multiutillib 0.0.2 copy "multiutillib: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
multiutillib: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package with multiple utilities to use on the go and ease in development process.

multiutillib #

A flutter package to help with utilities, animations and some pre-built widgets. Some widgets are with default values for direct use and you can still customize according to your needs.

This package used following packages:

  1. [intl] (
  2. [shimmer] (
  3. [device_info] (
  4. [url_launcher] (
  5. [package_info] (
  6. [progress_dialog] (
  7. [simple_animations] (
  8. [connectivity_wrapper] (

Examples #

FadeAnimation #

This widget will help a child widget to perform a fade animation. [FadeAnimation] (lib/animations/fade_animation.dart) requires two parameters delay and child. The delay is animation delay to be performed.

Example of FadeAnimation: FadeAnimation( delay: 1, child: Container(), ),

SlideAnimation #

This widget will help a child widget to perform a slide animation from Top, Left, Right or Bottom direction. [SlideAnimation] (lib/animations/slide_animation.dart) required 5 parameters child, itemCount, position, slideDirection and animationController. This widget will help in animating items of list view.

There is enum to help choose direction of slide animation.

Example of SlideAnimation: SlideAnimation( child: child, position: position, itemCount: itemCount, slideDirection: SlideDirection.fromRight, animationController: animationController, ),

DateTimeUtils #

This is a utility class which will help in getting current date in format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' or date format passed. This class will also help in formatting date in any valid format like 'dd-MM-yyyy' or 'dd/MM/yyyy' or any other you want.

Example of DateTimeUtils: debugPrint('current date is: ${getCurrentDate()}'); debugPrint('formatting any date: ${formatDateTime('Date String to format', newDateTimeFormat: 'Date Format to format the given date'}');

Utils #

This is a utility class which will help in getting device name, device id, managing null values in strings.

  1. getDeviceName() - returns future string
  2. getDeviceId() - returns future string
  3. replaceNullWithEmpty(String to be replace) - returns string value or empty string
  4. replaceNullWithZero(String to be replace) - returns integer value or zero
  5. replaceNullWithDouble(String to be replace) - returns double value or zero
  6. replaceTrueOrFalse(String to be replace) - returns 1 for true value or 0 for false value
  7. formatNumber({@required var numberToFormat, String customPattern = '##,###,###.##'}) - returns formatted value

ShowConfirmationDialog #

This method will show a confirmation dialog box with two button to ask for confirmation.

Example: showConfirmationDialog( BuildContext context, Widget transitionAnimation, String negativeBtnText 'No', String positiveBtnText: 'Yes', bool barrierDismissible: false, Color dividerColor =, Color positiveBtnColor =, Color negativeBtnColor = Colors.blueAccent, TextAlign descTextAlign =, TextAlign titleTextAlign =, Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 400), DialogAnimationType dialogAnimationType = DialogAnimationType.grow, TextStyle descStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.27, color:, TextStyle titleStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18, letterSpacing: 0.27, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), TextStyle positiveBtnStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18, letterSpacing: 0.27, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), TextStyle negativeBtnStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18, letterSpacing: 0.27, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), @required String title, @required String description, @required VoidCallback onPositivePressed, );

ShowCustomDialog #

This method will show a dialog box with single button to show warning or info or success or error.

Example: showCustomDialog( BuildContext context, String btnText = 'OK', Color btnColor =, bool barrierDismissible: false, Color dividerColor =, TextAlign descTextAlign =, TextAlign titleTextAlign =, Duration transitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 400), DialogAnimationType dialogAnimationType = DialogAnimationType.grow, TextStyle descStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.27, color:, TextStyle btnStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18, letterSpacing: 0.27, fontWeight: FontWeight.w400), TextStyle titleStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 18, letterSpacing: 0.27, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold), @required String title, @required String description, }

ProgressDialog #

This class will help in showing and hiding progress dialog with custom loading widget.


// For Showing Progress Dialog await showProgressDialog(context);

// For hiding Progress Dialog await hideProgressDialog();

ConnectivityLayout #

This is widget to show connectivity message like Internet Connection not available. To use this widget you need to use 'connectivity_wrapper' package and wrap your 'MaterialApp' with ConnectivityAppWrapper.


ConnectivityLayout( @required Widget child, this.bgColor =, this.disableInteraction = false, this.alignment = Alignment.bottomCenter, this.message = 'Internet Connection not Available.', this.messageStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ),

DefaultButton #

This is a button widget. See example for using this widget


DefaultButton( isEnabled = true, borderRadius = 24, isUpperCase = true, margin = const EdgeInsets.only(top: 20), @required String text, @required Function onPressed, ),

HyperLinkText #

This is a widget to show a text and launch an url on click of the text.


HyperLinkText(url: '', text: 'Open Google'),

LoadingWidget #

This widget will show a loading shimmer effect.


LoadingWidget( itemCount = 6, highlightColor = Colors.white, baseColor = const Color(0xFFE0E0E0), ),

MaterialCard #

This widget is useful in showing card view. You can use it directly or customize according to your needs. You can pass either borderRadius parameter value or borderRadiusGeometry parameter value.


MaterialCard( @required Widget child, onTap, borderRadius, elevation = 4, borderRadiusGeometry, color = Colors.white, padding = const EdgeInsets.all(12), margin = const EdgeInsets.only(top: 12), ),

OTPTextField #

This widget is useful to take input for OTP while using OTP based login.


OTPTextField( @required int noOfOtpFields, borderWidth = 2, isEnabled = true, autoFocus = true, autoCorrect = false, borderColor =, cursorColor =, textAlign =, margin = const EdgeInsets.only(top: 20, left: 20, right: 20), textStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 16, letterSpacing: 0.27, color:, ),

RichTextWidget #

This widget is helpful in showing caption and description value in single line or caption on top and description in new line.


RichTextWidget( @required String caption, @required String description, isDescNewLine = false, captionStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal), descriptionStyle = const TextStyle(fontSize: 14, color:, fontWeight: FontWeight.normal), ),

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A new Flutter package with multiple utilities to use on the go and ease in development process.

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connectivity_wrapper, device_info, flutter, intl, package_info, progress_dialog, shimmer, simple_animations, url_launcher


Packages that depend on multiutillib