feed 0.5.21 feed: ^0.5.21 copied to clipboard
A package for managing load more lists and sliding sheets.
[0.5.21] v0.5.21 #
- Support for Flutter
- Various updates.
[0.5.19] v0.5.19 #
- Removed perceive slidable coupling
[0.5.17] v0.5.17 #
- Added
to feed
[0.5.16] v0.5.16 #
- Updated feed interface
[0.5.15] v0.5.15 #
- Supports Flutter 3
[0.5.7] v0.5.7 #
- Various bug fixes
[0.5.3] v0.5.3 #
- Fixes
[0.5.2] v0.5.2 #
- Updated animation system
[0.5.1] v0.5.1 #
- Bug Fixes
[0.5.0] v0.5.0 #
- Implemented a new Swipe Feed
- New Animation System
- State imnplemented though Fort
- Reduced size of unneeded params
[0.4.2] v0.4.2 #
- Added additional functionality to sliding sheet
- Persistent header between delegate navigation
- Additional Snappings
- Route builders within delegate navigation
- Bug fixes to static sheet
[0.4.1] v0.4.1 #
- Added proper support for loading widget
[0.4.0] v0.4.0 #
- Removed MultiFeed
- Implemented Sliding sheets with delegates
- Created Single sliding sheet feed
- Created multi sliding sheet feed
- Integrated fort state management
[0.3.31] v0.3.31 #
- Fixed load more bugs in feed
[0.3.30] v0.3.30 #
- Added features to grid and regular feed
[0.3.29] v0.3.29 #
- Remade Feed similar to MultiFeed
[0.3.28] v0.3.28 #
- Fixed Animation bug on percent bar
[0.3.27] v0.3.27 #
- Fixed disappearing comments on pin
[0.3.25] v0.3.25 #
- Fixed animation curve
[0.3.25] v0.3.25 #
- Added centered swipe down for percent bar
[0.3.24] v0.3.24 #
- Added ability to remove items from multifeed
[0.3.23] v0.3.23 #
- Added ability to modify multi feed state from controller
[0.3.21] v0.3.21 #
- Listen to the extent of the sliding sheet feed
[0.3.20] v0.3.20 #
- Added pinned item inside multifeed
[0.3.18] v0.3.18 #
- Fixed Load more glitch inside of multifeed
[0.3.17] v0.3.17 #
- Added collective state to swipe feed to track all the loaded in data wince refresh.
- Bug fixes for clearbar function
[0.3.16] v0.3.16 #
- Swipefeed load more bug fixes
- Added initial state to swipe feed
[0.3.15] v0.3.15 #
- Updated packages with perceive_slidable
[0.3.14] v0.3.14 #
- Fixed dynamic height for sliding sheet
[0.3.13] v0.3.13 #
- Downgraded staggered grid version.
[0.3.12] v0.3.12 #
- Added Grid Feed Option.
[0.3.11] v0.3.11 #
- Added fill bar and remove item controls to swipe feed.
[0.3.10] v0.3.10 #
- Removed keyboard translation on swipe feed
[0.3.9] v0.3.9 #
- Upgraded add item interface for multifeed
[0.3.1] v0.3.1 #
- Ensured that the null pointer moves to the end after load more is successful
[0.3.0] v0.3.0 #
- Added overlay state in hide mode
- Animated internet and empty list widgets
- Added state control to the controller
- Added replacement animation
[0.2.56] v0.2.56 #
- Added No Connectivity placeholder
- Added No More Polls placeholder
- Added an override Swipe alert
[0.2.53] v0.2.53 #
- Fixed minor dispose error with swipe card.
[0.2.52] v0.2.52 #
- Added dismissable keyboard on drag to feed
[0.2.50] v0.2.50 #
- Added ios keyboard dismissal.
[0.2.49] v0.2.49 #
- Added set state after size update for multifeed.
[0.2.45] v0.2.45 #
- Added remove item function to Swipe Feed and SwipeFeedController
[0.2.44] v0.2.44 #
- Added update item function to Swipe Feed and SwipeFeedController
[0.2.43] v0.2.43 #
- Fixed swiping math
- Add item functionality added to SwipeFeed and MultiFeed
- Added weight to SwipeCard
- Updated Fling value inside SwipeCard
- Fixed Percent bar bugs inside SwipeFeed
- Fixed Animated Icon bugs inside SwipeFeed
- Updated SlidingSheet Feed
[0.2.31] v0.2.31 #
- Added
to control pushing a page on theSlidingSheetFeed
[0.2.15] v0.2.15 #
- Hotfix for multifeed page view error
[0.2.14] v0.2.14 #
- Fixed tab bar animating page view in multifeed.
[0.2.13] v0.2.13 #
[0.2.8] v0.2.8 #
- Fixed Feed Sliding Sheet Feed Refresh Issue
[0.2.7] v0.2.7 #
- Added index widget wrapper to Sliding Sheet Feed
[0.2.6] v0.2.6 #
- Added weight coefficent for the swipe feed
[0.2.5] v0.2.5 #
- Added wrapper for Sliding Sheet Feed, Multi Feed, and Feed List View.
[0.2.4] v0.2.4 #
- Added objectKey to generate unique keys to SwipeFeed
[0.2.3] v0.2.3 #
- Fixed Bugs
[0.2.2] v0.2.2 #
- Hotfix+2
[0.2.1] v0.2.1 #
- Hotfix+1
[0.2.0] v0.2.0 #
- Fixed Bugs
- Added custom icons inside SwipeFeed
- Adjusted animation durations inside SwipeFeed
- Optamized PercentBar inside SwipeFeed
- New animation for swipeing down in percentBar inside SwipeFeed
- Added isExpanded Function inside SwipeFeed
[0.1.3] v0.1.3 #
- Fixed bugs with SwipeFeed
- Added new swiping functionality for the SwipeCard
- Fixed bugs with SwipeIcons
- Added overlayBuilder to SwipeFeed
- Added placeholder to SwipeFeed
- Added new design to PercentBar inside SwipeFeed
[0.1.0] v0.1.0 #
- Added Single Feed
- Added a Sliding Sheet Feed that can take a Multi-Feed
- Added Compact Feed
[0.0.10] v0.0.10 #
- Added homepage
- Updated Dependancies
[0.0.9] v0.0.9 #
- Added isLoading bool to the PagedCompactListController
- Added loadMore functionality to the PagedCompactList
[0.0.8] v0.0.8 #
- Hotfix+1
[0.0.7] v0.0.7 #
- Created Icon Position Enum
[0.0.5] v0.0.5 #
- Created Compact Feed
[0.0.3] v0.0.3 #
- Created Swipe Feed
- Created Example for Swipe Feed
[0.0.1] v0.0.1 #
- Created Simple Multi Feed
- Created Examples for Simple Multi Feed