http_exception 1.0.0 copy "http_exception: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
http_exception: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A set of HTTP exceptions.

Changelog #

1.0.0 #

  • HTTP Exception Handling:
    • Replaced HttpStatus with HttpStatusCode for consistency and potential benefits (explore further).
    • Improved readability of exception classes for better maintainability.
    • Enhanced exception handling mechanisms for more robust error management.
    • Added dedicated classes for HTTP 4xx and 5xx exceptions to categorize errors effectively.
    • Introduced constructors for 4xx and 5xx exceptions to streamline exception creation.
  • Code Organization and Linting:
    • Refactored HTTP exception code into multiple files for better modularity and organization.
    • Enhanced Dart code linting to enforce coding standards and maintain code quality.
Code Http Status (v0.2.2 - v1.x.x [Deprecated]) HttpException (v1.x.x)
400 BadRequestException() BadRequestHttpException()
401 UnauthorizedException() UnauthorizedHttpException()
402 PaymentRequiredException() PaymentRequiredHttpException()
403 ForbiddenException() ForbiddenHttpException()
404 NotFoundException() NotFoundHttpException()
405 MethodNotAllowedException() MethodNotAllowedHttpException()
406 NotAcceptableException() NotAcceptableHttpException()
407 - ProxyAuthenticationRequiredHttpException()
408 - RequestTimeoutHttpException()
409 ConflictException() ConflictHttpException()
410 GoneException() GoneHttpException()
411 - LengthRequiredHttpException()
412 PreconditionFailedException() PreconditionFailedHttpException()
413 - RequestTooLongHttpException()
414 - RequestUriTooLongHttpException()
415 UnsupportedMediaTypeException() UnsupportedMediaTypeHttpException()
416 - RequestedRangeNotSatisfiableHttpException()
417 - ExpectationFailedHttpException()
418 - ImATeapotHttpException()
419 - InsufficientSpaceOnResourceHttpException()
420 - MethodFailureHttpException()
421 - MisdirectedRequestHttpException()
422 - UnprocessableEntityHttpException()
423 - LockedHttpException()
424 - FailedDependencyHttpException()
426 - UpgradeRequiredHttpException()
428 - PreconditionRequiredHttpException()
429 TooManyRequestsException() TooManyRequestsHttpException()
431 - RequestHeaderFieldsTooLargeHttpException()
444 - ConnectionClosedWithoutResponseHttpException()
451 - UnavailableForLegalReasonsHttpException()
499 - ClientClosedRequestHttpException()
500 - InternalServerErrorHttpException()
501 NotImplementedException() NotImplementedHttpException()
502 - BadGatewayHttpException()
503 ServiceUnavailableException() ServiceUnavailableHttpException()
504 - GatewayTimeoutHttpException()
505 - HttpVersionNotSupportedHttpException()
506 - VariantAlsoNegotiatesHttpException()
507 - InsufficientStorageHttpException()
508 - LoopDetectedHttpException()
510 - NotExtendedHttpException()
511 - NetworkAuthenticationRequiredHttpException()
599 - NetworkConnectTimeoutErrorHttpException()

0.2.2 #

  • feat: Dart migrate for null-safety
  • chore: updated configuration Github Actions

0.2.1 #

  • toMap() should not throw when data is null

0.2.0 #

  • migrate to Dart 2 support
  • enable Travis CI
  • add badges

0.1.0 #

  • created this package consisting only of the exception classes from the shelf_exception_response package.