Results88 packages
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A super simple dependency injection implementation for flutter that behaves like any normal IOC container and does not rely on mirrors
A simple yet efficient dependency injection container for Dart and Flutter (can be coupled with the kiwi_generator package).#deep-linking#dependency-injector#containers
Simple Architecture for Flutter apps with Dependency Injection, Mediator Pattern and Observable Streams
A simple dependency injection widget based on standard Flutter's InheritedWidget
Flutter Dependency Injection library based on dotnet ServiceProvider
A simple and modular dependency injection system for Flutter.
Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
A powerful State Management, Dependency Injection, Reactive programming and Navigation for Flutter apps.
Integrating with 'get_it,' it efficiently manages Flutter project dependencies, providing robust page control, route management, and module flexibility#dependency-injection#di#injection#router#routing
Elevate your project's dependency management with this versatile Flutter package. Say goodbye to the limitations of context and unlock the ability to seamlessly create dependencies for modules. Simpli [...]#dependency#di#injection

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