http_exception 1.0.0 copy "http_exception: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
http_exception: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A set of HTTP exceptions.


// Copyright (c) 2024, Andres Garcia (TECH-ANDGAR). All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code
// is governed by a Apache-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO: Note: 'NotImplementedException' is deprecated and shouldn't be used, Use [NotImplementedHttpException] instead.
// ignore_for_file: deprecated_member_use_from_same_package, no-magic-number

import 'package:http_exception/http_exception.dart';
import 'package:http_status/http_status.dart';

void main() {
  final HttpException a = HttpStatus.fromCode(422).exception();
  print(a); // -> HttpException [422 - Unprocessable Entity]

  final HttpException b = HttpStatus.fromCode(422)
      .exception(data: <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7});
  // -> HttpException [422 Unprocessable Entity], HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  final HttpException c = HttpStatus.fromCode(422).exception(
    data: <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7},
    detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception',
  // -> HttpException [422 Unprocessable Entity]: Message Customized Detail Exception, HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  final HttpException d = HttpStatus.fromCode(422).exception(
    data: <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7},
    detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception',
    uri: Uri.parse(''),
  // -> HttpException [422 Unprocessable Entity]: Message Customized Detail Exception, uri =, HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  const HttpException e = NotImplementedException(
    <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7},
    'Message Customized Detail Exception',
  // -> HttpException [501 Not Implemented]: Message Customized Detail Exception, HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  final HttpException f = NotImplementedHttpException(
    data: const <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7},
    detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception',
    uri: Uri.parse(''),
  // -> HttpException [501 Not Implemented]: Message Customized Detail Exception, uri =, HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  final HttpException g = BadGatewayHttpException(
    data: const <String, dynamic>{'name': 'dart', 'age': 7},
    detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception',
    uri: Uri.parse(''),
  // -> HttpException [502 Bad Gateway]: Message Customized Detail Exception, uri =, HTTP data = {name: dart, age: 7}

  final HttpException h = InvalidSSLCertificateHttpException(
    detail: 'Message Customized Detail Exception',
    uri: Uri.parse('http://localhost:80'),
    data: const <String, dynamic>{'id': 1, 'name': 'Dart'},
  // -> HttpException [888 InvalidSSLCertificate]: Message Customized Detail Exception, uri = http://localhost, HTTP data = {id: 1, name: Dart}

// creating custom exception
class InvalidSSLCertificateHttpException extends HttpException {
    Map<String, dynamic>? data,
    String detail = '',
    Uri? uri,
  }) : super(
          data: data,
          httpStatus: HttpStatus(
            code: 888,
            name: 'InvalidSSLCertificate',
            description: 'InvalidSSLCertificate description',
          detail: detail,
          uri: uri,