPreviousRouteArguments to return a map of the previous route arguments
  • Add flutter_staggered_grid_view to pubspec.yaml

[5.42.1] - 2024-02-04 #

  • Fix _initLanguage method in app_localization.dart

[5.42.0] - 2024-02-04 #

  • Add NyLanguageSwitcher widget
  • Add check in app_localization.dart to see if an existing language is set

[5.41.0] - 2024-02-02 #

  • New beforeRefresh method added to NyPullToRefresh widget
  • New afterRefresh(dynamic data) method added to NyListView widget

[5.40.1] - 2024-02-02 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.40.0] - 2024-02-01 #

  • Add isMorning extension to DateTime
  • Add isAfternoon extension to DateTime
  • Add isEvening extension to DateTime
  • Add isNight extension to DateTime
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.39.0] - 2024-01-29 #

  • Add new updateCollectionByIndex method in NyStorage class
  • Add new readJson method in NyStorage class
  • Add new storeJson method in NyStorage class

[5.38.1] - 2024-01-28 #

  • Change sleep to use seconds instead of milliseconds
  • Rename toJson to parseJson on String extension

[5.38.0] - 2024-01-28 #

  • New showInitialLoader property added to NyState class

[5.37.0] - 2024-01-27 #

  • Add new toDateTime extension for Strings
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.36.0] - 2024-01-26 #

  • Add new toJson extension for Strings
  • Add useSkeletonizer to NyPullToRefresh widget
  • Add useSkeletonizer to NyListView widget
  • Add useSkeletonizer to NyFutureBuilder widget
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.35.1] - 2024-01-24 #

  • Small refactor to NyRouteGuard class

[5.35.0] - 2024-01-23 #

  • Add new sleep helper
  • Add connectionTimeout to network helper
  • Add receiveTimeout to network helper
  • Add sendTimeout to network helper
  • New parameter baseOptions added to NyApiService constructor

[5.34.1] - 2024-01-23 #

  • Set Intl.defaultLocale in Nylo class

[5.34.0] - 2024-01-22 #

  • Add setRetryIf to DioApiService
  • Add retryIf to api helper

[5.33.0] - 2024-01-21 #

  • Update build method in NyState to Skeletonize the loading(BuildContext context) widget

[5.32.0] - 2024-01-17 #

  • Add queryParameters to routeTo helper
  • Add queryParameters to NyState helper
  • Add queryParameters to NyRequest class
  • Add queryParameters to onTapRoute helper
  • Add bottomNavFlag to Strings

[5.31.0] - 2024-01-15 #

  • You can now set an API service as a singleton in your project.
  • Add setRetry to api helper
  • Add setRetryDelay to api helper
  • Add setShouldSetAuthHeaders to api helper
  • Change immortal to singleton in NyController
  • Add new validation helpers:
  • date_age_is_younger - usage e.g. date_age_is_younger:18 - This will check if the date is younger than the given age.
  • date_age_is_older - usage e.g. date_age_is_older:30 - This will check if the date is older than the given age.
  • date_in_past - usage e.g. date_in_past - This will check if the date is in the past.
  • date_in_future - usage e.g. date_in_future - This will check if the date is in the future.
  • Refactor apiDecoders and apiControllers in Nylo class to support singletons.
  • Tweaks to MetroService to support singletons.
  • Add skeletonizer package to pubspec.yaml
  • New view(BuildContext context) method added to NyState class - This can be used to create the view for your widget.
  • New loading(BuildContext context) method added to NyState class - This can be used to create the loading widget for your widget.
  • Update max and min validation rules to now validate Strings, Numbers, Lists and Maps.
  • Added more docs to NyApiService
  • isDebuggingEnabled added to Nylo class - This will check if the app is running in debug mode.
  • isEnvProduction added to Nylo class - This will check if the app is running in production mode.
  • isEnvDeveloping added to Nylo class - This will check if the app is running in development mode.

