Results20 packages
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The easy way to use ML Kit for text translation in Flutter.
Dart tool to generate flutter translations code from the icapps translations tool
Localization / Internationalization (i18n) solution. Use JSON, YAML, CSV, or ARB files to create typesafe translations via source generation.#i18n#localization#internationalization#translation
Create animations with less code in a chaining manner. This package allows you to combine and chain multiple animations based on percentages of the duration.
a new flutter shake animated project.
Easy to use runtime-safe Flutter app localization tool using code generation.
Easily localize your app to multiple languages
Sealed world data in form of Flutter widgets (country, phone, currency pickers, etc.).#picker#sealed#country-picker#country-selector#currency-picker
The easy way to use Machine Learning Kit (Vision & NLP) in Flutter.
A flutter package that helps you to visualize sine waves as you desire. All basic waves are already supported, plus customized waves & some pre-defined waves.

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