flutter_quill_to_pdf 2.3.6 copy "flutter_quill_to_pdf: ^2.3.6" to clipboard
flutter_quill_to_pdf: ^2.3.6 copied to clipboard

Create PDF'S using deltas from Quill, with configurable attributes, fonts, and custom pdf widgets

2.3.6 #

2.3.5 #

2.3.4 #

  • Fix: wrong method declaration of the onDetectBlockquote builder in example code of PDFConverter.
  • Fix: links are not showing underline decoration as expected.
  • Fix: ThemeData is not being passed to the PdfDocument.
  • Chore: moved value that is passed to maxPages in PdfService to be part of Constant class, it now is called kDefaultMaxPages.
  • Feat: added DocumentOptions to add some extra information to the pdf using documentOptions in PDFConverter.

2.3.3 #

  • Fix: links are not working as expected when try to interact with them issue: #18

2.3.2 #

  • Fix: when a Line contains alignment and header attributes, onDetectHeaderBlock always will be ignored (even if it's passed)
  • Chore: added some extra arguments for all methods that build custom pdf widgets in PdfService.

2.3.1 #

  • Fix: url of the images in README

2.3.0 #

  • Fix: issues related with detecting storage images.
  • Fix: issues related with ThemeData from PDF not being applied to the pdf document.
  • Fix: issues related with the font size of the ThemeData not being applied as expected.
  • Fix: wrong default code-block widget.
  • Fix: wrong default list widget.
  • Fix: issue where the default leading of ordered lists is not being computed correctly.
  • Fix: wrong behavior if textDirection is passed in PDFConverter.
  • Fix: bad rendering of content elements by not await for _applyBlockAttributes() in PDFService class.
  • Fix(partially): bad rendering of content elements when directionality is RTL.
  • Chore(breaking changes): reorganized project structure.
  • Chore: deprecated createDocumentFile since we cannot manage the errors with file permissions.
  • Chore: deprecated blockquotePaddingLeft and blockquotePaddingRight and replaced with blockquotePadding.
  • Chore: deprecated blockquoteDividerColor replaced with blockquoteBoxDecoration.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed blockQuotethicknessDividerColor to blockquotethicknessDividerColor.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed blockQuoteBackgroundColor to blockquoteBackgroundColor.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed blockQuoteTextStyle to blockquoteTextStyle.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed IMAGE_FROM_URL_PATTERN to kDefaultImageUrlDetector in Constant class.
  • Chore: renamed _applyBlockAttributes() to _defaultLineBuilderForBlocks() in PDFService class.
  • Chore: renamed _applyInlineParagraph() to _defaultLineBuilderForInlines() in PDFService class.
  • Chore: deprecated fixCommonErrorInsertsInRawDelta and isTotallyEmpty methods since them are not longer used into the project.
  • Chore: moved embed implementation to _defaultEmbedLineBuilder() in PDFService class.
  • Chore: created _applyCustomBlocks() to add all the necessary logic for add custom widgets from the custom callbacks in PDFService class.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed md_extension file to header_level_extension in extensions.
  • Chore(breaking changes): renamed MdHeaderLevelExtension to HeaderLevelResolverExtension in extensions.
  • Chore(doc): added customization documention (only partially).
  • Chore(breaking changes): added extraArgs param to all PDFWidgetBuilder.
  • Chore: deprecated IMAGE_LOCAL_STORAGE_PATH_PATTERN since only works for android devices.
  • Chore: deprecated DeltaAttributesOptions, overrideAttributesPassedByUser, deltaOptionalAttr and shouldProcessDeltas in PDFConverter, since its implementation is not needed for the current target of the package.
  • Feat: added isFromLocalStorage method to detect is the input passed is a storage path.
  • Feat: added onDetectImageUrl to allow us create our custom implementation for get bytes from a external url.
  • Feat: added imageConstraints to create a default width and height for images when them has not that attributes specified.
  • Feat: added support for custom code-block highlighting theme using customCodeHighlightTheme. Check about highlight_utils.
  • Feat: added support for build error images using onDetectErrorInImage.
  • Feat: added support for build video widgets onDetectVideoBlock.
  • Feat: added support for build a custom TextStyle for inline-code fragments using inlineCodeStyle.
  • Feat: added support for build custom leading widgets for lists using listLeadingBuilder.
  • Feat: added support for code-block highlighting using enableCodeBlockHighlighting and isLightMode.
  • Feat: added support for custom heading sizes using customHeadingSizes.
  • Feat: added support for switch between the different versions of the default list blocks using listTypeWidget.

