dynamite 0.4.0 copy "dynamite: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
dynamite: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

Provides a Dart Build System builder for generating clients from OpenAPI specifications.

Provides a Dart Build System builder for generating clients from OpenAPI specifications.

The builder generates code if it find files with an .openapi.json or .openapi.yaml extension in the lib directory.

Setup #

The generated code makes use of various third party packages. Please add the following dependencies to your pubspec.yaml.

  built_collection: ^5.0.0
  built_value: ^8.9.0
  collection: ^1.0.0
  dynamite_runtime: ^0.1.0
  http: ^1.2.0
  meta: ^1.0.0
  uri: ^1.0.0
  build_runner: ^2.4.8
  built_value_generator: ^8.9.0

Generating #

To generate code you need to invoke the build_runner with the following command:

dart run build_runner build

The builder will look for any files ending with either .openapi.json or .openapi.yaml and place the generated code next to the specifications in a file ending with .openapi.dart. For a full example checkout the example package using the OpenAPI petstore specification.

Build configuration #

You can configure code generation by setting values in the build.yaml.

          # Options configure how source code is generated.
          # The following are sensible default values that ignores the schemas for the coverage.
          pageWidth: 120
            - camel_case_types
            - discarded_futures
            - public_member_api_docs
            - unreachable_switch_case
            - 'const .*\._\(\);'
            - 'factory .*\.fromJson\(Map<String, dynamic> json\) => jsonSerializers\.deserializeWith\(serializer, json\)!;'
            - 'Map<String, dynamic> toJson\(\) => jsonSerializers\.serializeWith\(serializer, this\)! as Map<String, dynamic>;'
            - 'static BuiltSet<.*> get values => _\$.*Values;'
            # Tighten linting rules for specific specs
            # Mark the generated library as experimental
                - camel_case_types
              experimental: true

Versioning #

Dynamite does not yet support the full OpenAPI specification. It currently supports the most common subset of the functionality of the versions 3.0 and 3.1. Feel free to open an issue if you rely on any functionality not yet supported. The version number of this package will be updated in regards to the generated code. For example if there is a breaking change in the generated code the major version of this package will be updated.

Licensing #

While the generator dynamite is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 this does not apply to the code generated by it which is not covered by any license. The helper package dynamite_runtime is licensed under an BSD-3 clause license, allowing you to use dynamite in proprietary code bases. Any changes to dynamite itself are still subject to the AGPL-3.0.