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Flutter plugin for Intercom integration. Provides in-app messaging and help-center Intercom services

intercom_flutter #

Pub CI

Flutter wrapper for Intercom Android, iOS, and Web projects.

  • Uses Intercom Android SDK Version 15.12.0.
  • The minimum Android SDK minSdk required is 21.
  • The compile Android SDK compileSdk required is 34.
  • Uses Intercom iOS SDK Version 18.4.0.
  • The minimum iOS target version required is 15.
  • The Xcode version required is 15.

Usage #

Import package:intercom_flutter/intercom_flutter.dart and use the methods in Intercom class.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:intercom_flutter/intercom_flutter.dart';

void main() async {
    // initialize the flutter binding.
    // initialize the Intercom.
    // make sure to add keys from your Intercom workspace.
    // don't forget to set up the custom application class on Android side.
    await Intercom.instance.initialize('appIdHere', iosApiKey: 'iosKeyHere', androidApiKey: 'androidKeyHere');

class App extends StatelessWidget {

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return FlatButton(
            child: Text('Open Intercom'),
            onPressed: () async {
                // messenger will load the messages only if the user is registered in Intercom.
                // either identified or unidentified.
                await Intercom.instance.displayMessenger();

See Intercom Android and iOS package documentation for more information.

Android #

Make sure that your app's MainActivity extends FlutterFragmentActivity (you can check the example).


<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Optional permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS" />

Enable AndroidX + Jetifier support in your android/ file (see example app):


According to the documentation, Intercom must be initialized in the Application onCreate. So follow the below steps to achieve the same:

  • Setup custom application class if you don't have any.
    • Create a custom class named MyApp.
    • Add an onCreate() override. The class should look like this:
    class MyApp: Application() {
        override fun onCreate() {
    • Open your AndroidManifest.xml and find the application tag. In it, add an android:name attribute, and set the value to your class' name, prefixed by a dot (.).
      android:name=".MyApp" >
  • Now initialize the Intercom SDK inside the onCreate() of custom application class according to the following:
import io.maido.intercom.IntercomFlutterPlugin

class MyApp : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {

    // Add this line with your keys
    IntercomFlutterPlugin.initSdk(this, appId = "appId", androidApiKey = "androidApiKey")

iOS #

Make sure that you have a NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription entry in your Info.plist.

Push notifications setup #

This plugin works in combination with the firebase_messaging plugin to receive Push Notifications. To set this up:

  • First, implement firebase_messaging
  • Then, add the Firebase server key to Intercom, as described here (you can skip 1 and 2 as you have probably done them while configuring firebase_messaging)
  • Follow the steps as described here to enable push notification in iOS.
  • Starting from Android 13 you may need to ask for notification permissions (as of version 13 firebase_messaging should support that)
  • Ask FirebaseMessaging for the token that we need to send to Intercom, and give it to Intercom (so Intercom can send push messages to the correct device), please note that in order to receive push notifications in your iOS app, you have to send the APNS token to Intercom. The example below uses firebase_messaging to get either the FCM or APNS token based on the platform:
final firebaseMessaging = FirebaseMessaging.instance;
final intercomToken = Platform.isIOS ? await firebaseMessaging.getAPNSToken() : await firebaseMessaging.getToken();


Now, if either Firebase direct (e.g. by your own backend server) or Intercom sends you a message, it will be delivered to your app.

Web #

You don't need to do any extra steps for the web. Intercom script will be automatically injected. But you can pre-define some Intercom settings, if you want (optional).

    window.intercomSettings = {
        hide_default_launcher: true, // hide the default launcher

Following functions are not yet supported on Web:

  • ❌ unreadConversationCount
  • ❌ setInAppMessagesVisibility
  • ❌ sendTokenToIntercom
  • ❌ handlePushMessage
  • ❌ isIntercomPush
  • ❌ handlePush
  • ❌ displayCarousel
  • ❌ displayHelpCenterCollections

Using Intercom keys with --dart-define #

Use --dart-define variables to avoid hardcoding Intercom keys.

Pass the Intercom keys with flutter run or flutter build command using --dart-define. #

flutter run --dart-define="INTERCOM_APP_ID=appID" --dart-define="INTERCOM_ANDROID_KEY=androidKey" --dart-define="INTERCOM_IOS_KEY=iosKey"

Note: You can also use --dart-define-from-file which is introduced in Flutter 3.7.

Reading keys in Dart side and initialize the SDK. #

String appId = String.fromEnvironment("INTERCOM_APP_ID", "");
String androidKey = String.fromEnvironment("INTERCOM_ANDROID_KEY", "");
String iOSKey = String.fromEnvironment("INTERCOM_IOS_KEY", "");

Intercom.instance.initialize(appId, iosApiKey: iOSKey, androidApiKey: androidKey);

Reading keys in Android native side and initialize the SDK. #

  • Add the following code to build.gradle.
def dartEnvironmentVariables = []
if (project.hasProperty('dart-defines')) {
  dartEnvironmentVariables ='dart-defines')
      .collectEntries { entry ->
        def pair = new String(entry.decodeBase64(), 'UTF-8').split('=')
        [(pair.first()): pair.last()]
  • Place dartEnvironmentVariables inside the build config
defaultConfig {
    buildConfigField 'String', 'INTERCOM_APP_ID', "\"${dartEnvironmentVariables.INTERCOM_APP_ID}\""
    buildConfigField 'String', 'INTERCOM_ANDROID_KEY', "\"${dartEnvironmentVariables.INTERCOM_ANDROID_KEY}\""
  • Read the build config fields
import android.os.Build
import io.maido.intercom.IntercomFlutterPlugin

class MyApp : Application() {
  override fun onCreate() {
    // Add this line with your keys
      appId = BuildConfig.INTERCOM_APP_ID, 
      androidApiKey = BuildConfig.INTERCOM_ANDROID_KEY)



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Flutter plugin for Intercom integration. Provides in-app messaging and help-center Intercom services

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, flutter_web_plugins, intercom_flutter_platform_interface, intercom_flutter_web


Packages that depend on intercom_flutter