alh_calendar 1.0.0 copy "alh_calendar: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
alh_calendar: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

A package for creating a custom calendar-widget. Builder-methods make it possible to design the calendar according to the given situation.

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An animated image of the iOS ReordableGridView UI

With this Widget, you can build a custom calendar.

Index #

Introduction #

This package alh_calendar is inspired by flutter_neat_and_clean_calendar(Link) and build from scratch.

With this package you are able to:

  • create your own CalendarHeader
  • create your own TableRow which shows the days of week
  • create your own TableCell which each represents a day
  • create navigate threw the months via buttons or swipe
  • show the dates of previous month and next month
  • define a maximum and minimum month
  • define a maximum and minimum day
  • usefull callBacks
  • Tests for the whole written code on Dart

Usage #

final dayMap = {
  DayOfWeek.monday: 'Mon',
  DayOfWeek.thursday: 'Thu',
  DayOfWeek.wednesday: 'Wen',
  DayOfWeek.tuesday: 'Tue',
  DayOfWeek.friday: 'Fri',
  DayOfWeek.saturday: 'Sat',
  DayOfWeek.sunday: 'Sun',

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: const Text('Plugin example app'),
        body: AlhCalendar(
          headerLeading: const Icon(Icons.chevron_left),
          headerTrailing: const Icon(Icons.chevron_right),
          daysOfWeek: dayMap,
          dayOfWeekBuilder: (String dayOfWeek, bool isWeekEnd) {
            return Center(
              child: Padding(
                padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
                child: Text(
                  style: TextStyle(
                        isWeekEnd ? Colors.blueAccent : Colors.redAccent,
          headerBuilder: (DateTime date) {
            return CalendarHeaderTitle(
              displayMonth: DateFormat('MMMM yyyy', 'en_Us').format(date),
          dayBuilder: (
            CalendarDayBuilderModel calendarDayBuilderModel,
          ) {
            return CalendarDay(
              calendarDayBuilderModel: calendarDayBuilderModel,

Parameters #

This is a list of all parameters that can be used for the AlhCalendar widget.

Parameter Description Default Value
initialDate Defines the initial time. If null, then is used.
disablePreviousMonthFromDate If the given month date is reached, user cannot go to previous month. 10 years in the past
disableNextMonthFromDate If the given month date is reached, user cannot go to next month. 10 years in the future
minSelectableDate Sets the minimum day, that the user can select. Every day before the chosen day is flagged as outside of range. The selected day must fall within the range defined by disablePreviousMonthFromDate and disableNextMonthFromDate. -
maxSelectableDate Sets the maximum day, that the user can select. Every day after the chosen day is flagged as outside of range. The selected day must fall within the range defined by disablePreviousMonthFromDate and disableNextMonthFromDate. -
daysOfWeek Needs a Map of <DayOfWeek, String> to fill DayOfWeekCalendarCells. -
enableHorizontalSwipe Flag if horizontal scrolling in calendar is enabled. true
headerPadding Sets the padding between headerTitle and both headerIcons. EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 3.0)
iconPadding Sets the padding around both headerIcons. EdgeInsets.all(8)
enableJumpToOtherMonth Enables changing the month when a day outside of the current month is tapped. true
showSixWeeksForEveryMonth Forces the table to have 6 rows, even when the month would fit in 5. true
disableTapOnOutOfRange If true, days out of range can't be tapped. true
selectInitialDate If false, the initialDate won’t be selected. This can be used if the initialDate needs to be passed to the AlhCalendar, but the date should not be preselected. true
pageChangeDuration Duration for the page change animation. Duration(milliseconds: 400)
pageChangeCurve Duration for the page change animation. Curves.easeInOut
headerLeading Custom widget that is left of the header. -
headerTrailing Custom widget that is right of the header. -

This is a list of the functional parameters that can be used for the AlhCalendar widget.

Parameter Description Default Value
dayBuilder Custom builder for the day cells. -
headerBuilder Custom builder for the header title. -
dayOfWeekBuilder Custom builder for DayOfWeekCalendarCells. -
onMonthChanged Callback once the month is changed. -
onDayChanged Callback once the day is changed. -
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A package for creating a custom calendar-widget. Builder-methods make it possible to design the calendar according to the given situation.

Repository (GitHub)
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API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)




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