flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser 1.0.4 copy "flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser: ^1.0.4" to clipboard
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Convert your Quill Delta into a simplified document format, making it easier to manage and manipulate text attributes

Flutter Quill Easy Parser #

A Dart package designed to transform Flutter Quill content into a structured document format, making it easier to handle and convert for various use cases like generating Word or PDF documents.

Features #

  • Delta Parsing: Converts Quill Delta into a structured document format.
  • Attribute Handling: Simplifies management of text attributes like bold, italic, colors, etc.
  • Paragraph and Line Structuring: Organizes content into paragraphs and lines for easy manipulation.

Usage #

import 'package:flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser/flutter_quill_delta_easy_parser.dart';

void main() {
  final delta = Delta()
    ..insert('This is ')
    ..insert('bold', {'bold': true})
    ..insert(' and ')
    ..insert('italic', {'italic': true})
    ..insert(' text with ')
    ..insert('custom color', {'color': '#FF0000'})
    ..insert('\n\n', {'header': 1})
    ..insert('This is a list item')
    ..insert('\n', {'list': 'ordered'})
    ..insert('Another list item')
    ..insert('\n', {'list': 'ordered'})
    ..insert('Third list item')
    ..insert('This is a ')
    ..insert('link', {'link': 'https://example.com'})
    ..insert(' to a website');

  final Document? document = RichTextParser().parseDelta(delta);

  if (document != null) {
    print('Parsed Document:');
    document.paragraphs.forEach((paragraph) {
      paragraph.lines.forEach((line) {
        print('Line: ${line.data}, Attributes: ${line.attributes}');
      print('Block Attributes: ${paragraph.blockAttributes}');
        Line: This is , Attributes: null
        Line: bold, Attributes: {bold: true}
        Line:  and , Attributes: null
        Line: italic, Attributes: {italic: true}
        Line:  text with , Attributes: null
        Line: custom color, Attributes: {color: #FF0000}
        Block Attributes: {header: 1}
        Line: \n, Attributes: null
        Block Attributes: {header: 1}
        Line: This is a list item, Attributes: null
        Block Attributes: {list: ordered}
        Line: Another list item, Attributes: null
        Block Attributes: {list: ordered}
        Line: Third list item, Attributes: null
        Block Attributes: null
        Line: This is a , Attributes: null
        Line: link, Attributes: {link: https://example.com}
        Line:  to a website, Attributes: null
        Block Attributes: null

What Does the Package Do? #

This package transforms the content of a Quill JS editor into an easy-to-work-with paragraph format.

By default, a QuillJS editor outputs its content in the Quill Delta format. While the Delta format works great for a browser-based editor like Quill, it's not the most convenient data format if you'd like to generate other types of documents (e.g., Word or PDF) from Quill's contents.

RichTextParser will transform a Quill Delta into a more convenient paragraph-based format. How Does It Work?

Quill JS outputs a Delta with a format like the following:

final delta = Delta()
    ..insert('Hello, how are you?')
    ..insert('The first Major Section')
    ..insert('\n', {'header': 1})
    ..insert('We are writing some ')
    ..insert('bolded text',{'bold': true})

RichTextParser will transform a Quill Delta into an easier-to-work-with paragraph format, like the one below:

final Document document = Document(paragraphs: [
    lines: [Line(data: "Hello, how are you?")]
    lines: [Line(data: "The First Major Section")],
    blockAttributes: {"header": 1}
    lines: [
      Line(data: "We are writing some "),
      Line(data: "bolded text", attributes: {"bold": true})
  Paragraph(lines: [Line('\n')], type: ParagraphType.block)

The Paragraph Format #

A parsed Quill JS document is composed entirely of paragraphs. Each paragraph must contain either a lines property, which indicates the content of the paragraph. A Paragraph may also contain a blockAttributes property, which indicates the formatting of the Paragraph.

Paragraph looks like:

class Paragraph {
  final List<Line> lines;
  ParagraphType? type; // this is an enum that contains values like: inline, block and embed
  Map<String, dynamic>? blockAttributes; // contains all attributes (usually block attributes like "heaeder") that will be applied to whole lines

    required this.lines,

Lines #

A Line represents a segment of content within a Paragraph. This content can be a simple string of characters or a more complex structure such as an embed.

  • data: This can be either a string (representing text) or a map (representing an embed or other structured content).
  • attributes: A map containing key-value pairs that describe the formatting or other attributes of the Line.

Line looks like:

class Line{
  Object? data;
  Map<String, dynamic>? attributes;


For example, consider the following Paragraph in Dart:

final Paragraph paragraph = Paragraph(
  lines: [
    Line(data: 'I am building a new package in Dart. '),
    Line(data: 'This package will be ', attributes: {'bold': true}),
    Line(data: 'open source', attributes: {'italic': true}),
    Line(data: ' and it will help developers process the text entered into a QuillJS editor.'),
    Line(data: {'image': 'https://example.com/image.png'}),

Attributes #

Finally, a Paragraph can also have a blockAttributes property. This property indicates what type of paragraph-level formatting has been applied. For instance, a header is a Paragraph that is formatted as a header. Similarly, a bullet point is a Paragraph that is formatted as a bullet point. An example of a Paragraph with formatting is shown below.

final Paragraph bulletPointParagraph = Paragraph(
  lines: [
    Line(data: "I am a bullet point.")
  blockAttributes: {"list": "bullet"},
  type: ParagraphType.block,

final Paragraph bulletPointWithUnderlineParagraph = Paragraph(
  lines: [
    Line(data: "I am also a bullet point, but I have "),
    Line(data: "underlined text", attributes: {"underline": true}),
    Line(data: " included in my paragraph.")
  blockAttributes: {"list": "bullet"},
  type: ParagraphType.block,

final Document document = Document(paragraphs: [bulletPointWithUnderlineParagraph, bulletPointParagraph]);

See the test folder for detailed usage examples and test cases.

Contributing #

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.

License #

This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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Convert your Quill Delta into a simplified document format, making it easier to manage and manipulate text attributes

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#quill-delta #delta #document #rich-text #flutter-quill


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BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, dart_quill_delta, equatable, meta


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