infospect 0.1.4
infospect: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard
Infospect meaning Information Inspector is a Flutter plugin for that empowers the developers to debug the network calls and logs in the app.
Overview #
Infospect meaning Information Inspector is a Flutter plugin for that empowers the developers to debug the network calls and logs in the app. It is a powerful tools that offer network call interception and logging features, among others. By allowing developers to monitor and intercept network calls, they can efficiently debug network-related issues and optimize app performance. The logging and debugging capabilities aid in understanding app behavior and detecting errors, leading to faster bug resolution.
Preview #
macOS - Opening Infospect in new Window
Linus (Ubuntu VM in mac)- Opening Infospect in new Window
Window 10 - (VM in mac) - Opening Infospect in new Window
Getting started #
- Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file. (Replace latest-version with the latest version of the plugin)
infospect: latest-version
or using the below command
flutter pub add infospect
Usage #
- Adding args to main, to enable the support of multi window. Plugin used for this
void main(List<String> args) {}
- Initialize the plugin in main.dart
Infospect ensureInitialized({
int maxCallsCount = 1000,
GlobalKey<NavigatorState>? navigatorKey,
bool logAppLaunch = false,
void Function(String path)? onShareAllNetworkCalls,
void Function(String path)? onShareAllLogs,
In ensureInitialized we can configure the maxCallCount int
for both network calls and logs,
defaults to 1000.
A navigatorKey GlobalKey<NavigatorState>
that will be used for navigation and dialog, if not
provided a new key will be created.
A bool value to logAppLaunch, if true will log the app launch with details like below, defaults to
App name: Example
Package: com.example.example
Version: 0.1.0
Build number: 0.1.0
Started at: 2023-08-20T13:39:56.531974
A call back to handle the share functionality for all the network calls onShareAllNetworkCalls, This will provide the path of the compressed file name infospect_network_calls_log.tar.gz, which can be shared accordingly. If not provided, the default platform share option will be invoked.
A call back to handle the share functionality for all the logs onShareAllLogs, This will provide the path of the compressed file name infospect_logs.tar.gz, which can be shared accordingly. If not provided, the default platform share option will be invoked.
- As in desktop a new window is used to show the infospect window, we need to add the following code in main.dart, as this will help to handle the data received to the main window from the infospect window.
else can be also combined with ensureInitialized
Infospect.ensureInitialized(logAppLaunch: true).handleMainWindowReceiveData()
- Rather using runApp using, use, myApp: EntryWidget())
; This will help to set the args and use it when launching the infospect window in Desktop, myApp: const MainApp());
- Adding network call interceptor a. dio:
_dio = Dio(BaseOptions());
b. http:
http.Client client = http.Client();
client = Infospect.instance.httpClientInterceptor(client: client);
- Adding logs
message: logMessage,
level: level,
error: error,
stackTrace: stackTrace,
- Adding invoker to get and overlay button to open the infospect window
state: InvokerState.collapsible,
child: child,
This can be wrapped around the child widget returned from the builder method of MaterialApp. By this, the invoker will be available on all the screens of the app.
If a navigator key is provided in the ensureInitialized method, then the navigator key can be used here, if not provided a new navigator key will be created by Infospect and can be accessed using Infospect.instance.getNavigatorKey
and can be used as below
navigatorKey: Infospect.instance.getNavigatorKey,
theme: ThemeData(useMaterial3: true),
darkTheme: ThemeData.dark(useMaterial3: true),
themeMode: ThemeMode.dark,
builder: (context, child) {
return InfospectInvoker(
state: InvokerState.collapsible,
child: child ?? const SizedBox.shrink(),
home: const MainApp(),
In desktop the infospect window will be opened in a new window, and it can be invoked by clicking on the invoker or using the mentioned shortcut keys
⌘ + ⌥ + i
(Command + Option + i) Windows:Ctrl + Alt + i
Linux:Ctrl + Alt + i
But in mobile the infospect window will be opened in a new route.
Upcoming Feature #
- Breakpoints for network call to edit request and response.
- Add support for more network client.
- Sorting of the logs and network calls.
- An example app having multiple screens to show the usage of the plugin with network call and selection for respective network library to be intercepted and logger implementation.
- Bug fixes and many more.
Support #
This plugin is free to use and currently in its early stages of development. We plan to add many more features soon. Please visit the Github Project to know about the upcoming feature and fixes. If you encounter any issues or would like additional features, please raise an issue in the GitHub repository.
Feel free to contribute to this project by creating a pull request with a clear description of your changes.
If this plugin was useful to you, helped you in any way, saved you a lot of time, or you just want to support the project, I would be very grateful if you buy me a cup of coffee. Your support helps maintain and improve this project.