Window class

A window containing a DOM document; the document property points to the DOM document loaded in that window.

MDN Reference

Implemented types
Available extensions
  • @JS()
  • @staticInterop




addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventHandlersEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
addEventListener ↔ void Function(String, [Object?, Object?])

Available on EventTarget, provided by the EventTarget$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(GlobalEventHandlersEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
alert ↔ void Function([dynamic])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
atob String Function(String)

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
blur ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
btoa String Function(String)

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
caches CacheStorage

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

Available only in secure contexts.
no setter
cancelAnimationFrame ↔ void Function(num)

Available on AnimationFrameProvider, provided by the AnimationFrameProvider$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
cancelIdleCallback ↔ void Function(num)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
captureEvents ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearInterval ↔ void Function([num?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clearTimeout ↔ void Function([num?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
clientInformation Navigator

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
close ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
closed bool

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the window has been closed, false otherwise.
no setter
confirm bool Function([String?])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
createImageBitmap → ({Future<ImageBitmap> Function(Object image, [ImageBitmapOptions? options]) $1, Future<ImageBitmap> Function(Object image, num sx, num sy, num sw, num sh, [ImageBitmapOptions? options]) $2})

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
crossOriginIsolated bool

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
crypto Crypto

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
customElements CustomElementRegistry

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Defines a new custom element, mapping the given name to the given constructor as an autonomous custom element.
no setter
devicePixelRatio num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
dispatchEvent bool Function(Event)

Available on EventTarget, provided by the EventTarget$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
document Document

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
event Event?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
external$ External

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
fetch Future<Response> Function(Object, [RequestInit?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
focus ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
frameElement Element?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
frames WindowProxy

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
getComputedStyle CSSStyleDeclaration Function(Element, [String?])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
getSelection Selection? Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
history History

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
indexedDB IDBFactory

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
innerHeight num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
innerWidth num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
isSecureContext bool

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
length num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
localStorage Storage

Available on WindowLocalStorage, provided by the WindowLocalStorage$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
location Location

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
locationbar BarProp

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the location bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
matchMedia MediaQueryList Function(String)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the menu bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
moveBy ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
moveTo ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
name String

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
onabort ↔ dynamic Function(UIEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user aborts the download. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onafterprint ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onanimationcancel ↔ dynamic Function(AnimationEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onanimationend ↔ dynamic Function(AnimationEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onanimationiteration ↔ dynamic Function(AnimationEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onanimationstart ↔ dynamic Function(AnimationEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onauxclick ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onbeforeinput ↔ dynamic Function(InputEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onbeforeprint ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onbeforeunload ↔ dynamic Function(BeforeUnloadEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onblur ↔ dynamic Function(FocusEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the object loses the input focus. @param ev The focus event.
getter/setter pair
oncancel ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oncanplay ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when playback is possible, but would require further buffering. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
oncanplaythrough ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the contents of the object or selection have changed. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onclick ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user clicks the left mouse button on the object @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onclose ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oncontextmenu ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user clicks the right mouse button in the client area, opening the context menu. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
oncopy ↔ dynamic Function(ClipboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oncuechange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oncut ↔ dynamic Function(ClipboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ondblclick ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user double-clicks the object. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
ondevicemotion ↔ dynamic Function(DeviceMotionEvent)?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Available only in secure contexts.
getter/setter pair
ondeviceorientation ↔ dynamic Function(DeviceOrientationEvent)?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Available only in secure contexts.
getter/setter pair
ondrag ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the source object continuously during a drag operation. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ondragend ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the source object when the user releases the mouse at the close of a drag operation. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ondragenter ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the target element when the user drags the object to a valid drop target. @param ev The drag event.
getter/setter pair
ondragleave ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the target object when the user moves the mouse out of a valid drop target during a drag operation. @param ev The drag event.
getter/setter pair
ondragover ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the target element continuously while the user drags the object over a valid drop target. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ondragstart ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires on the source object when the user starts to drag a text selection or selected object. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ondrop ↔ dynamic Function(DragEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ondurationchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the duration attribute is updated. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onemptied ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the media element is reset to its initial state. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onended ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the end of playback is reached. @param ev The event
getter/setter pair
onerror OnErrorEventHandler?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when an error occurs during object loading. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onfocus ↔ dynamic Function(FocusEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the object receives focus. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onformdata ↔ dynamic Function(FormDataEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ongamepadconnected ↔ dynamic Function(GamepadEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ongamepaddisconnected ↔ dynamic Function(GamepadEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ongotpointercapture ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onhashchange ↔ dynamic Function(HashChangeEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oninput ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
oninvalid ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onkeydown ↔ dynamic Function(KeyboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user presses a key. @param ev The keyboard event
getter/setter pair
onkeypress ↔ dynamic Function(KeyboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user presses an alphanumeric key. @param ev The event. @deprecated
getter/setter pair
onkeyup ↔ dynamic Function(KeyboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user releases a key. @param ev The keyboard event
getter/setter pair
onlanguagechange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onload ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires immediately after the browser loads the object. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onloadeddata ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when media data is loaded at the current playback position. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onloadedmetadata ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the duration and dimensions of the media have been determined. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onloadstart ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when Internet Explorer begins looking for media data. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onlostpointercapture ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onmessage ↔ dynamic Function(MessageEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onmessageerror ↔ dynamic Function(MessageEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onmousedown ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user clicks the object with either mouse button. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onmouseenter ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onmouseleave ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onmousemove ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user moves the mouse over the object. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onmouseout ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer outside the boundaries of the object. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onmouseover ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user moves the mouse pointer into the object. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onmouseup ↔ dynamic Function(MouseEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user releases a mouse button while the mouse is over the object. @param ev The mouse event.
getter/setter pair
onoffline ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ononline ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onorientationchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
onpagehide ↔ dynamic Function(PageTransitionEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpageshow ↔ dynamic Function(PageTransitionEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpaste ↔ dynamic Function(ClipboardEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpause ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when playback is paused. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onplay ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the play method is requested. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onplaying ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the audio or video has started playing. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onpointercancel ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerdown ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerenter ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerleave ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointermove ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerout ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerover ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpointerup ↔ dynamic Function(PointerEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onpopstate ↔ dynamic Function(PopStateEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onprogress ↔ dynamic Function(ProgressEvent<EventTarget>)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs to indicate progress while downloading media data. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onratechange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the playback rate is increased or decreased. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onrejectionhandled ↔ dynamic Function(PromiseRejectionEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onreset ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user resets a form. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onresize ↔ dynamic Function(UIEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onscroll ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the user repositions the scroll box in the scroll bar on the object. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onscrollend ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onsecuritypolicyviolation ↔ dynamic Function(SecurityPolicyViolationEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onseeked ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the seek operation ends. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onseeking ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the current playback position is moved. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onselect ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Fires when the current selection changes. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onselectionchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onselectstart ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onslotchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onstalled ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the download has stopped. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onstorage ↔ dynamic Function(StorageEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onsubmit ↔ dynamic Function(SubmitEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onsuspend ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs if the load operation has been intentionally halted. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ontimeupdate ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs to indicate the current playback position. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
ontoggle ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontouchcancel ↔ dynamic Function(TouchEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontouchend ↔ dynamic Function(TouchEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontouchmove ↔ dynamic Function(TouchEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontouchstart ↔ dynamic Function(TouchEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontransitioncancel ↔ dynamic Function(TransitionEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontransitionend ↔ dynamic Function(TransitionEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontransitionrun ↔ dynamic Function(TransitionEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
ontransitionstart ↔ dynamic Function(TransitionEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onunhandledrejection ↔ dynamic Function(PromiseRejectionEvent)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onunload ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
onvolumechange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when the volume is changed, or playback is muted or unmuted. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onwaiting ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Occurs when playback stops because the next frame of a video resource is not available. @param ev The event.
getter/setter pair
onwebkitanimationend ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

