mvc_application 8.13.1
mvc_application: ^8.13.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter Framework for Applications using the MVC Design Pattern
8.13.1 #
August 30, 2022
- Widget buildApp(BuildContext context) { to Widget buildChild(BuildContext context) {
- L10n.delegate to AppTrs.delegate
8.13.0 #
June 18, 2022
- Updated Dart sdk: '>=2.17.1 <3.0.0'
- Null operator '!' not longer necessary for 'WidgetsBinding' in Flutter 3.x
- Supplied Jonny Borges's extensions from is Getx package under an MIT licence.
8.12.0 #
May 13, 2022
- Introduced setState() and buildInherited() to the App class.
- Introduced CupertinoApp.router() to the framework.
8.11.0 #
April 16, 2022
- // address the possibility an App has called another App.
- _state = lastContext?.findAncestorStateOfType<_AppState>();
- // Determine if this app has been called by another app.
- final state = context.findRootAncestorStateOfType<_AppState>();
- /// Current Screen Size
- static Size get screenSize => MediaQueryData.fromWindow(mainWindow).size;
- sdk: ">=2.16.2 <3.0.0"
8.10.1+02 #
April 01, 2022
- AppState refresh(); // Critical to have the App 'refresh' first.
- State? get parentState /// Reference the 'parent' State object
- void reload() /// Reload the whole App
- sdk: ^2.16.0 #'>=2.16.2 <3.0.0' <--- Incorrect.
8.10.0+02 #
March 31, 2022
- super(key: key ?? GlobalKey()); in AppStatefulWidget
- static bool disposeStatic = true; // Flag to dispose static objects
8.9.1 #
March 30, 2022
- Removed Prefs.dispose() from AppState dispose()
- if (init && !v.App.hotReload) { if called by another app
- if (UniversalPlatform.isAndroid || UniversalPlatform.isIOS)
- Deprecated widgetsAppKey and homeKey
- Supplied cupertinoKey and materialKey
- Corrected example app: WordPairsTimer() removed and CounterPage(key: key);
8.9.0 #
March 27, 2022
- create the app-level State object with createAppState();
- class AppMVC is deprecated replaced by AppStatefulWidget
- Widget build(BuildContext context) => buildWidget(context);
8.8.3+01 #
March 16, 2022
- var init = v.App.isInit; // In case this app is called by another app.
- Error fix: "dependOnInheritedElement() was called before initState() completed"
- Removed any reference to ColorPicker in app_menu.dart
- v.App.themeData ??= ThemeData.light(); Assigned the default Flutter theme
- More documentation in field_widgets.dart
8.8.2+01 #
March 15, 2022
- Widget build(BuildContext context) => buildWidget(context); // Override build()
- Use latest l10n_translator
- import InheritedStateMVC from mvc_pattern
8.8.1 #
March 08, 2022
- Collect the device's information but not in the Windows platform
8.8.0+01 #
March 06, 2022
- Dart sdk: '>=2.16.1 <3.0.0'
- Removed factory constructor from example app class View
- Introduced class, l10n_translator
- Introduce latest mvc_pattern package
8.7.1 #
February 15, 2022
- No longer pass 'con' to AppStatefulWidget. Supply to AppState instead.
- Further documentation of public API's
- Enhanced class CustomRaisedButton
- getter, supportedLocales, returns a List of the App's locales.
8.7.0+04 #
December 31, 2021
- Corrected .github/workflows/ci.yml
8.7.0 #
December 30, 2021
- class AppRouteInformationProvider extends PlatformRouteInformationProvider {
8.6.0 #
December 28, 2021
- _routeInformationParser = v.AppRouteInformationParser();
- if (_backButtonPushed(configuration.path!)) {
- _currentConfiguration = _previousPath();
- AppRoutePath.unknown([String? _path])
- configuration = AppRouterDelegate._currentConfiguration;
- PointerDeviceKind.touch,
8.5.0 #
December 18, 2021
- app_navigator.dart
- sdk: '>=2.15.0 <3.0.0'
- mvc_application/example & test/
8.4.1 #
December 15, 2021
- Once assigned at runApp(), you can't assign error handlers if allowNewHandlers is false.
