Results79 packages
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Forge2D (Box2D) support for the Flame game engine. This uses the forge2d package and provides wrappers and components to be used inside Flame.
Tiled support for the Flame game engine. This uses the tiled package and provides wrappers and components to be used inside Flame.
A minimalist Flutter game engine, provides a nice set of somewhat independent modules you can choose from.
Integration for the Bloc state management library to Flame games.
A simple implementation of an Ordered Set for Dart that allows multiple items with the same priority.
Package to add SVG rendering support for the Flame game engine
A 2D physics engine for Dart (based on Box2D), also works with the Flame game engine in Flutter
Audio support for the Flame game engine, basically a thin wrapper around the audioplayers package.
Easy to use texture atlases for the flame engine created with the fire atlas editor
Animated Toggle Give you easy way to make your custom Animated toggle.

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