nhost_sdk 5.3.1 copy "nhost_sdk: ^5.3.1" to clipboard
nhost_sdk: ^5.3.1 copied to clipboard

Nhost authentication and file storage/retrieval APIs for the Dart language.

5.3.1 #

  • FIX: handle null phoneNumber in User fromJson.

5.3.0 #

  • FEAT(nhost_flutter_auth): Allow displayName and locale to be passed on signInAnonymous (#131).

5.2.0 #

  • FEAT(nhost_flutter_auth): Allow displayName and locale to be passed on signInAnonymous (#131).

5.1.1 #

  • FIX: point to latest dep version to fix incompatible deps (#128).

5.1.0 #

  • FEAT(nhost_sdk): Allow metadata to be passed in signInWithSmsPassword… (#123).

5.0.0 #

  • FEAT(nhost_sdk): Allow metadata to be passed in signInWithSmsPassword… (#123).
  • CHORE(nhpst-sdk): remove support for using localhost in favor of passing local as subdomain when developing locally

4.1.0 #

  • FEAT(nhost-storage): added image transform options to getPresignedUrl (#102).

4.0.0 #

  • Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.

4.0.0-dev.18 #

  • FIX: trigger update.

4.0.0-dev.17 #

  • FIX: trigger build.

4.0.0-dev.15 #

  • FIX: pump sdk package version.

4.0.0-dev.13 #

  • FEAT: support for hasura auth and storage client and refactor them to accept only URL.

4.0.0-dev.12 #

  • FIX: update link to nhost_Dart from nhost_sdk.
  • FEAT: Support for Subdomain cloud hosting and ServiceUrls self-hosting Nhost projects.
  • FEAT: Support for Subdomain cloud hosting and ServiceUrls self-hosting Nhost projects.

4.0.0-dev.11 #

  • FEAT: seperating all clients into their own packages.
  • FEAT: maintian packages to high score.

4.0.0-dev.10 #

  • FEAT: add new packages placeholders.

4.0.0-dev.9 #

  • FIX: fix analyzer to fix ci.
  • FEAT: add signInAnonymous method.

4.0.0-dev.8 #

  • FEAT: add ticket to changePassword request.

4.0.0-dev.7 #

  • FIX: fix token expire time to be second and fix example of persistent token and silent login.

4.0.0-dev.6 #

  • FIX: bug in server and parsing user metadata.
  • FEAT: support for subdomain api.

4.0.0-dev.5 #

  • FIX: refresh token in query param.

4.0.0-dev.4 #

  • FIX: dependencies versioning.

4.0.0-dev.3 #

  • FIX: path could be any.

4.0.0-dev.2 #

  • FIX: fix analyzer on ci for both stable and beta flutter sdk.

4.0.0-dev.1 #

  • FIX: downgrade path to 1.8.2.

4.0.0-dev.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • FIX: upgrade deps.
  • FIX: upgrade deps for nhost sdk.
  • BREAKING FEAT: increase flutter sdk constrain.

3.0.4 #

  • FEAT: Add metadata to sign up

3.0.3 #

  • FIX: lints package moved to dev_dependencies

3.0.2 #

  • FIX: nhost_graphql_links: downgraded nock version.
  • FIX: repo: broken links.

3.0.1 #

  • DOCS: Update pubspec sample in READMEs.

3.0.0 #

  • Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.

3.0.0-beta.3 #

  • FEAT: Add endpoint for resending verification email.

3.0.0-beta.2 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: Change all instances of login to sign in.
  • REFACTOR: Only create the session completer if required.
  • REFACTOR: Remove AuthResponse's user parameter.
  • REFACTOR: Add an exception base class.
  • FIX: Null out the current user after the session is cleared.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Rename signIn -> signInEmailPassword.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Improve refresh-token based authentication.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Rename all occurrences of jwt to accessToken.

3.0.0-beta.1 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: Add an ApiClient.request method for sending general requests.
  • FEAT: Support additional HTTP methods on function calls.
  • FEAT: Add a query string param to ApiClient.delete.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Rename NhostFunctionsClient.{invoke, callFunction}.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Change client names to include the word client.

3.0.0-beta.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

Migrate (partially) to the Nhost v2 backend.