- if (!allowNewHandlers && reassigned) {
8.4.0 #
December 13, 2021
- get screenSize
- get asSmallScreen
- get inSmallScreen
- class InheritedStates
8.3.0 #
December 08, 2021
- url_strategy: ^0.2.0 to remove # sign in url
8.2.1 #
November 28, 2021
- Properly clean up memory
- _app?.dispose();
- _appState = null;
- _vw = null;
8.2.0 #
November 24, 2021
- void inheritWidget(BuildContext context) => mvc.AppStateMVC.inheritWidget(context);
8.1.0+02 #
November 11, 2021
- Updated
8.1.0 #
November 11, 2021
- Supplied an example app
- ..initialValue = item.value
8.0.1 #
November 10, 2021
- itemsObj.value = '';
8.0.0 #
October 30, 2021
- @Deprecated('No need to replace the initState() function. Use initState()') void initApp() {}
- class AppController extends ControllerMVC implements mvc.AppControllerMVC, v.ConnectivityListener {
- class AppState
- // Listen to the device's connectivity. v.App.addConnectivityListener(con);
- /// The widget passed to runApp(). abstract class AppMVC extends StatelessWidget {
- v.AppState createView(); to v.AppState createState();
- class AppStatefulWidget extends v.AppStatefulWidgetMVC {
- Removed string_encryption.dart;
- pedantic 1.11.1 (discontinued replaced by lints)
- class FieldWidgets
7.11.0+2 #
October 29, 2021
- Padding(padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 30),child: trailing)
7.11.0 #
October 24, 2021
- static ColorSwatch<int?>? setThemeData([ColorSwatch<int?>? value]) {
- bool? captureInheritedThemes;
- final LocaleListResolutionCallback? inLocaleListResolutionCallback;
- final LocaleResolutionCallback? inLocaleResolutionCallback;
- v.App.themeData ??= ThemeData.light();
- color: color ?? onColor() ??,
- inLocaleResolutionCallback ?? v.I10n.localeResolutionCallback;
- // title ??= '';
- // color ??=;
- v.App.setThemeData();
- class ISOSpinner extends StatefulWidget {
- static void snackBar({
- context: App.context!,
7.10.0 #
October 17, 2021
- package_info_plus: ^1.0.0
7.9.2 #
October 08, 2021
- if (snapshot.hasError || (v.App.isInit != null && !v.App.isInit!)) {
7.9.1 #
October 08, 2021
- (v.App.isInit != null && v.App.isInit!)
7.9.0 #
September 28, 2021
- run_app.dart and run_webapp.dart
7.8.1 #
September 15, 2021
- Future<bool?> showBox({ to Future
7.8.0 #
September 09, 2021
- RouterDelegate
New Route Navigation
- Migrating from
plugin todevice_info_plus
- flutter_local_notifications from ^6.0.0 to ^8.0.0
- List<Map<String, dynamic>?> mapItems to List<Map<String, dynamic>> mapItems
7.7.1+2 #
August 03, 2021
- Migrate from the
plugin toconnectivity_plus
. - Corrected schedule_notifications.dart
7.7.0 #
July 08, 2021
- StateMVC.of
7.6.1 #
June 21, 2021
- Empty _items = [{}];
- universal_platform: ^1.0.0+1
7.6.0 #
June 16, 2021
- restorationScopeId & scrollBehavior for MaterialApp and CupertinoApp
7.5.0 #
June 12, 2021
- connectivity 3.0.6 (was 3.0.4)
- device_info 2.0.2 (was 2.0.1)
- ffi 1.1.2 (was 1.0.0)
- flutter_native_timezone 1.1.0 (2.0.0 available)
- mvc_pattern 7.3.0+2 (was 7.2.0)
- package_info 2.0.2 (was 2.0.0)
- path_provider 2.0.2 (was 2.0.1)