@deprecated This is a legacy alias of onanimationend.
getter/setter pair
onwebkitanimationiteration ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

@deprecated This is a legacy alias of onanimationiteration.
getter/setter pair
onwebkitanimationstart ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

@deprecated This is a legacy alias of onanimationstart.
getter/setter pair
onwebkittransitionend ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

@deprecated This is a legacy alias of ontransitionend.
getter/setter pair
onwheel ↔ dynamic Function(WheelEvent)?

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
open WindowProxy? Function([Object?, String?, String?])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
opener ↔ dynamic

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
orientation num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
origin String

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
outerHeight num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
outerWidth num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
pageXOffset num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
pageYOffset num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

no setter
parent WindowProxy

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Refers to either the parent WindowProxy, or itself.
no setter
performance Performance

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
personalbar BarProp

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the personal bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
postMessage → ({void Function([dynamic message, WindowPostMessageOptions? options]) $1, void Function(dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List<Object>? transfer]) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
print ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
prompt String? Function([String?, String?])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
queueMicrotask ↔ void Function(VoidFunction)

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
releaseEvents ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(GlobalEventHandlersEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on GlobalEventHandlers, provided by the GlobalEventHandlers$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
removeEventListener ↔ void Function(String, [Object?, Object?])

Available on EventTarget, provided by the EventTarget$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventHandlersEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})

Available on WindowEventHandlers, provided by the WindowEventHandlers$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
reportError ↔ void Function([dynamic])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
requestAnimationFrame num Function(FrameRequestCallback)

Available on AnimationFrameProvider, provided by the AnimationFrameProvider$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
requestIdleCallback num Function(IdleRequestCallback, [IdleRequestOptions?])

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
resizeBy ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
resizeTo ↔ void Function(num, num)

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
screen Screen

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
screenLeft num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
screenTop num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
screenX num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
screenY num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
scroll → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollbars BarProp

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the scrollbars are visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
scrollBy → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollTo → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollX num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
scrollY num

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
self → _Intersection2

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
sessionStorage Storage

Available on WindowSessionStorage, provided by the WindowSessionStorage$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
setInterval num Function(Object, [num?, Iterable?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
setTimeout num Function(Object, [num?, Iterable?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
speechSynthesis SpeechSynthesis

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
status String

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
statusbar BarProp

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the status bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
stop ↔ void Function()

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
structuredClone ↔ T Function<T>(T, [StructuredSerializeOptions?])

Available on WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope, provided by the WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope$Typings extension

getter/setter pair
toolbar BarProp

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

Returns true if the toolbar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
top WindowProxy?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
visualViewport VisualViewport?

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter
window → _Intersection3

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

MDN Reference
no setter


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](num index) Window

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension

operator []=(num index, Window value) → void

Available on Window, provided by the Window$Typings extension