chat_package 0.0.6 chat_package: ^0.0.6 copied to clipboard
Fully functional chat ui for flutter, with functionality to send text, voice notes,and images
chat_package #
Flutter chat ui with full voice record/note functionality and image sending
Chat UI Package #
An easy to implement whatssapp like chat ui. with voice note feature and image viewing.
Screenshots #
Usage #
Permission Setup #
This package uses permission_handler plugin to access permissions, and the following permissions are required:
- camera
- microphone
- local storage
- Add the following to your "" file:
- Make sure you set the
in your "android/app/build.gradle" file to 30:
android {
compileSdkVersion 30
- Make sure you replace all the
dependencies to their AndroidX counterparts (a full list can be found here:
Add permissions to your AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!-- Permissions options for the `storage` group -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<!-- Permissions options for the `camera` group -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<!-- Permissions options for the `RECORD_AUDIO` group -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<!-- Permission options for the `camera` group -->
<!-- Permission options for the `microphone` group -->
<!-- Permission options for the `photos` group -->
Calling #
the list of ChatMessages is the only required feild every thing else is optional
List<ChatMessage> messages = [
isSender: true,
ChatMessage(isSender: false, text: 'wow that is cool'),
-- plese note that only one of the following [text,imageUrl,imagePath,audioUrl,audioPath ] must not be null at a time if more is provided an error will occure
ChatMessage(isSender: false, text: 'your.text')
ChatMessage(isSender: false, imageUrl: image.url')
ChatMessage(isSender: false, imagePath: 'image.path')
ChatMessage(isSender: false, audioUrl: 'wow that is cool')
ChatMessage(isSender: false, audioPath: 'wow that is cool')
messages: messages,
Properties #
/// The button widget used on the moving element of the slider. Defaults to Icon(Icons.chevron_right).
final Widget sliderButtonContent;
//hit text to be shown for sending messages
final String sendMessageHintText;
//hit text to be shown for recording voice note
final String recordinNoteHintText;
/// The Icon showed to send a text
final IconData sendTextIcon;
// texts shown wen trying to chose image attachment
final String imageAttachmentFromGalary;
final String imageAttachmentFromCamery;
final String imageAttachmentCancelText;
// image attachment text color
final Color imageAttachmentTextColor;
/// the color of the outer container and the color used to hide
/// the text on slide
final Color containerColor;
/// The callback when slider is completed. This is the only required field.
final VoidCallback onSlideToCancelRecord;
//The callback when send is pressed.
Function(String? text)? onSubmit;
/// function to handle the selected image
final Function(XFile) handleImageSelect;
/// function to handle the recorded audio
final Function(String? path, bool cnaceled)? handleRecord;
final TextEditingController textController;
// use this flag to disable the input
final bool disableInput;