- shared_preferences 2.0.6 (was 2.0.5)
- url_launcher 6.0.6 (was 6.0.4)
- url_launcher_web 2.0.1 (was 2.0.0)
- win32 2.1.5 (was 2.1.1)
7.4.0 #
May 24, 2021
- connectivity 3.0.4 (was 3.0.3)
- device_info 2.0.1 (was 2.0.0)
- file 6.1.1 (was 6.1.0)
- flutter_local_notifications 6.0.0 (was 5.0.0)
- url_launcher 6.0.4 (was 6.0.3)
- win32 2.1.1 (was 2.0.5)
7.3.0 #
May 12, 2021
- flutter_material_color_picker incompatible to null safety
- Corrected the examples
7.2.0 #
May 05, 2021
- Commented out flutter_string_encryption (too old)
- this.useMaterial, this.useCupertino, this.switchUI,
7.1.0 #
March 28, 2021
- Removed deprecated snapshot getter
- Introduced iso_spinner.dart
- Remove getThemeData() & setThemeData() in app.dart
- v.App.themeData = theme ?? ThemeData.light();
- rethrow an App.initAsync() error
- _fillRecords(); to fillRecords();
- final T? object; to T? object; in FieldWidgets
7.0.2-nullsafety #
March 10, 2021
- i10n_translator: ^2.0.0
7.0.1-nullsafety #
March 10, 2021
- 'App' cannot be null replacing '?.' with '.'
7.0.0-nullsafety #
March 10, 2021
- Null safety 2.12.0
- Removed example app
6.12.0 #
March 05, 2021
- Localizations.maybeLocaleOf(context);
- ScaffoldMessenger.maybeOf(context);
- PopupMenuButton(captureInheritedThemes: true);
- m.Material( in field_widgets.dart
6.11.0+3 #
January 25, 2021
- bool setAppStatefulWidget()
- static BuildContext get context => _appWidget.context;
- _app.addConnectivityListener(con); _app.initInternal();
- m.Material(child: m.TextFormField(
- Widget get listTile => App.useCupertino ? CupertinoListTile(
- return Material(child: DropdownButton
- file format
6.10.2 #
January 13, 2021
- Supply a range to pre-release dependencies '>=0.1.0 <1.0.0'
6.10.1 #
January 12, 2021
- abstract class AppPopupMenu
- key: key ?? this.key,
- timezone: ^0.5.0
6.10.0 #
January 10, 2021
- Allow for popup menu on iOS: popupMenu = Material(child: popupMenu);
6.9.1 #
January 09, 2021
- app_menu.dart' show AppMenu, AppPopupMenu
6.9.0 #
January 09, 2021
- Introduced class AppPopupMenu
6.8.1 #
January 09, 2021
- Renamed parameters errorHandler, errorScreen, errorReport in controller/app.dart
6.8.0 #
January 09, 2021
- consistency naming of named parameters: errorHandler, errorScreen, errorReport
6.7.0 #
December 09, 2020
- flutter analyze with pedantic: ^1.10.0-nullsafety.3
- No annotation of local variables
- Removed named parameter, nullOK from Scaffold.of(context);
6.6.0 #
December 06, 2020
- Further documentation
- Finalize variables in app_state.dart
- No longer using deprecated autovalidate from TextFormField
6.5.2 #
November 26, 2020
- Updated device_info: ^0.4.0
6.5.1 #
November 21, 2020
- home: home ?? onHome(); Introduced function for named-parameter, home.
6.5.0 #
November 15, 2020
- Allow interface switching.
- merge DefaultMaterialLocalizations.delegate & I10nDelegate()
6.4.0 #
November 10, 2020
- New parameter allowNewHandlers in AppErrorHandler
6.3.0 #
November 09, 2020
- New method onAsyncError(FlutterErrorDetails details)
- App-level & Async error handling
- Deprecated getter, snapshot.