[5.30.1] - 2024-01-13 #

[5.30.0] - 2024-01-13 #

  • New dump function added for printing out data in a readable format.

[5.29.0] - 2024-01-11 #

  • Add skipIfExist to makeModel method in MetroService

[5.28.0] - 2024-01-06 #

  • Change languageCode to use locale in Nylo class
  • Add metaData to ToastMeta
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.27.0] - 2024-01-03 #

  • Fix NyPullToRefresh widget not using the padding parameter
  • Add new locale variable to Nylo class - Use Nylo.locale to get the current locale.

[5.26.0] - 2024-01-03 #

  • Add isAgeYounger(int age) helper to DateTime extension - This will check if the DateTime is younger than the given age.
  • Add isAgeOlder(int age) helper to DateTime extension - This will check if the DateTime is older than the given age.
  • Add isAgeBetween(int min, int max) helper to DateTime extension - This will check if the DateTime is between the given ages.
  • Add isAgeEqualTo(int age) helper to DateTime extension - This will check if the DateTime is equal to the given age.
  • Add locale to intl.DateFormat methods to allow you to set the locale of the date.

[5.25.1] - 2024-01-02 #

  • Change toTimeString to accept a withSeconds parameter

[5.25.0] - 2024-01-01 #

  • Fix toShortDate method
  • New parameter added to network called shouldSetAuthHeaders - This will tell the network method if it should set the auth headers or not. You can also override shouldSetAuthHeaders in your DioApiService class.

[5.24.0] - 2024-01-01 #

  • Big updates to DioApiService
    • network method now accepts a retry parameter - Set how many times you want to retry the request if it fails.
    • network method now accepts a retryIf parameter - A function to check if the request should be retried.
    • network method now accepts a retryDelay parameter - Set how long you want to wait before retrying the request.
    • Three new methods added to DioApiService:
      • refreshToken - Override this method to refresh your token.
      • shouldRefreshToken - Override this method to check if you should refresh the token.
      • setAuthHeaders - Override this method to set your own auth headers.
  • Big updates to MetroService to allow you to create files in sub folders.
  • Update import paths to support a creationPath when creating files in the project.
  • Update validate method inside NyPage to support the latest way of validating data.
  • Add more docs to library
  • New extension hasExpired on DateTime object - This will check if the DateTime has expired. It's usage is for checking if a token has expired.
  • Add queryParameters to get method inside API Service
  • Add intl package to pubspec.yaml
  • Remove dead code in Router

[5.23.0] - 2023-12-25 #

  • New flexible helper added for Stateless and Stateful widgets, e.g. TextField().flexible()
  • Add showToastSorry method to NyState class
  • Fix addRouteGuard helper for routes
  • Add pop helper to controller
  • New is_type, is_true and is_false validation rules
  • Implement Pull to refresh for empty data
  • Introducing a new flag you can set in your controllers bool immortal = true; this will allow your controller to live forever and not be disposed when the widget is removed from the tree.
  • New NyFader widget added, this widget allows you to add a gradient fade from the bottom/top/right/left of a widget.
  • You can also use the faderBottom, faderTop, faderLeft and faderRight helpers on a widget to add a gradient fade to the bottom/top/left/right of a widget.
  • New withGap extension added to Row and Column widgets to add a gap between children.
  • NyState new helper method added confirmAction, this will show a dialog to confirm an action.

