Results13 packages
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Reflection support based on code generation, using 'capabilities' to specify which operations to support, on which objects.
Drift is a reactive library to store relational data in Dart and Flutter applications.
Code generator pubspec.yaml.g.dart from pubspec.yaml. Just import `pubspec_generator` and then run `dart run build_runner build` #pubspec#yaml#generator#build#version
A lightweight and easy to use dependency injection provider builder for dart.
A event dispatcher builder for dart. Easy to use and lightweight as a feather.
Gernerating Dart model class from Json files with one command.
Vivanta Connect for Flutter
Data structures and typedefs for convenient and advanced processing of your data.
This a a cutsom cab sharing project that allows users to share cabs from campus to airport and vice-versa
Critical Test is a cli tool designed to simplify the process of fixing broken unit tests in Dart.

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