- Deprecated ErrorHandler for AppErrorHandler
6.2.1 #
November 07, 2020
- Corrected some named-parameters from 'reportError' to 'errorReport'
6.2.0 #
November 07, 2020
- Class ErrorHandler is deprecated replaced by class AppErrorHandler
- Many more error handler setters and getters.
- App class object now has reference to the error handler.
- Renamed AppState.reportError to AppState.errorReport.
- Updated to latest plugin, FlutterLocalNotificationsPlugin
6.1.0 #
November 02, 2020
- 25 new 'MaterialApp & CupertinoApp property methods' in the class, AppState
- new method, App.setThemeData();
- new method, AppMenu.setThemeData();
6.0.0 #
October 29, 2020
- sdk: ">=2.10.0 <3.0.0"
- Separate the MVC components to individual dart files: app_statefulwidget.dart, app_state.dart, app.dart and app_menu.dart
- Renamed class, App, to AppStatefulWidget and in file, app_statefulwidget.dart
- Renamed class, AppView, to AppState and in file, app_state.dart.
- New separate class, App, in the file, app.dart.
- In dialog_box.dart, switch the push buttons around.
- Introduce dependency, flutter_localizations:, to support for other languages.
- Introduce dependency, url_launcher_web: ^0.1.0, for web support
5.13.0+2 #
October 17, 2020
- switchButtons in class _DialogWindow
- update
5.13.0 #
October 16, 2020
- Incorporate text translation with package, I10n_translator
- Removed the second MaterialApp()
- Removed AppError().home;
- App.changeUI(String ui);
- Enhanced getter App.locale
- Corrected theme: property
- Enhance dialog_box.dart
- Update field_widgets.dart
- Update schedule_notifications.dart and flutter_local_notifications: ^2.0.0
- Removed deprecated properties: materialKey, getThemeData() and setThemeData()
- Introduced the IOS-style interface feature: tab_buttons.dart
- Introduced timezone.dart with plugin, flutter_native_timezone.
5.12.0 #
October 02, 2020
- Conditional export of runApp()
- Removed deprecated materialKey in view/app.dart
5.11.2 #
October 02, 2020
- missing LocaleListResolutionCallback
- FloatingActionButtonThemeData to AppMenu class
5.11.1 #
September 18, 2020
- Utilize App.refresh();
- flutter_local_notifications: ^1.0.0
5.11.0 #
September 16, 2020
- New field, type, in class, DataFieldItem
- Removed from example app fields, prefix, suffix, street, city, region, postcode & country
- one2Many(), mapItems() in field_widgets.dart
- Corrected version number in
5.10.0 #
September 07, 2020
- New embedded Android version
- New example app
- Replaced with _asyncBuilder()
- initAsync() calls Prefs.init(), _getThemeData() and createView()
- _AppWidget changed to _AppStatefulWidget
- export 'package:pedantic/pedantic.dart' show unawaited;
- Default colour instead of Colors.white
5.9.0 #
July 14, 2020
- Strict Flutter Lint Rules following Dart Style Guide.
- Introduced analysis_options.yaml
5.8.0 #
July 10, 2020
- static set themeData(dynamic value)
- v.AppMenu.onChange();
5.7.0 #
July 09, 2020
- @deprecated materialKey;
- (UniversalPlatform.isIOS && switchUI);
- @deprecated Widget buildView(BuildContext context)
5.6.0 #
July 08, 2020
- void addField(); String get errorText
5.5.0 #
July 06, 2020
- Provide a Form's Stat object: Widget linkForm(child) => _ChildForm(parent: this, child: child);
- git rm --cached -r .pubspec.lock
5.4.2 #
July 05, 2020
- (switchUI && !useCupertino && !useMaterial);
5.4.1 #
July 04, 2020
- (UniversalPlatform.isAndroid && !switchUI)
5.4.0 #
July 04, 2020
- updated .gitignore
5.3.4 #
July 04, 2020
- useMaterial = !switchUI &&
5.3.3 #
June 29, 2020
- App.init() if (App?.themeData == null) {
5.3.2 #
June 27, 2020
- ColorPicker.color = App.themeData.primaryColor;
5.3.1 #
June 24, 2020
- Replace 'dart:io' to allow for Web apps.