[5.22.0] - 2023-12-09 #

  • Breaking changes
  • You can no longer set appLoader as a variable in your Nylo class. You must now use the addLoader(widget) helper method.
  • You can no longer set appLogo as a variable in your Nylo class. You must now use the addLogo(widget) helper method.
  • Use Nylo.appLoader() to get the loading widget
  • Use Nylo.appLogo() to get the app logo
  • Use Nylo.isCurrentRoute(MyHomePage.path) to check if the current route matches the given route
  • Set apiDecoders using Nylo.addApiDecoders(apiDecoders)
  • Navigator observers added to Nylo
    • Get the observers using Nylo.getNavigatorObservers()
    • Add an observer using Nylo.addNavigatorObserver()
    • Remove an observer using Nylo.removeNavigatorObserver(observer)
  • Upgrade router
    • Get the route history using Nylo.getRouteHistory()
      • Get the current route using Nylo.getCurrentRoute()
      • Get the previous route using Nylo.getPreviousRoute()
      • Get the current route name using Nylo.getCurrentRouteName()
      • Get the previous route name using Nylo.getPreviousRouteName()
      • Get the current route arguments using Nylo.getCurrentRouteArguments()
      • Get the previous route arguments using Nylo.getPreviousRouteArguments()
  • Add loading parameter to NyPullToRefresh widget
  • Add loading parameter to NyListView widget
  • New NyThemeOptions added to store theme colors
  • New NyRouteHistoryObserver class for handling route history
  • Ability to chain a transition on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).transition(PageTransitionType.bottomToTop)
  • Ability to chain a transitionSettings on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).transitionSettings(PageTransitionSettings(duration: Duration(milliseconds: 500)))
  • Ability to chain a addRouteGuard on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).addRouteGuard(MyRouteGuard())
  • Ability to chain a addRouteGuards on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).addRouteGuards([MyRouteGuard(), MyRouteGuardTwo()])
  • Ability to chain a authRoute on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).authRoute() // new auth route
  • Ability to chain a initialRoute on a route e.g. router.route(DashboardPage.path, (_) => DashboardPage()).initialRoute() // new initial route

[5.21.0] - 2023-12-03 #

  • New store() method added to String extension. E.g. await StorageKey.userToken.store("123");
  • New read method added to String extension. E.g. await StorageKey.userToken.read()
  • New addToCollection method added to String extension. E.g. await StorageKey.userToken.addToCollection("10");
  • New readCollection method added to String extension. E.g. await StorageKey.userToken.readCollection()
  • Update fromStorage and fromBackpack method to accept a default value. E.g. await StorageKey.userToken.fromStorage(defaultValue: "123");

[5.20.0] - 2023-12-02 #

  • Add new jsonFlag to metro constants

[5.19.0] - 2023-12-02 #

  • New helper in NyState called data() to get data from the state.
  • A lot of new Extensions added to the package.
    • paddingOnly and paddingSymmetric added to the following widgets:
      • Text
      • Row
      • Column
      • Container
      • SingleChildRenderObjectWidget
      • StatelessWidget
    • New Image extensions added:
      • localAsset() can be used to load an image from your assets folder. e.g. Image.asset('my-image.png').localAsset() // load from assets folder
      • circleAvatar can be used to load an image as a circle avatar. e.g. Image.asset('my-image.png').circleAvatar()
    • New shadow extension added to Container widget. e.g. Container().shadow() or Container().shadowLg()
  • New onTap helper added to StatelessWidget e.g. Text('Hello').onTap(() => print('Hello'))
  • New onTapRoute helper added to StatelessWidget e.g. Text('Home Page').onTapRoute(HomePage.path)

[5.18.1] - 2023-12-01 #

  • Update the pubspec.yaml

[5.18.0] - 2023-11-27 #

  • New extension toMap on Iterable<MapEntry<String, dynamic>> to convert a list of MapEntry's to a Map.

[5.17.0] - 2023-11-25 #

  • NyStatefulWidget controller is now not nullable. You can call the controller like this widget.controller.myMethod().
  • Add a mounted check in NyState's validate helper.
  • Slight change to the network helper to now always accept new bearerToken passed into the method.
  • Update the data() method to accept a new key parameter. Now you can check for a key using widget.controller.data('my_key').

