package manager

The official package repository for Dart and Flutter apps.

Supported by Google

Flutter Favorites

Some of the packages that demonstrate the highest levels of quality, selected by the Flutter Ecosystem Committee


A feature-rich audio player for Flutter. Loop, clip and concatenate any sound from any source (asset/file/URL/stream) in a variety of audio formats with gapless playback.


A routing package built on top of Router and Navigator's pages API, supporting arbitrary nested navigation, guards and more.


A predictable state management library that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) design pattern.


A cross platform plugin for displaying and scheduling local notifications for Flutter applications with the ability to customise for each platform.

Most popular packages

Some of the most downloaded packages over the past 60 days


Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth, enabling authentication using passwords, phone numbers and identity providers like Google, Facebook and Twitter.


Default icons asset for Cupertino widgets based on Apple styled icons


Flutter plugin for reading and writing simple key-value pairs. Wraps NSUserDefaults on iOS and SharedPreferences on Android.


Add beautiful animated effects & builders in Flutter, via an easy, customizable, unified API.


Lint rules are a powerful way to improve the maintainability of a project. Custom Lint allows package authors and developers to easily write custom lint rules.


A library for YAML manipulation with comment and whitespace preservation.

Top Flutter packages

Some of the top packages that extend Flutter with new features


Flutter plugin for selecting images from the Android and iOS image library, and taking new pictures with the camera.


Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network (WiFi & mobile/cellular) connectivity on Android and iOS.


Flutter plugin for Firebase Remote Config. Update your application look and feel and behavior without re-releasing.


Flutter plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging, a cross-platform messaging solution that lets you reliably deliver messages on Android and iOS.


Utilities for handling media (MIME) types, including determining a type from a file extension and file contents.


Customize Flutter's default white native splash screen with background color and splash image. Supports dark mode, full screen, and more.

Top Dart packages

Some of the top packages for any Dart-based app or program


A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests.


Process run helpers for Linux/Win/Mac and which like feature for finding executables.


Explicitly reads environment variables into a dart file from a .env file for more security and faster start up times.


A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications


A powerful HTTP networking package, supports Interceptors, Aborting and canceling a request, Custom adapters, Transformers, etc.


A time-based job scheduler similar to cron. Run tasks periodically at fixed times or intervals.

Package of the Week

Package of the Week is a series of quick, animated videos, each of which covers a particular package

video_player (Package of the Week)
Mix (Package of the Week)
feedback (Package of the Week)
Mix (Package of the Week)