Results21 packages
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Flutter plugin for Facebook App Events, an app measurement solution that provides insight on app usage and user engagement in Facebook Analytics.
Efficient handling of server-sent event streams with easy connectivity and data management.#sse#server-sent-events#streaming-events
Dispatch and listen events everywhere and whenever. Also know as `Event Bus`.
A client and server implementation of Server-Sent Events.
Flutter plugin for Facebook App Events.
Write and debug tests easily, with full action history, time travel, screenshots, rapid re-execution, video records, interactivity, isolation and more
A flutter project to prevent screen recording in iOS
A Flutter plugin project to manage events (time, place and attendees) using the atPlatform.
The Official Holiday and Event API built for Dart and Flutter.#api#apis#client#event#http
This package generates models from a json file within the lib

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