dcli_scripts 3.4.0 copy "dcli_scripts: ^3.4.0" to clipboard
dcli_scripts: ^3.4.0 copied to clipboard

A collection of cli scripts that do odd jobs for me.

Use this package as an executable

Install it

You can install the package from the command line:

dart pub global activate dcli_scripts

Use it

The package has the following executables:

$ add_gnome_launcher
$ artifactory
$ bobthefish
$ certbot_renew
$ clean
$ dcompress
$ dcopydir
$ denv
$ dfind
$ dmailhog
$ dmysql
$ dnsflush
$ docker_dcli
$ docker_push
$ downit
$ dpath
$ dport
$ dreplace
$ dsetver
$ dsort
$ dvirtualbox
$ dwc
$ dwhich
$ dzfs_clean
$ eclipse_launcher
$ find_old_dart_packages
$ find_text
$ gactivate
$ gitadd_team_to_repository
$ gitcreation_date
$ gitgc
$ gitsyncfork
$ gituncommited
$ gitupdate_remote
$ hexdump
$ hog
$ install_flutter
$ ipaddr
$ kill_tomcat
$ pub_get_all

Use this package as a library

Depend on it

Run this command:

With Dart:

 $ dart pub add dcli_scripts

This will add a line like this to your package's pubspec.yaml (and run an implicit dart pub get):

  dcli_scripts: ^3.4.0

Alternatively, your editor might support dart pub get. Check the docs for your editor to learn more.

Import it

Now in your Dart code, you can use:

import 'package:dcli_scripts/dcli_scripts.dart';