[5.16.0] - 2023-11-23 #

  • Ability to set routes as the initial page and auth route in MetroService
  • NyTemplate now contains a new options variable to set more meta data about the template
  • Fix MetroService not adding api services to the config file

[5.15.0] - 2023-11-22 #

  • New makeInterceptor helper added to MetroService.
  • New NyPage helpers added to NyController.
  • Small refactor to NyPage class.
  • Add DioApiService class to the package.
  • Add state to Controller.
  • Add more docs to methods/classes.
  • Add dio and pretty_dio_logger to pubspec.yaml

[5.14.0] - 2023-11-04 #

  • New runProcess helper added to MetroService.

[5.13.0] - 2023-10-23 #

  • New addToTheme helper added to MetroService.

[5.12.0] - 2023-10-19 #

  • Update the look for Toast Notifications
  • Add new parameter setState on refreshPage to set the state of the Widget.
  • New helpers added to NyPage
    • context
    • textTheme
    • mediaQuery

[5.11.0] - 2023-10-17 #

  • Improve regex to auto add classes and routes
  • New NyPage widget - Learn more here
  • New helper for the Nylo class - addControllers
  • Improve Metro to auto add controllers when created
  • Add more docs
  • New extensions added to BuildContext:
    • textTheme
    • mediaQuery
    • pop
    • widgetWidth
    • widgetHeight

[5.10.1] - 2023-10-08 #

  • Fix typo in log
  • update validator & updateState docs

[5.10.0] - 2023-10-01 #

  • Ability to create config files
  • Add event_bus_plus to the library
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.9.1] - 2023-09-22 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.9.0] - 2023-09-15 #

  • Add optional builder callback to the route.generator() method. This can be used to override the default Widget returned.
  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.8.2] - 2023-08-31 #

  • Fix nyColorStyle to use the correct theme color

[5.8.1] - 2023-08-31 #

  • New helper to check if the device is in dark mode.

[5.8.0] - 2023-08-31 #

[5.7.0] - 2023-08-26 #

  • Add new toast notification helpers to NyState
    • showToastWarning
    • showToastInfo
    • showToastDanger
  • Fix toast_meta.dart style types

[5.6.0] - 2023-08-25 #

  • New feature - paginate through your List's, you can now call [1,2,3,4,5].paginate(itemsPerPage: 2, page: iteration).toList();
  • New Widget - NySwitch this widget allows you to provide a List of widgets and index for which should be the child widget.
  • New paginate feature for the nyApi helper. Now you can pass in a page like api<ApiService>((request) => request.listOfDataExample(), page: 1);. This will add a query parameter on your url like "my-example-site.com/todos?page=1".
  • Remove color helper from NyState
  • Remove stateInit from NyState
  • Add stateData to NyState
  • Change afterLoad, afterNotNull and afterNotLocked to use loading as the new parameter when you need to override the Loading widget.
  • Ability to set custom toast notifications
  • Refactor toast notifications
  • Refactor addToCollection() method newItem to item

[5.5.1] - 2023-08-21 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml

[5.5.0] - 2023-08-21 #

  • Add event_bus_plus to pubspec.yaml
  • Add pull_to_refresh_flutter3 to pubspec.yaml
  • Add new method addEventBus to Nylo class
  • Ability to use lockRelease on the validate helper
  • New widget - NyPullToRefresh this new widget provides a simple way to implement pull to refresh on your list views.
  • New widget - NyListView this new widget provides a simple way to implement a list view.
  • Change NyFutureBuilder to accept null in the child callback
  • New updateState helper to allow your to update the state of a NyState from anywhere in your project
  • Fix syncToBackpack method
  • New extension fromBackpack on Strings - Allows you to read a model from your Backpack instance. E.g. User user = StorageKey.authUser.fromBackpack().
  • Fix validation rule numeric
  • Improve NyFutureBuilder to allow null types to be returned in the child(context, data) callback
  • New reboot method added to NyState, it will re-run your boot() method
  • New route helpers routeToAuth() & routeToInitial()
  • New afterNotLocked() method added to NyState.

