easypost 1.0.0 copy "easypost: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
easypost: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A Dart SDK for EasyPost to interact with the API, plus helper methods.

EasyPost Dart #

This SDK allows you to interact with the EasyPost API from your Dart application.

Installation #

Package is available on pub.dev.

Usage #

Full documentation is available on Pub.dev or GitHub

Example #

import 'package:easypost/easypost.dart';

Future<void> example() async {
  // Set up the API client
  ClientConfiguration configuration = ClientConfiguration(
    apiVersion: ApiVersion.v2,
  Client client = Client(configuration);
  // Create a to address
  CreateAddress addressCreateParams = CreateAddress();
  addressCreateParams.street1 = "388 Townsend St";
  addressCreateParams.city = "San Francisco";
  addressCreateParams.state = "CA";
  addressCreateParams.zip = "94107";
  addressCreateParams.country = "US";
  Address toAddress = await client.addresses.create(addressCreateParams);
  // Create a from address
  addressCreateParams = CreateAddress();
  addressCreateParams.street1 = "388 Townsend St";
  addressCreateParams.city = "San Francisco";
  addressCreateParams.state = "CA";
  addressCreateParams.zip = "94107";
  addressCreateParams.country = "US";
  Address fromAddress = await client.addresses.create(addressCreateParams);
  // Create a parcel
  CreateParcel parcelsCreateParams = CreateParcel();
  parcelsCreateParams.length = 10.2;
  parcelsCreateParams.width = 7.8;
  parcelsCreateParams.height = 4.3;
  parcelsCreateParams.weight = 21.2;
  Parcel parcel = await client.parcels.create(parcelsCreateParams);
  // Create a shipment
  CreateShipment shipmentsCreateParams = CreateShipment();
  shipmentsCreateParams.toAddress = toAddress;
  shipmentsCreateParams.fromAddress = fromAddress;
  shipmentsCreateParams.parcel = parcel;
  Shipment shipment = await client.shipments.create(shipmentsCreateParams);
  // Get the lowest rate for the shipment
  Rate rate = client.shipments.getLowestRateFor(shipment);
  // Buy the shipment with the lowest rate
  BuyShipment shipmentBuyParams = BuyShipment();
  shipmentBuyParams.rate = rate;
  Shipment purchasedShipment = await client.shipments.buy(shipment.id, shipmentBuyParams);

Development #

All messages are written with json_serializable so make sure to generate the files with dart run build_runner build when you make changes and want to test them.



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A Dart SDK for EasyPost to interact with the API, plus helper methods.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


GPL-3.0 (license)


crypto, http, http_parser, intl, json_annotation, meta, reflectable, tuple


Packages that depend on easypost