- import 'package:universal_platform/universal_platform.dart';
5.3.0 #
June 11, 2020
- final ThemeData theme; final CupertinoThemeData iOSTheme; deprecate getThemeData();
5.2.0 #
June 07, 2020
- Renamed App.theme to App.themeData; _errorHandler.init(); removed App.colorTheme; AppMenu.init();
5.1.2 #
June 03, 2020
- Corrected Apache Licence
5.1.1 #
May 29, 2020
- errorHandler.reportError, errorHandler.runZonedError, errorHandler.isolateError
5.1.0 #
May 18, 2020
- Replaced runZoned() with runZonedGuarded()
- class DataFields in field_widgets.dart
5.0.1 #
May 18, 2020
- ConnectivityListener test for null
5.0.0 #
May 18, 2020
- Removed Controllers.of() from app.dart
- mvc_pattern: ^6.0.0
- Hide AppConMVC from mvc_pattern.dart
4.0.1 #
May 16, 2020
- Uncomment show_cupertino_date_picker.dart
4.0.0 #
May 09, 2020
- Renamed class Consumer to ConConsumer not be interfere with library package, Provider.
- Replace deprecated subhead to subtitle1 in DialogBox.dart
- Renamed Item to DataFieldItem in fields_widgets.dart.
- Renamed ten library files to conform to naming conventions.
3.0.1 #
May 06, 2020
- Changed onSaved: (String v) in fields_widgets
- App._hotReload made private
3.0.0 #
April 24, 2020
- Removed export files app.dart & mvc.dart
- Test extensively for null parameters
- Supply Object parameter to AppView
- Export Material.dart and Cupertino.dat in model.dart, view.dart and controller.dart.
- Uncomment DialogBox.dart due to bug.
- New getter vw in class App
- New properties in AppView: useMaterial, useCupertino and switchUI
2.0.2 #
April 23, 2020
- Removed DialogBox.dart and showCupertinoDatePicker.dart to fix bug.
2.0.1 #
April 23, 2020
- DialogBox.dart return 'Future
- app.dart removed 'I10n' and 'ErrorHandler'
2.0.0 #
April 21, 2020
- Removed the packages, dbutils, i10n_translator, firebase_remote_config, android_alarm_manager
- Removed all dependencies to Firebase
1.9.0 #
April 21, 2020
- Introduced the mixin HandleError
- Replaced the class AlarmManager with flutter_local_notifications
- Introduced Future
- Introduced CupertinoActivityIndicator() in class _App
- Introduced new class ScheduleNotifications
1.8.0 #
- Better Error Handling integration
- runApp();
- AppController onError(FlutterErrorDetails details);
- App _errorHandler = v.ErrorHandler();
- AppView onError(FlutterErrorDetails details);
- AppViewState _errorHandler = v.ErrorHandler();
- AppMenu if (App.useMaterial);
- showBox if (App.useMaterial);
- class StringCrypt
1.7.1 #
- Format source code
- Update
1.7.0 #
- Include the library file, alarm_manager.dart, to provide the class, AlarmManager
1.6.1 #
- Prepare for 1.0.0 version of sensors and package_info.
1.6.0 #
March 13, 2020
- intro plugin android_alarm_manager with alarm_manager.dart
- intro App.hasError
- privatized AppView._useMaterial, AppView._useCupertino
1.5.0 #
February 29, 2020
- CupertinoApp, showAboutDialog(), foundation.dart' show kIsWeb;
1.4.1 #
January 19, 2020
- AppError(snapshot.error).home is returned when error
1.4.0 #
January 16, 2020
- controllerByType()
- setState() allowed at times.
