flutter_pipwave_ekyc 0.0.1
flutter_pipwave_ekyc: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter Packages for Pipwave EKYC
eKYC SDK for Flutter #
Introduction #
The SDK is developed to provide merchants under Pipwave with a process wherein the customer's identity and address are verified electronically.
- Merchants can process ID cards, driver’s licenses, passports, and utility bills for verification.
- The SDK ease the merchant developers to integrate with Pipwave EKYC processes and with provided UI, the merchants doest need to spend development time to design and integrate with our EKYC system
- Liveliness detection for face recognition in biometrics is a technique where an algorithm detects if the person in front of the camera is alive and real. The algorithm is able to recognize a live person from presentation attacks - where a bad actor, or fraud perpetrator, uses someone else's physical characteristics or biometric data (known as "spoofs") for impersonation.
- Provide the end-user to mask their sensitive information when uploading a picture for verification.
Requirements #
The minimum requirements for eKYC SDK for Flutter are:
Xcode or Android studio
Getting Started #
This section gives you information you need to get started with Pipwave eKYC SDK for Flutter. Follow the simple steps below to initialize the eKYC process into your client app.
Step 1 Add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
pipwave_ekyc_sdk: ^0.1.0
Step 2 Import the following package:
import 'package:pipwave_ekyc_sdk/pipwave_ekyc_sdk.dart';
Step 3 Initialize the SDK with the following code:
FlutterPipwaveEkyc.instance.initializeEkycSession(context,accessToken: '',sessionId: '',);
Note that you will need to pass in the accessToken and sessionId that you have obtained from the server side. Based on the accessToken you passed in, the SDK will retrieve the merchant's eKYC settings from the server side and initialize the SDK accordingly, which includes the Verification Types needed.
If you wish to customize the SDK with your own UI, you can initialize the API SDK instead. Following is a sample code:
final apiResponse = await PipwaveEkycApi.instance.uploadEkycSelfieSession(sessionId: widget.sessionId,accessToken: widget.accessToken,selfieDocBase64: base64Image, );
As usual, sessionId and accessToken is needed for every API call. There are other parameters needed depending on the API.
For more information, please go to the API documentation. https://docs.pipwave.com/ekyc-api/
Contributing #
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.