angel_auth 2.1.5+1 copy "angel_auth: ^2.1.5+1" to clipboard
angel_auth: ^2.1.5+1 copied to clipboard

A complete authentication plugin for Angel. Includes support for stateless JWT tokens, Basic Auth, and more.

angel_auth #

Pub build status

A complete authentication plugin for Angel. Inspired by Passport.

Wiki #

Click here.

Bundled Strategies #

  • Local (with and without Basic Auth)
  • Find other strategies (Twitter, Google, OAuth2, etc.) on Pub!!!

Example #

Ensure you have read the wiki.

configureServer(Angel app) async {
  var auth = AngelAuth<User>();
  auth.serializer = ...;
  auth.deserializer = ...;
  auth.strategies['local'] = LocalAuthStrategy(...);
  // POST route to handle username+password'/local', auth.authenticate('local'));

  // Using Angel's asynchronous injections, we can parse the JWT
  // on demand. It won't be parsed until we check.
  app.get('/profile', ioc((User user) {
  // Use a comma to try multiple strategies!!!
  // Each strategy is run sequentially. If one succeeds, the loop ends.
  // Authentication failures will just cause the loop to continue.
  // If the last strategy throws an authentication failure, then
  // a `401 Not Authenticated` is thrown.
  var chainedHandler = auth.authenticate(
  // Apply angel_auth-specific configuration.
  await app.configure(auth.configureServer);

Default Authentication Callback #

A frequent use case within SPA's is opening OAuth login endpoints in a separate window. angel_client provides a facility for this, which works perfectly with the default callback provided in this package.

configureServer(Angel app) async {
  var handler = auth.authenticate(
    AngelAuthOptions(callback: confirmPopupAuthentication()));
  app.get('/auth/facebook', handler);
  // Use a comma to try multiple strategies!!!
  // Each strategy is run sequentially. If one succeeds, the loop ends.
  // Authentication failures will just cause the loop to continue.
  // If the last strategy throws an authentication failure, then
  // a `401 Not Authenticated` is thrown.
  var chainedHandler = auth.authenticate(

This renders a simple HTML page that fires the user's JWT as a token event in window.opener. angel_client exposes this as a Stream:

app.authenticateViaPopup('/auth/google').listen((jwt) {
  // Do something with the JWT
pub points



A complete authentication plugin for Angel. Includes support for stateless JWT tokens, Basic Auth, and more.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


MIT (license)


angel_framework, charcode, collection, crypto, http_parser, meta, quiver_hashcode


Packages that depend on angel_auth