[5.4.0] - 2023-07-13 #

  • New helper added to Nylo class initRoutes()

[5.3.1] - 2023-07-03 #

  • Add generic type to saveCollection() helper.

[5.3.0] - 2023-06-17 #

  • Fix validator

[5.2.2] - 2023-06-14 #

  • add lang folder to constants

[5.2.1] - 2023-06-13 #

  • fix issues from dart analyze

[5.2.0] - 2023-06-13 #

  • Add new constants
  • Fix Slate's when using MetroService
  • update git actions

[5.1.3] - 2023-06-08 #

  • Add new method to MetroService runCommand to replace command method in metro.
  • Small refactor to extensions.dart file.

[5.1.2] - 2023-05-28 #

  • Add new extensions for bool types

[5.1.1] - 2023-05-24 #

  • Add generic type to SyncAuthToBackpackEvent.
  • Fix NyLogger.json helper not formatting the output to JSON
  • Add key parameter to auth

[5.1.0] - 2023-05-23 #

  • New parameter added to NyTextField widget called handleValidationError - This new helper is a callback that can be used to handle any validation errors thrown
  • New String extension toHexColor() - This will convert your strings into a Color. Try it "DB768E".toHexColor()
  • Fix api helper not returning request data
  • Added new extensions for Text

[5.0.0] - 2023-05-16 #

  • Router
    • authRoute added to redirect to a certain route when a user is authenticated
    • initialRoute added to set an initial route in your project
    • routeGuards added to 'guard' a route
  • Add new NyTextField widget.
  • New Model class replaces Storable
  • Auth
    • Auth.user() to find the authenticated user
    • Auth.set( User() ) to set an authenticated user
    • Auth.remove() to remove an authenticated user
    • Auth.loggedIn() to check if a user is logged in
  • Change validator in NyState to validate.
  • Allow Nylo to accept custom validation rules from a project.
  • Add to the Backpack class new methods:
    • auth to return the authenticated user
    • isNyloInitialized to check if Nylo is initialized
  • Backpack read method will now accept a defaultValue parameter to be returned if no data is found.
  • New helper methods:
    • match - Matches
    • nyHexColor
    • nyColorStyle
  • nyApi will now accept NyEvents so the data returned from your API requests will be passed to the events.
  • The NyLogger class will now only log if the project's APP_DEBUG is set to true.
  • NyProvider class now has an afterBoot method which will be called after Nylo has finished 'booting'.
  • Remove Storable class
  • New helper in MetroService makeRouteGuard
  • New Extensions added for objects
  • showNextLog() added to force a log to show when the APP_DEBUG var is set to false
  • Remove logger package
  • DocBlocks added to some methods
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Version bump

[4.4.0] - 2023-05-16 #

  • Flutter v3.10.0 fixes:
    • Update: theme_provider package

[4.3.1] - 2023-03-03 #

  • Change NyFutureBuilder to a Stateless widget to fix refreshing data.

[4.3.0] - 2023-02-22 #

  • Allow the BaseThemeConfig class to accept generics.
  • --dart-define variable change - ENV_FILE_PATH is now ENV_FILE.

[4.2.0] - 2023-02-20 #

  • Allow passing custom env file path

[4.1.1] - 2023-02-14 #

  • Add logo to package
  • Fix syncToBackpack method
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Version bump

[4.1.0] - 2023-01-30 #

  • Ability to set a baseUrl to a ApiService from the nyApi helper.
  • Fix Nylo.init to call setupFinished if setup is null.
  • New NyFutureBuilder widget which is a wrapper around FutureBuilder. Docs coming soon.
  • You can now pass a key into the data variable.
  • Update TextTheme styles for the getAppTextTheme method.
  • New syncToBackpack() helper in the NyStorage class.
  • Metro: Fix add page method
  • NyStorage: New helpers to deleteAll from the Backpack class.
  • Backpack: New delete & deleteAll methods.
  • Version bump

