app_update_alert 1.5.5 copy "app_update_alert: ^1.5.5" to clipboard
app_update_alert: ^1.5.5 copied to clipboard

Allow users keep your app up to date on their devices, they can try new features, as well as benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.

App Update alert Plugin #

keep your app users up to date on their devices

ios support version - 13+ android support version - 8+ tag - v1.5.1 License News - Android Weekly Story - Medium GitHub - VinodBaste

With the help of a this Flutter plugin.

  • Check if a user has the most recent installation of your app.
  • Display a message to the user with a link to the relevant app store page.

See more at the Dart Packages page.

Installation #

Add app_update_alert as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.

With Flutter: #

Run this command:
flutter pub add app_update_alert
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This will add a line like below to your package's pubspec.yaml

  app_update_alert: ^1.5.5
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run an implicit flutter pub get

Usage #

Create an instance of AppUpdate in main.dart (or wherever your app is initialised).

  void initState() {
 final appUpdate = AppUpdate(
      iosPackageName: 'com.your.IOSpackage',
      androidPackageName: 'com.your.Androidpackage', 
      iOSAppStoreCountry: 'in'
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Your Flutter package identification will be used by the plugin automatically to search the app store. You can overwrite this identity if your app uses a different one on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store by giving values for androidPackageName and/or iosPackageName.

For iOS: You must specify iOSAppStoreCountry to the two-letter country code of the Software Store you want to search if your app is only accessible outside the India. A list of ISO Country Codes can be found at 3166-1 alpha-2.

Quickstart #

Calling showUpdateAlert with your app's BuildContext and other optional parameters which will check if the app can be updated, and will automatically display a platform-specific alert that the user can use to go to the app store.

  void initState() {
 final appUpdate = AppUpdate(
      iosPackageName: 'com.your.IOSpackage',
      androidPackageName: 'com.your.Androidpackage', 
      iOSAppStoreCountry: 'in'
 appUpdate.showUpdateAlert(context: context);
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Note: The parameters such as iosPackageName, androidPackageName are non-mandatory fields and can only be overwritten if the app package's differ from store versions.

showUpdateAlert dialog with optional parameters and dialog dismissal #

To change the appearance and behavior of the update dialog, you can showUpdateAlert optionally provide dialogTitle: String, dialogText: String, updateButtonText: String, allowDismissal: bool, dismissButtonText: String, and dismissAction: VoidCallback parameters.

    appUpdate.showUpdateAlert(context: context,
                                dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
                                dialogText: dialogText,
                                updateButtonText: updateButtonText,
                                allowDismissal: true,
                                dismissButtonText: dismissButtonText,
                                dismissAction: dismissAction
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showUpdateAlert dialog without dialog dismissal #

To change the appearance and behavior of the update dialog, you can showUpdateAlert optionally provide dialogTitle: String, dialogText: String, updateButtonText: String, allowDismissal: bool, parameters.

    appUpdate.showUpdateAlert(context: context,
                                dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
                                dialogText: dialogText,
                                updateButtonText: updateButtonText,
                                allowDismissal: false,
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showUpdateAlert dialog with optional VoidCallback #

When dialog dismissal is allowed and to perform/ execute any functions on dismissButtonText or on dialog dismiss use the dismissAction.

    void callBackFunction() {
      print('dismissAction called');

    appUpdate.showUpdateAlert(context: context,
                                dialogTitle: dialogTitle,
                                dialogText: dialogText,
                                updateButtonText: updateButtonText,
                                allowDismissal: true,
                                dismissButtonText: dismissButtonText,
                                dismissAction: callBackFunction()
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Force update dialog #

Calling forceAppVersion with your app's greater version will check if the app can be updated, and will automatically display a platform-specific alert that the user can use to go to the app store.

 final appUpdate = AppUpdate(
      iosPackageName: 'com.your.IOSpackage',
      androidPackageName: 'com.your.Androidpackage', 
      iOSAppStoreCountry: 'in',
      forceAppVersion: '1.0.1'
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Platform Support #

ANDROID -  Yes	                  
IOS     -  Yes                   
LINUX   -  No	                  
MACOS   -  No	                 
WEB     -  No	                  
WINDOWS -  No	                  
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Support my work #

Buy Me A Coffee

License #

Copyright [2022] [Vinod Baste]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
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Weekly Downloads

2024.09.08 - 2025.03.23

Allow users keep your app up to date on their devices, they can try new features, as well as benefit from performance improvements and bug fixes.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


Apache-2.0 (license)


collection, flutter, html, http, package_info_plus, url_launcher


Packages that depend on app_update_alert