fire_crud 2.3.9 copy "fire_crud: ^2.3.9" to clipboard
fire_crud: ^2.3.9 copied to clipboard

CRUD Operations for firestore

CRUD operations for Firestore

I have gotten sick and tired of firebases poor mapping system, and tired of having to make something like this but half baked for every project i start. Inf is already boring enough, so lets stop doing so much of it.

Setup #

This project uses fire_api for the firestore database. You will need to set it up before you can use this package.

Features #

  • Get,Set,Add,Stream,,Delete documents as models
  • Get,Stream,Count,Walk collections

Usage #

  1. Define your models
class User with ModelCrud {
  String name;
  int age;

  // copyWith, toMap, fromMap would be from dart_mappable for example

  List<ChildModel> get childModels => [
    // user/USERID/data/settings
        collection: "data",
        exclusiveDocumentId: "settings",
        model: UserSettings(), 
        toMap: (m) => m.toMap(), 
        fromMap: (m) => UserSettingsMappable.fromMap(m)),
    // user/USERID/note/NOTEID
        collection: "note",
        model: Note(), 
        toMap: (m) => m.toMap(), 
        fromMap: (m) => NoteMappable.fromMap(m)),

class UserSettings with ModelCrud {
  bool dark;
  List<ChildModel> get childModels => [];

class Note with ModelCrud {
  String title;
  String content;
  List<ChildModel> get childModels => [];

// On init we need to register all root models
void main(){
    collection: "user",
    model: User(),
    toMap: (m) => m.toMap(),
    fromMap: (m) => UserMappable.fromMap(m)
  1. Use them!
// Add a user
User user = await $crud.add<User>(User() = "Dan" ..age = 21);

// Add a note without getting the user by using .model instead of .pull
Note added = await $crud.model<User>("USERID")
      ..title = "My Note"
      ..content = "This is my note");

// Update a note 
await user.set<Note>(added..title = "My new note");

// Update a note atomically (txn get then set)
await user.setAtomic<Note>((now) => now..title = "My new note");

// Select all notes ordered by title
List<Note> notes = await user.pullAll<Note>(query: (q) => q.orderBy("title"));

// Stream all notes
Stream<List<Note>> notesStream = user.streamAll<Note>();

// Get neighbor note
added.parentModel<User>().get<Note>("another id");

// Delete