  • FEAT Single URL configuration of NhostClients
  • FEAT Serverless function calls, via NhostClient.functions
  • FEAT GraphQL-based storage of file metadata
  • FEAT Pre-signed URLs for sharing of protected files Storage.getPresignedUrl
  • FEAT Additional image transformation parameters in Storage.downloadImage
  • REFACTOR Dev server scripts/configs for running the examples
  • TEST Improved testability with a new test dev server, HTTP proxy support in testing environments, and environment-driven logging

2.1.1 #

  • FIX: Remove outdated links.

2.1.0 #

  • TEST: Fix tests to run against a local Nhost instance.
  • REFACTOR: Extract response handling logic into its own method.
  • FEAT: Add support for reporting file upload progress.
  • FEAT: Add FileMetadata.toString() method.
  • CHORE: Update example to null-safety.

2.0.2 #

  • FIX: Fix broken URLs across packages.
  • FIX: Change early return condition for clear session.
  • DOCS: Reformat a comment.
  • CHORE: Upgrade to latest stable SDK.
  • CHORE: Upgrade dependencies.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.

2.0.1 #

  • FIX: Change early return condition for clear session.

2.0.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • DOCS: Update major version in README.
  • DOCS: Fix an incorrect method reference in a comment.
  • BREAKING FEAT: Update auth state callback to include loading state.

1.1.1 #

  • FIX: Upgrade graphql dependency to 5.0.0.

1.1.0 #

  • FEAT: Add use of the logging package.

1.0.4 #

  • STYLE: Reformat Dart files to pass CI.
  • FIX: Add debug printing when token refreshes fail.
  • FIX: Keep auth refresh-locked when a refresh is already in process.
  • CHORE: Upgrade graphql dependency to 5.0.0-beta.2.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.

1.0.3 #

  • Graduate package to a stable release. See pre-releases prior to this version for changelog entries.

1.0.3-dev.2 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: Make use of nhost_gql_links in nhost_graphql_adapter.
  • REFACTOR: Make use of nhost_gql_links in nhost_graphql_adapter.
  • FIX: Couple build fixes.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • BREAKING FIX: Couple build fixes.

1.0.3-dev.1 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • REFACTOR: Make use of nhost_gql_links in nhost_graphql_adapter.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • BREAKING FIX: Couple build fixes.

1.0.3-dev.0 #

  • FIX: Add nullability to Session fields.
  • FIX: Add nullability to Session fields.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.

1.0.2 #

  • FIX: Add nullability to Session fields.
  • DOCS: Fixed broken links in all README.md.

1.0.1 #

  • TEST: Close Nhost client after each test.
  • TEST: Add a stub user to the test session.
  • FIX: Throw ArgumentError if list expected during deserialization.
  • DOCS: Update links to point to future repo home.
  • DOCS: Add issue_tracker field to all pubspecs.
  • DOCS: Update repository urls in pubspecs.
  • DOCS: Update all version numbers in README getting starteds.
  • DOCS: Update test badge on all repos.
  • CHORE: Remove unused function from tests.
  • CHORE: Remove debug printing which is no longer needed.
  • CHORE: Remove a couple of unnecessary toJson methods.
  • CHORE: Remove several TODOs that have been answered.

1.0.0 #

  • 🛳🐿

0.8.0+1 #

  • FIX: Correct the refresh token lookup during OAuth login.
  • FIX: Ensure that loading is set to false when no token is provided.
  • CI: Set up repository-wide continuous tests.
  • CHORE: Publish packages.

0.8.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • DOCS: Update links in example READMEs to point to monorepo.
  • CHORE: Update package repository URLs.
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: Change name of public file to mirror package name.

0.7.0 #

  • Add method to help with completing OAuth provider logins
  • Change package name to nhost_sdk

0.6.0 #

  • Fix bug in authentication state change. I missed a boolean.

0.5.0 #

  • Remove isAuthenticated, and introduce authenticationState — a tri-state enum. Nullable booleans are too easy to make mistakes with.

0.4.0 #

  • Remove dependency on dart:io

0.3.0 #

  • Upgrade to work with latest nhost_graphql_adapter library, which had a few breaking changes

0.2.0 #

  • Add fileToken support to storage APIs
  • Remove dependency on json_serializable
  • Improve examples

0.1.0 #

  • Add support for auto-login, and externally provided refresh tokens

0.0.0 #

  • First version, in pre-release
pub points


verified publishernhost.io

Nhost authentication and file storage/retrieval APIs for the Dart language.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


MIT (license)


http, http_parser, jwt_decoder, logging, meta, path


Packages that depend on nhost_sdk