flutter_animator 3.2.2
flutter_animator: ^3.2.2 copied to clipboard
Create animations with less code in a chaining manner. This package allows you to combine and chain multiple animations based on percentages of the duration.
animator #
Enables you to create stunning flutter animations, faster, efficient and with less code.
Null safety:
For null safety please use flutter_animator: ^3.1.0, without null safety: flutter_animator: 2.1.0
Flutter 3:
For flutter>=3 please use flutter_animator: ^3.2.2
Partly inspired by the amazing Animate.css package by Dan Eden. Please note, although it's inspired by Animate.css, this still is a Flutter package, meaning it will be available for all flutter-supported platforms.
- Combine and chain Tweens with multiple easing-curves.
- Less boilerplate code by using a widget which directly handles the controller, animations etc.
- Automatically (re)starts animations on hot-reload after saving.
- Animate your project with ease using the Animate.css based Widgets.
Please press the like button if you like this package, or star it on github.
Getting Started #
Note: To see all of the animated widgets in action be sure to run the app in the demo_app package, or view them on the Animate.css page.
Put the dependency inside your pubspec.yml and run packages get.
Using one of the Animate.css style widgets:
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_animator/flutter_animator.dart';
class TestAnimatedWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RubberBand(
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20),
Please note that you can use the magnitude
property in the AnimationPreferences to control the magnitude of the animations.
Using a GlobalKey to enable play/stop/reverse animations from code:
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import 'package:flutter_animator/flutter_animator.dart';
class TestAnimatedWidget extends StatefulWidget {
_TestAnimatedWidgetState createState() => _TestAnimatedWidgetState();
class _TestAnimatedWidgetState extends State<TestAnimatedWidget> {
//Register a key in your state:
GlobalKey<AnimatorWidgetState> _key = GlobalKey<AnimatorWidgetState>();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Column(
children: <Widget>[
//Render the widget using the _key
child: RubberBand(
key: _key,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 60),
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(10, 10, 10, 30),
child: IconButton(
icon: Icon(
color: Colors.green,
//Use _key.currentState to forward/stop/reverse
onPressed: () => _key.currentState.forward(),
Create your own:
Below is the code (with extra comments) from the actual FadeInDown animated widget. It should give you a clear insight on how to animate with the Animator using the AnimatorWidget.
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
import '../../flutter_animator.dart';
///Firstly, we create an _AnimationDefinition_.
///This is the actual animation part, which gets driven by the _AnimatorWidget_.
class FadeInDownAnimation extends AnimationDefinition {
///[AnimationPreferences] allows us to use the animation with different parameters for:
///offset, duration, autoPlay and an animationStatusListener.
AnimationPreferences preferences = const AnimationPreferences(),
}) : super(
preferences: preferences,
///If you want to use the size of the widget, you need to define it here. (needsScreenSize is also available)
needsWidgetSize: true,
///The opacity to use on the first render when using screenSize or widgetSize.
///In some cases 'flickering' may appear when this isn't set to 1.0 or 0.0 respectively.
preRenderOpacity: 0.0,
///Use the build function to actually render the animated values.
///Performance-wise it's better to use a FadeTransition for opacity animation.
///Use AnimatedBuilder to update te animation and it's values.
Widget build(BuildContext context, Animator animator, Widget child) {
return FadeTransition(
///Use animator.get([KEY]) to get to the Animation object.
opacity: animator.get("opacity"),
child: AnimatedBuilder(
///[Animator] exposes the AnimationController via animator.controller.
animation: animator.controller,
child: child,
builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) => Transform.translate(
child: child,
///Use animator.get([KEY]).value to get the animated value.
offset: Offset(0.0, animator.get("translateY").value),
///Inside the getDefinition method we return the actual animation.
Map<String, TweenList> getDefinition({Size screenSize, Size widgetSize}) {
return {
///Define a [KEY] and a list of Animated values from 0 to 100 percent.
///Please not that you can also define an animation curve inside the [TweenPercentage] class:
///TweenPercentage(percent: 0, value: 0.0, curve: Curves.ease),
"opacity": TweenList<double>(
TweenPercentage(percent: 0, value: 0.0),
TweenPercentage(percent: 100, value: 1.0),
"translateY": TweenList<double>(
TweenPercentage(percent: 0, value: -widgetSize.height),
TweenPercentage(percent: 100, value: 0.0),
///To use the AnimationDefinition we just created we could do the following:
///For a single animation:
/// AnimatorWidget(child: [child], definition: FadeInDownAnimation());
///For In & Out Animations:
/// InOutAnimation(child: [child), inDefinition: FadeInDownAnimation(), outDefinition: ...);
Available default animations: #
Attention Seekers #
- Bounce
- Flash
- HeadShake
- HeartBeat
- Jello
- Pulse
- RubberBand
- Shake
- Swing
- Tada
- Wobble
Bouncing Entrances #
- BounceIn
- BounceInDown
- BounceInLeft
- BounceInRight
- BounceInUp
Bouncing Exits #
- BounceOut
- BounceOutDown
- BounceOutLeft
- BounceOutRight
- BounceOutUp
Fading Entrances #
- FadeIn
- FadeInDown
- FadeInDownBig
- FadeInLeft
- FadeInLeftBig
- FadeInRight
- FadeInRightBig
- FadeInUp
- FadeInUpBig
Fading Exits #
- FadeOut
- FadeOutDown
- FadeOutDownBig
- FadeOutLeft
- FadeOutLeftBig
- FadeOutRight
- FadeOutRightBig
- FadeOutUp
- FadeOutUpBig
Flippers #
- Flip
- FlipInX
- FlipInY
- FlipOutX
- FlipOutY
Lightspeed #
- LightSpeedIn
- LightSpeedOut
Rotating Entrances #
- RotateIn
- RotateInDownLeft
- RotateInDownRight
- RotateInUpLeft
- RotateInUpRight
Rotating Exits #
- RotateOut
- RotateOutDownLeft
- RotateOutDownRight
- RotateOutUpLeft
- RotateOutUpRight
Sliding Entrances #
- SlideInDown
- SlideInLeft
- SlideInRight
- SlideInUp
Sliding Exits #
- SlideOutDown
- SlideOutLeft
- SlideOutRight
- SlideOutUp
Slit Entrances #
- SlitInDiagonal
- SlitInHorizontal
- SlitInVertical
Slit Exits #
- SlitOutDiagonal
- SlitOutHorizontal
- SlitOutVertical
Specials #
- CrossFadeAB (*not in preview)
- Hinge
- JackInTheBox
- RollIn
- RollOut
Zooming Entrances #
- ZoomIn
- ZoomInDown
- ZoomInLeft
- ZoomInRight
- ZoomInUp
Zooming Exits #
- ZoomOut
- ZoomOutDown
- ZoomOutLeft
- ZoomOutRight
- ZoomOutUp