- import 'package:i10n_translator/i10n.dart';
- ErrorWidgetBuilder errorScreen
- static void catchError(Exception ex)
- themeMode: themeMode
- introduce VariableString.dart, custom_raised_button.dart', NavBottomBar.dart
1.3.0 #
October 21, 2019
- Introduced package:i10n_translator
- Removed default: this.supportedLocales = const
- Included LocaleListResolutionCallback localeListResolutionCallback;
1.2.0 #
September 20, 2019
- Provide List
- class Controllers.of
- Widget buildView(BuildContext context) {
- class SetState and class Consumer
1.1.1 #
August 23, 2019
- Add assert to SetState class
1.1.0 #
August 23, 2019
- Remove setter from App.theme
- Introduce class StateMVC and ControllerMVC in App
- New function refresh() in view/App
- InheritedWidget to AppView class
- SetState class in App
- Introduce static PopupMenuButton
1.0.6 #
August 13, 2019
- ThemeData onTheme() => App.theme;
- _theme ??= await App.getThemeData();
1.0.5 #
August 10, 2019
- super.initApp(); in App class
1.0.4 #
July 21, 2019
- Lengthen description in pubspec.yaml
- state) in appmenu.dart
- Remove reference to AppConMVC DeviceInfo and Theme in app.dart
1.0.3 #
July 21, 2019
- Removed export 'package:sqflite/sqflite.dart';
- Add sqflite: ^1.1.6+2
- Add constraints in pubspec.yaml
- Supply links to
1.0.2 #
July 17, 2019
- export 'package:prefs/prefs.dart' show Prefs;
1.0.1 #
July 17, 2019
- Class App now in mvc_application/src/view/app.dart
1.0.0 #
July 16, 2019
- Initial release to
0.15.2 #
- Supply the AsyncSnapshot in App.snapshot
0.15.1 #
- final Widget loadingScreen;
- uxutils.git in pubspec.yaml
- Comment out _applicationParameters
0.15.0 #
- Add named parameter loadingScreen
0.14.3 #
- Moved ViewMVC to view/mvc.dart
- Moved ModelMVC to model/mvc.dart
- Update export file, mvc.dart
0.14.2 #
- factory App(AppView view
0.14.1 #
- dartfmt and show directive all code
0.14.0 #
- get isInit; AndroidX dependencies
0.13.0 #
- prefs: library package
0.12.1 #
- 'package:mvc_application/src/controller/app.dart' show App, AppController;
0.12.0 #
- delete export 'src/controller/app.dart';
0.11.0 #
- Rename class AppView to AppViewState; AppState to AppView
0.10.0 #
- class App extends AppMVC { class ViewMVC extends AppState {
0.9.1 #
- mvc_pattern: in pubspec.yaml
0.9.0 #
- static String get appName => _packageInfo.appName; await DeviceInfo.init(); Introduced DeviceInfo
0.8.1 #
- showAboutDialog(); PackageInfo.fromPlatform(); show Prefs;
0.7.4 #
- Color Theme Menu Popup
0.7.3 #
- await Prefs.init(); get colorTheme => AppMenu.colorTheme;
0.7.2 #
- class FieldWidgets
0.7.1 #
- Removed class ConMVC, SDK Constraint to <3.0.0, keys() in class Item
0.6.0 #
- Renamed the classes Controller and View to ConMVC and ViewMVC
0.5.0 #
- if (_firstCon == null) _firstCon = this; get inDebugger in class App
0.4.0 #
- factory _App({AppConMVC con, Key key}) {
0.3.0 #
- Moved the class, Controller, into mvc.dart.
0.2.0 #
- class AppView extends StateMVC Highlights UI while debugging.
0.1.7 #
- _App super(con: null, key: key);
- controller.dart export show StateListener;
- fields.dart DefaultTextStyle get defaultTextStyle
- mvc.dart MVC(AppView view, {Key key}) View() this.add(con);
0.1.2 #
- Introduced the class, Field
0.1.1 #
- export statements finalized.
0.1.0 #
- Initial Development Release