kakao_flutter_sdk 0.3.1
kakao_flutter_sdk: ^0.3.1 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin for Kakao API, which supports Kakao login, KakaoLink, User API, KakaoTalk API, KakaoStory API, and Push API.
kakao_flutter_sdk #
Flutter SDK for Kakao API.
Currently supports Android
and iOS
platform, and will support web
platform (still in technival preview stage) when it becomes stable.
Getting Started #
Flutter is becoming more wide-spread as a cross-platform development tool since it provides natively-compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Several requests have been made for Flutter support for Kakao API.
Setting up the dependency #
The first step is to include Kakao Flutter SDK into your project, in pubspec.yaml
Currently, Kakao Flutter SDK is not publicly released on pub.dev.
Therefore, you have to specify the dependency as below in your pubspec.yaml
url: git@github.com:CoderSpinoza/kakao-flutter-sdk.git
In the near future when it is released on pub.dev, below would suffice.
kakao_flutter_sdk: ^0.3.1
Transitive dependencies #
Kakao Flutter SDK has following transitive dependencies:
- dio (2.1.0)
- json_serializable (2.4.0)
- shared_preferences (0.5.3+1)
- platform (2.2.0)
Below dependencies were considered but was removed due to restrictions against our needs:
- url_launcher
- flutter_custom_tabs
- flutter_web_auth
SDK calls Chrome Custom Tabs
and ASWebAuthenticationSession
natively via platform channel.
Set up your Kakao App #
You have to create an application on Kakao Developers and set up iOS and Android platforms. Follow the instructions below:
Implementation Guide #
Initializing SDK #
First, you have to initialize SDK at app startup in order to use it. It is as simple as setting your native app key in global context.
KakaoContext.clientId = "${put your native app key here}"
Kakao Login #
First, users have to get access token in order to call Kakao API. Access tokens are issued according to OAuth 2.0 spec.
- kakao account authentication
- user agreemnet (skip if not necessary)
- get authorization code (via redirect)
- issue access token (via POST API)
Getting Authorization Code
There are two ways users can get authorization code.
- Via kakao account login in browser
- Via KakaoTalk
Via browser
SDK uses ASWebAuthenticationSession
and Custom Tabs
for opening browser on iOS
and Android
, respectively.
void loginButtonClicked() async {
try {
String authCode = await AuthCodeClient.instance.request();
} on KakaoAuthException catch (e) {
// some error happened during the course of user login... deal with it.
} on KakaoClientException catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
Via KakaoTalk
void loginButtonClicked() async {
try {
String authCode = await AuthCodeClient.instance.requestWithTalk();
} on KakaoAuthException catch (e) {
// some error happened during the course of user login... deal with it.
} on KakaoClientException catch (e) {
} catch (e) {
Getting Access Token
Sample login code is pasted below:
void loginButtonClicked() async {
try {
String authCode = await AuthCodeClient.instance.request();
AccessToken token = await AuthApi.instance.issueAccessToken(authCode);
} catch (e) {
// some error happened during the course of user login... deal with it.
Currently, Kakao Flutter SDK does not plan to support Kakao login or KakaoLink via kakaoTalk. The SDK tries to support as many platform and environment as possible and mobile-only
After user's first login (access token persisted correctly), you can check the status of AccessTokenStore in order to skip this process. Below is the sample code of checking token status and redirecting to login screen if refresh token does not exist.
String token = await AccessTokenStore.instance.fromCache();
if (token.refreshToken == null) {
} else {
Existence of refresh token is a good criteria for deciding whether user has to authorize again or not, since refresh token can be used to refresh access token.
Calling Token-based API #
After ensuring that access token does exist with above step, you can call token-based API. Below are set of APIs that are currently supported with Kakao Flutter SDK.
- UserApi
- TalkApi
- StoryApi
Tokens are automatically added to Authorization header by AccessTokenInterceptor.
Below is an example of calling /v2/user/me API with UserApi
try {
User user = await UserApi.instance.me();
// do anything you want with user instance
} on KakaoAuthException catch (e) {
if (e.code == ApiErrorCause.INVALID_TOKEN) { // access token has expired and cannot be refrsehd. access tokens are already cleared here
Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed('/login'); // redirect to login page
} catch (e) {
// other api or client-side errors
App key based API #
KakaoLink API can be used after simply setting your native app key in KakaoContext since it is not a token-based API. Below is an example of sending KakaoLink message with custom template.
import 'package:kakao_flutter_sdk/main.dart';
Uri uri = await LinkClient.instance
.custom(16761, templateArgs: {"key1": "value1"});
await launchBrowserTab(uri);
SDK Architecture #
Automatic token refreshing #
Tokens are automatically refreshed on relveant api errors.
Dynamic User Agreement #
There are
Customization #
Documentation #
Docs are generated by DartDoc and currently published under https://coderspinoza.github.io/kakao-flutter-sdk/. This documentation page is going to be maintained apart from the page that will be available on pub.dev
Development Guide #
$ flutter analyze --no-pub --no-current-package lib
$ flutter packages pub publish --dry-run
Defining Response Models #
$ flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs