arcane 2.4.2 copy "arcane: ^2.4.2" to clipboard
arcane: ^2.4.2 copied to clipboard

Speeds up Flutter App Stuff

This is a modified fork of shadcn_flutter and includes resources & merged code from Phosphor Icons & Ionicons. It is designed for quickly creating apps.

Forked / Modified Packages #

  • shadcn_flutter for general widgets & overall UI. Their license is included in the lib/shadcn folder.
  • phosphor_flutter & ionicons for icons
  • blurme for blur effects (needed to modify) license unneeded as it says "Use however you want".

Initial Setup #

Note: This guide below only showcases new features & changes. Please refer to shadcn_flutter docs to see how to use that package through arcane.


void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  const MyApp({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => ArcaneApp(
      theme: ArcaneTheme(scheme: ColorSchemes.zinc()),
      home: HomeScreen()


    arcane: VERSION
  uses-material-design: true
    - family: "GeistSans"
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Black.otf"
          weight: 800
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Bold.otf"
          weight: 700
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Light.otf"
          weight: 300
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Medium.otf"
          weight: 500
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-SemiBold.otf"
          weight: 600
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Thin.otf"
          weight: 100
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-UltraBlack.otf"
          weight: 900
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-UltraLight.otf"
          weight: 200
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/Geist-Regular.otf"
          weight: 400
    - family: "GeistMono"
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Black.otf"
          weight: 800
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Bold.otf"
          weight: 700
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Light.otf"
          weight: 300
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Medium.otf"
          weight: 500
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Regular.otf"
          weight: 400
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-SemiBold.otf"
          weight: 600
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-Thin.otf"
          weight: 100
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-UltraBlack.otf"
          weight: 900
        - asset: "packages/arcane/resources/fonts/GeistMono-UltraLight.otf"
          weight: 200

Screens #

class HomeScreen extends StatelessWidget {
  const HomeScreen({super.key});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) => Screen(
    header: Bar(titleText: "Home"),
    slivers: [
      // It is ideal to use slivers in screens

Sectioned Lists #

Sectioned lists allow each section to contain sticky headers.

    header: Bar(titleText: "Home"),
    slivers: [
      // Bar section is a bar header with a sliver content
      // Bar sections are slivers as they have sticky headers
        titleText: "Header Title",
        sliver: SliverList(...)

      // You can also make your own custom header instead of bars
        header: Text("Header Title"),
        sliver: SliverList(...)

You can also nest sections inside of sections

    header: Bar(titleText: "Home"),
    slivers: [
          titleText: "Outer Section",
          sliver: MultiSliver(children: [
              // The outer section + inner section 
              // will stack their headers on top of each other
                  titleText: "Inner Section",
                  sliver: SliverList(...)
          titleText: "Inner Section",
          sliver: SliverList(...)

Tiles #

List tiles similar to material.

    title: Text("Title"),
    subtitle: Text("Subtitle"),
    leading: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
    trailing: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
    onTap: () => print("Tapped")
    title: Text("Checkbox Tile"),
    leading: Icon(,
    subtitle: Text("Subtitle"),
    value: true,
    title: Text("Checkbox Tile"),
    leading: Icon(,
    trailing: Icon(Icons.x),
    subtitle: Text("But with a trailing widget"),
    value: true,

Quick access to shadcn popup menus & modified context menus

    icon: Icons.dots_3,
    items: [
        MenuButton(child: Text("Click Me"), onTap: (_) => print("Clicked")),
        MenuButton(child: Text("Hover Me"), subMenu: [
            // more menu items

Dialogs #

Fast dialog access, compatible with Pylon

=> DialogConfirm(
    title: "Are you sure?",
    description: "This action cannot be undone",
    onConfirm: () => print("Confirmed"),
    confirmText: "Delete Forever",
=> DialogText(
    title: "Input Dialog",
    description: "This is a text description",
    confirmText: "Yes",
    cancelText: "Nope",
    onConfirm: (x) => print("Input $x"),

Toast #

Compatible with Pylon

TextToast("This is a toast").open(context);
=> Toast(
    builder: (context) => const Text("Bottom Left"),

Sheets #

Compatible with Pylon

Sheet(builder: (context) => const TheScreen()).open(context)