Results303 packages
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A flutter plugin for dynamically changing app icon and app icon batch number
A flutter plugin for dynamically changing app icon, support IOS version > 10.3 and Android
A new flutter package to build dynamic calculator easily with full customization ability. It'll be helpful for making a custom keyboard or a bottom sheet modal calculator.
A super simple dependency injection implementation for flutter that behaves like any normal IOC container and does not rely on mirrors
Flutter SDK for CallKit integration to Flutter applications on iOS
A Flutter plugin that helps you to restart the whole Flutter app with a single function call by using native APIs.
Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
Returns cached result of function call when inputs were not changed from previous invocation.
Dart package that provides simple access to the CoinGecko API (Version 3)
A plug-in that can call native APP to open files with string result in flutter, support iOS(UTI) / android(intent) / PC(ffi) / web(dart:html)

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