ngdart_cli 1.3.0
ngdart_cli: ^1.3.0 copied to clipboard
A command-line tool for creating and managing AngularDart projects.
ngdart_cli #
A command-line tool for creating and managing AngularDart projects.
Usage #
is not meant to be used as a dependency but a command-line tool. Hence, you have to "activate" it:
dart pub global activate ngdart_cli
Dart will detect automatically if you have added the Pub executables path to your environment variables. Follow its instructions if you haven't.
To create a new AngularDart project (note that the actual command is ngdart
not ngdart_cli
ngdart create <package_name>
To remove the build/
and .dart_tool/
directory (similar to flutter clean
), run in your project directory:
ngdart clean
Motivation #
Stagehand, the tool that many AngularDart developers use to generate a starter project, has been discontinued in favor of dart create
. However, since dart create
doesn't have an option for AngularDart projects, developers are left with nothing but quickstart and angular_cli, which are both great options but very outdated. Hence, ngdart
is created to compensate for the lack of tools.
Also, as a Flutter developer myself, I'm often envious of how many useful tools that the Flutter cli tool provides (such as flutter clean
). Hence, another purpose of ngdart
is to unify the all the tools developers need to create a brilliant AngularDart project. The first step is ngdart clean
, and more is coming (see Future Plans) below)
Future Plans #
Feel free to create pull requests on any of these goals! :) To prevent doing duplicate work, I marked the ones that I myself is currently working on.
- ✅ Add
global flag. - ❌ Prompt user to update (by checking the latest version on Pub and compare to
). [currently working on] - ✅ Run
dart pub get
(or prompt the user to run) after creating a project. - ❌ Add
ngdart build
andngdart serve
command (likely from webdev, but null safety has been a problem for me). [currently working on] - ❌ Generate components (a function that angular_cli provides, though I'm unsure if this is useful for many developers).