2.2.9 #

New Contributors #

2.2.8 #

  • Fix: rendering images in web and file generating (thanks to johannesvedder for his contributation).
  • Feat: support for create custom pages
  • Chore: added doc comment for generateWidget method

2.2.7 #

  • Chore: deprecated all onRequestFont before 2.2.7 and replaced them with onRequestFontFamily

2.2.6 #

  • Fix: IMAGE_LOCAL_STORAGE_PATH_PATTERN was improved to detect more cases

2.2.5 #

Full Changelog: https://github.com/CatHood0/flutter_quill_to_pdf/compare/V-2.2.4...V-2.2.5

2.2.4 #

New Contributors #

Full Changelog: https://github.com/CatHood0/flutter_quill_to_pdf/compare/V-2.2.3...V-2.2.4

2.2.3 #

  • Fix: List block doesn't span to the next page if needed
  • Fix: Image block doesn't appears with any Alignment

2.2.2 #

  • Fix: duplicate content
  • Fix: Paragraph with images are ignored

2.2.1 #

  • Fix: if there are images together a Paragraph these will be displayed badly on the PDF

2.2.0 #

  • Feat: Support for multilevel List
  • Fix: dart:html package doesn't let build project example

2.1.11 #

  • Chore: updated dependency flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser to fix some new line issues

2.1.1 #

  • Fix: Image embed block attributes are ignored
  • Fix: bad indent multiplier
  • Fix: late initialization of 'widgets' variable on getListBlock
  • Fix: double is not subtype of 'String' on css.dart
  • Fix: line-height amount is incorrect

2.1.0 #

  • Chore: now onRequestFonts are optional
  • Fix: PdfWidgetGenerator was replaced by PDFWidgetBuilder
  • Fix: video block is detected as a image block
  • Fix: codeblock has not padding on it's content
  • Fix: comments to describe how new lines are detected on blockGenerators method
  • Fix: header block indentation multiplier
  • Feat: support for customBuilders again returned to replace customCOnverters
  • Chore: was deprecated most of the methods and params that are no longer used

2.0.0 #


The way of build the PDF's it's different and better

Before implementation (using vsc_quill_delta_to_html and html2md with RegExp patterns) #

The PDF is builded: first the Delta is converted to a custom implementation, then, after it will be transformed to a Markdown with some HTML styles to avoid losing align attrs or colors.

On the creation of the PDF (using PdfService) all of this HTML with Markdown are detected using RegExp that made more difficult had a correct performance. Some devices even could crash on the building of that PDF way.

New implementation (using flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser) #

Transform directly a Delta to a Structured-Document type that it's more easy to be readed by a human, and getting the attributes from any Line or the block attributes from the current Paragraph.

Other Changes #

  • Fix: app crashed when use createDocument method.
  • Fix: bad perfomance while building a PDF.
  • Chore: deprecated customConverters param from PDFConverter to avoid using after this release
  • Fix: removed most of the RegExp used on Constant class.
  • Fix: removed MarkdownRules class since is not necessary now.
  • Fix: removed vsc_quill_delta_to_html and html2md since are not used now.
  • Fix: removed HTMLConverterOptions local implementation since is not used now.
  • Chore: removed setCustomRules method from Converter
  • Chore: moved some const values to example since wont be necessary be in the package.

