Window$Typings extension



addEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
alert ↔ void Function([dynamic])
getter/setter pair
blur ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
cancelIdleCallback ↔ void Function(num)
getter/setter pair
captureEvents ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
clientInformation Navigator
no setter
close ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
closed bool
Returns true if the window has been closed, false otherwise.
no setter
confirm bool Function([String?])
getter/setter pair
customElements CustomElementRegistry
Defines a new custom element, mapping the given name to the given constructor as an autonomous custom element.
no setter
devicePixelRatio num
MDN Reference
no setter
document Document
MDN Reference
no setter
event Event?
no setter
external$ External
no setter
focus ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
frameElement Element?
MDN Reference
no setter
frames WindowProxy
MDN Reference
no setter
getComputedStyle CSSStyleDeclaration Function(Element, [String?])
getter/setter pair
getSelection Selection? Function()
getter/setter pair
history History
MDN Reference
no setter
innerHeight num
MDN Reference
no setter
innerWidth num
MDN Reference
no setter
length num
MDN Reference
no setter
location Location
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
locationbar BarProp
Returns true if the location bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
matchMedia MediaQueryList Function(String)
getter/setter pair
Returns true if the menu bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
moveBy ↔ void Function(num, num)
getter/setter pair
moveTo ↔ void Function(num, num)
getter/setter pair
name String
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
MDN Reference
no setter
ondevicemotion ↔ dynamic Function(DeviceMotionEvent)?
Available only in secure contexts.
getter/setter pair
ondeviceorientation ↔ dynamic Function(DeviceOrientationEvent)?
Available only in secure contexts.
getter/setter pair
onorientationchange ↔ dynamic Function(Event)?
getter/setter pair
open WindowProxy? Function([Object?, String?, String?])
getter/setter pair
opener ↔ dynamic
MDN Reference
getter/setter pair
orientation num
no setter
outerHeight num
MDN Reference
no setter
outerWidth num
MDN Reference
no setter
pageXOffset num
no setter
pageYOffset num
no setter
parent WindowProxy
Refers to either the parent WindowProxy, or itself.
no setter
personalbar BarProp
Returns true if the personal bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
postMessage → ({void Function([dynamic message, WindowPostMessageOptions? options]) $1, void Function(dynamic message, String targetOrigin, [List<Object>? transfer]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
print ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
prompt String? Function([String?, String?])
getter/setter pair
releaseEvents ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
removeEventListener → ({void Function<K$>(WindowEventMap<K$> type, dynamic listener(K$), [Object? options]) $1, void Function(String type, Object listener, [Object? options]) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
requestIdleCallback num Function(IdleRequestCallback, [IdleRequestOptions?])
getter/setter pair
resizeBy ↔ void Function(num, num)
getter/setter pair
resizeTo ↔ void Function(num, num)
getter/setter pair
screen Screen
MDN Reference
no setter
screenLeft num
MDN Reference
no setter
screenTop num
MDN Reference
no setter
screenX num
MDN Reference
no setter
screenY num
MDN Reference
no setter
scroll → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollbars BarProp
Returns true if the scrollbars are visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
scrollBy → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollTo → ({void Function([ScrollToOptions? options]) $1, void Function(num x, num y) $2})
Overload accessor: $1, $2
no setter
scrollX num
MDN Reference
no setter
scrollY num
MDN Reference
no setter
self → _Intersection2
MDN Reference
no setter
speechSynthesis SpeechSynthesis
MDN Reference
no setter
status String
getter/setter pair
statusbar BarProp
Returns true if the status bar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
stop ↔ void Function()
getter/setter pair
toolbar BarProp
Returns true if the toolbar is visible; otherwise, returns false.
no setter
top WindowProxy?
MDN Reference
no setter
visualViewport VisualViewport?
MDN Reference
no setter
window → _Intersection3
MDN Reference
no setter


operator [](num index) Window
operator []=(num index, Window value) → void