flutter_web_browser 0.17.2
flutter_web_browser: ^0.17.2 copied to clipboard
A flutter plugin project to open a web page with Chrome Custom Tabs & SFSafariViewController.
[0.17.2] #
- Fix build errors with Gradle 8
[0.17.1] #
- Add option to define
. This allows to change the Presentation Style based on https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uimodalpresentationstyle
[0.17.0] #
- Upgrade Android broswer library for Android 12 compatibility
- Adjust Android compile SDK version to 31
[0.16.0] #
- Upgrade Android broswer library
- Update README
[0.15.0] #
- Add Safari redirect and close events
[0.14.0] #
- Opt into null-safety
[0.13.1] #
- Fix boolean configs in iOS
[0.13.0] #
- Additional options for ChromeCustomTab
- Warmup api for Chrome
- Improve Browser selection on Android
[0.12.0] #
- Handle iOS 10 customization
- Various code cleanup
- Bug fixes
[0.11.0] #
- iOS 8 compatibility & reduced warnings
[0.10.0] #
- Breaking change. Migrate from the deprecated original Android Support Library to AndroidX. This shouldn't result in any functional changes, but it requires any Android apps using this plugin to also migrate if they're using the original support library.
[0.9.0+1] - Initial release #
- Update README
[0.9.0] - Initial release #
- Open web page web page with Chrome Custom Tabs & SFSafariViewController.