By now this version is not using CustomPDFWidget or PdfWidgetGenerator. This is just a temporary issue that will be fixed on next releases

1.2.2 #

  • [Fix] delta to html doesn't detect double values

1.2.1 #

  • [Fix] renamed WidgetGenerator to PdfWidgetGenerator
  • [Fix] renamed file markdown_rules_custom to markdown_rules
  • [Chore] changed ConverterOptions from converter delta to html from HTMLConverterOptions to ConverterOptions.forEmail()
  • [Feat] exposed PdfService
  • [Feat] added support for strikethrough in PdfService
  • [Feat] All params on DeltaAttributesOptions are supported
  • [BREAKING CHANGES] rgbColor was renamed as hexColor and now is an int at DeltaAttributesOptions
  • [BREAKING CHANGES] levelHeader was removed on DeltaAttributesOptions

1.2.0 #

  • Removed unnecessary code
  • Writed more documentation about classes and functions
  • [Fix] rename at MarkdownRules by bad name of file
  • [Fix] bad list formatting. The list block function generator didn't detect the span styles into itself
  • [Feat] added support for image links
  • [Feat] added support for colors
  • [Feat] added support for blockquote
  • [Feat] added support for codeblock
  • [Feat] added support to render custom html using renderCustomCallback param from convertDeltaToHtml
//it looks like
String convertDeltaToHtml(Delta delta, [ConverterOptions? options,String Function(DeltaInsertOp customOp, DeltaInsertOp? contextOp)? customRenderCallback]) {
  final QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter converterDeltaToHTML = QuillDeltaToHtmlConverter(
    options ?? HTMLConverterOptions.options(),
  converterDeltaToHTML.renderCustomWith = customRenderCallback;
  return converterDeltaToHTML.convert();
  • [Feat] added support for customize properties in blockquote and codeblock without create a custom widget
  ///If you need [customize] exactly how the [code block looks], then you use this [theme]
  final pw.TextStyle? codeBlockTextStyle;

  ///If you need just a different [font] to show your code blocks, use this font [(by default is pw.Font.courier())]
  final pw.Font? codeBlockFont;

  ///Customize the background color of the code block
  final PdfColor? codeBlockBackgroundColor;

  ///Customize the style of the num lines in code block
  final pw.TextStyle? codeBlockNumLinesTextStyle;

  ///Define the text style of the general blockquote. [This overrides any style detected like: line-height, size, font families, color]
  final pw.TextStyle? blockQuoteTextStyle;

  ///Define the left space between divider and text
  final double? blockQuotePaddingLeft;
  final double? blockQuotePaddingRight;

  ///Define the width of the divider
  final double? blockQuotethicknessDividerColor;

  ///Customize the background of the blockquote
  final PdfColor? blockQuoteBackgroundColor;

  ///Customize the left/right divider color to blockquotes
  final PdfColor? blockQuoteDividerColor;

1.1.4 #

  • [Fix] README bad dependecy name

1.1.1 #

  • [Feat] improved README
  • [Fix] bad unnecessary args remove
  • [Fix] bad names in some classes and functions
  • [Fix] bad test (by now cannot be created a test)

1.1.0 #

  • [Feat] added support to custom delta to html converter
  • [Feat] added support to custom html to markdown converter
  • [Feat] added new factory to create document and write file
  • [Feat] improved params descriptions
  • [Feat] added support to customize markdown rules
  • [Feat] now we can add a custom theme to pdf document
  • [Feat] now we can pass functions to when the create doc ends sucessfully or when throws and exception
  • [Fix] removed lineHeight attribute since flutt_quill and html2md has Rule class and creates conflicts on imports
  • README now has better documentation, to be more accurate on how use this library

1.0.2 #

  • [Fix] inconfortable name. PDFConvertersParam was changed to PDFPageFormat
  • [Feat] improved README to make more easy read how works the package

1.0.1 #

  • [Fix] minimal errors
  • [Fix] issue where list (bullet, check, and ordered) takes a more space that it needs on top

1.0.0 #

  • First commit


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Create PDF'S using deltas from Quill, with configurable attributes, fonts, and custom pdf widgets

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#pdf #quill-delta #pdf-widgets #converter #pdf-converter


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MIT (license)


collection, dart_quill_delta, dio, flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser, highlight, http, meta, numerus, path_provider, pdf


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