[4.0.0] - 2023-01-01 #

  • MetroService - new addToRouter & addToConfig methods to allow you to manipulate config files.
  • NyTemplate class added for building pre-made templates.
  • Helper added for the Backpack class to return an instance of Nylo easier.
  • initialRoute added to Nylo class.
  • New boot() async {} added to NyState widget. If you override this method and call an async method, it will allow you to use the afterLoad(child: () => MyWidget()) helper to display a loader until the async method completes.
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Version bump

[3.5.0] - 2022-09-19 #

  • Move routeTo helper from NyState to Router.
  • New PageTransitionSettings class to pass transition settings such as Duration when using routeTo and the router.
  • Version bump

[3.4.0] - 2022-08-27 #

  • Add base theme config for theme management in Nylo
  • Add theme colors for color management in Nylo
  • New helper for NyState class to fetch colors easier
  • Ability to add a duration for page transitions
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Version bump

[3.3.0] - 2022-07-27 #

  • Merge PR from youssefKadaouiAbbassi that adds query parameters to the router e.g. "/my-page?hello=world" = {"hello": "world"}

[3.2.0] - 2022-06-28 #

  • New optional parameter inBackpack added to the store when using NyStorage class to also save to your Backpack instance
  • Merge pull request #17 from @lpdevit to fix router navigation when using transitionDuration
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Version bump

[3.1.0] - 2022-05-19 #

  • New helpers added to NyState: awaitData and lockRelease.
  • Version bump

[3.0.1] - 2022-05-04 #

  • Fix nyApi helper not returning a value
  • Remove resource flag

[3.0.0] - 2022-04-29 #

  • New arguments for Nylo's init method: setup, setupFinished
  • Add init method for NyState class
  • New helpers: nyEvent, nyApi and Backpack
  • assert condition added to DefaultResponse class

[2.8.0] - 2022-04-21 #

  • Revert new init method in Nylo

[2.7.0] - 2022-04-21 #

  • Version bump

[2.6.1] - 2022-04-21 #

  • Fix Nylo init method with router param

[2.6.0] - 2022-04-21 #

  • Revert init change in NyState.
  • New Metro command to create events in Nylo.
  • bootApplication helper added.
  • Small refactor to folder names

[2.5.0] - 2022-04-19 #

  • New Metro command to create Providers in Nylo.
  • New Metro command to create API Services in Nylo.
  • NyProvider added as a base class for Providers.

[2.4.0] - 2022-03-29 #

  • New helper method added to NyState whenEnv
  • Fix translations when supplying more than 1 argument
  • Generic class for networking requests added
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates

[2.3.1] - 2021-12-17 #

  • Add @mustCallSuper for construct method

[2.3.0] - 2021-12-12 #

  • Fix [BaseController] construct method
  • override setState in NyState

[2.2.1] - 2021-12-10 #

  • Upgrade to Dart 2.15
  • Update toast notifications
  • Refactor methods in localization

[2.2.0] - 2021-12-07 #

  • New validator added to NyState. Allows you to validate data in widgets.
  • Added toast notification helper
  • Refactored localization class
  • Ability to create themes and theme colors from Metro Cli
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates
  • Bug fixes

[2.1.0] - 2021-09-21 #

  • Fix updateLocale method
  • Ability to add additional Router's to Nylo

[2.0.1] - 2021-09-18 #

  • Upgrade Dart (v2.14.0)

2.0.0 - 2021-09-10 #

  • Add routes from NyPlugin
  • NyState has new 'get' helpers for TextTheme and MediaQuery
  • NyStorage 'read' method now returns more accurate data types if a type is not specified
  • New template for NyPlugin's
  • Added a MetroService and MetroConsole class for cli operations
  • Pubspec.yaml dependency updates

1.0.0 - 2021-07-07 #

  • Initial release.