anyline_plugin 54.2.2 anyline_plugin: ^54.2.2 copied to clipboard
Flutter Plugin for Anyline OCR, which allows you to scan all kinds of numbers, characters, text and codes.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:anyline_plugin/anyline_plugin.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:anyline_plugin_example/home.dart';
void main() {
/// This is just a minimal example function to show how to use our plugin as
/// fast as possible. For the code of our Flutter example app check out the
/// [anyline_demo] module.
void scanWithAnyline() async {
/// Instantiate the plugin.
var anylinePlugin = AnylinePlugin();
/// Load the config file which also includes the license key (for more info
/// visit
var config = await rootBundle.loadString('config/AnalogMeterConfig.json');
/// Start the scanning process.
var stringResult =
await (anylinePlugin.startScanning(config) as FutureOr<String>);
/// Convert the stringResult to a Map to access the result fields. It is
/// recommended to create result classes that fit your use case. For more
/// information on that, visit the Flutter Guide on
Map<String, dynamic>? result =
jsonDecode(stringResult) as Map<String, dynamic>;
if (kDebugMode) {