react library

A Dart library for building UI using ReactJS.


Top-level ReactJS Component class which provides the ReactJS Component API
Top-level ReactJS Component class which provides the ReactJS Component API.
The return type of createContext, Wraps ReactContext for use in Dart. Allows access to Provider and Consumer Components.
A context utility for assisting with common needs of ReactDartContext.
Metadata about a prop being validated by a PropValidator.
Creates a ReactJS virtual DOM instance (ReactElement on the client).
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a AnimationEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a ClipboardEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a CompositionEvent.
Used to wrap SyntheticMouseEvent.dataTransfer's interop value in order to avoid known errors.
A cross-browser wrapper around the browser's nativeEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a FocusEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that represents a form event.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a KeyboardEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a MouseEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a PointerEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a TouchEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a TransitionEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a UIEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a SyntheticWheelEvent.


Mixin that enforces consistent typing of the snapshot parameter returned by Component2.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and passed into Component2.componentDidUpdate.


a ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <a> AnchorElement.
getter/setter pair
abbr ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <abbr> Element.
getter/setter pair
address ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <address> Element.
getter/setter pair
altGlyph ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <altGlyph> AltGlyphElement.
getter/setter pair
altGlyphDef ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <altGlyphDef> AltGlyphDefElement.
getter/setter pair
altGlyphItem ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <altGlyphItem> AltGlyphItemElement.
getter/setter pair
animate ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <animate> AnimateElement.
getter/setter pair
animateColor ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <animateColor> AnimateColorElement.
getter/setter pair
animateMotion ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <animateMotion> AnimateMotionElement.
getter/setter pair
animateTransform ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <animateTransform> AnimateTransformElement.
getter/setter pair
area ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <area> AreaElement.
getter/setter pair
article ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <article> Element.
getter/setter pair
aside ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <aside> Element.
getter/setter pair
audio ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <audio> AudioElement.
getter/setter pair
b ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <b> Element.
getter/setter pair
base ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <base> BaseElement.
getter/setter pair
bdi ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <bdi> Element.
getter/setter pair
bdo ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <bdo> Element.
getter/setter pair
big ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <big> Element.
getter/setter pair
blockquote ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <blockquote> Element.
getter/setter pair
body ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <body> BodyElement.
getter/setter pair
br ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <br> BRElement.
getter/setter pair
button ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <button> ButtonElement.
getter/setter pair
canvas ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <canvas> CanvasElement.
getter/setter pair
caption ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <caption> Element.
getter/setter pair
circle ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <circle> CircleElement.
getter/setter pair
cite ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <cite> Element.
getter/setter pair
clipPath ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <clipPath> ClipPathElement.
getter/setter pair
code ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <code> Element.
getter/setter pair
col ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <col> Element.
getter/setter pair
colgroup ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <colgroup> Element.
getter/setter pair
colorProfile ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <color-profile> ColorProfileElement.
getter/setter pair
cursor ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <cursor> CursorElement.
getter/setter pair
data ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <data> Element.
getter/setter pair
datalist ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <datalist> DataListElement.
getter/setter pair
dd ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <dd> Element.
getter/setter pair
defs ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <defs> DefsElement.
getter/setter pair
del ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <del> Element.
getter/setter pair
desc ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <desc> DescElement.
getter/setter pair
details ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <details> DetailsElement.
getter/setter pair
dfn ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <dfn> Element.
getter/setter pair
dialog ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <dialog> DialogElement.
getter/setter pair
discard ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <discard> DiscardElement.
getter/setter pair
div ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <div> DivElement.
getter/setter pair
dl ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <dl> DListElement.
getter/setter pair
dt ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <dt> Element.
getter/setter pair
ellipse ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <ellipse> EllipseElement.
getter/setter pair
em ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <em> Element.
getter/setter pair
embed ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <embed> EmbedElement.
getter/setter pair
feBlend ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feBlend> FeBlendElement.
getter/setter pair
feColorMatrix ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feColorMatrix> FeColorMatrixElement.
getter/setter pair
feComponentTransfer ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feComponentTransfer> FeComponentTransferElement.
getter/setter pair
feComposite ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feComposite> FeCompositeElement.
getter/setter pair
feConvolveMatrix ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feConvolveMatrix> FeConvolveMatrixElement.
getter/setter pair
feDiffuseLighting ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feDiffuseLighting> FeDiffuseLightingElement.
getter/setter pair
feDisplacementMap ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feDisplacementMap> FeDisplacementMapElement.
getter/setter pair
feDistantLight ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feDistantLight> FeDistantLightElement.
getter/setter pair
feDropShadow ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feDropShadow> FeDropShadowElement.
getter/setter pair
feFlood ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feFlood> FeFloodElement.
getter/setter pair
feFuncA ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feFuncA> FeFuncAElement.
getter/setter pair
feFuncB ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feFuncB> FeFuncBElement.
getter/setter pair
feFuncG ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feFuncG> FeFuncGElement.
getter/setter pair
feFuncR ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feFuncR> FeFuncRElement.
getter/setter pair
feGaussianBlur ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feGaussianBlur> FeGaussianBlurElement.
getter/setter pair
feImage ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feImage> FeImageElement.
getter/setter pair
feMerge ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feMerge> FeMergeElement.
getter/setter pair
feMergeNode ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feMergeNode> FeMergeNodeElement.
getter/setter pair
feMorphology ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feMorphology> FeMorphologyElement.
getter/setter pair
feOffset ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feOffset> FeOffsetElement.
getter/setter pair
fePointLight ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <fePointLight> FePointLightElement.
getter/setter pair
feSpecularLighting ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feSpecularLighting> FeSpecularLightingElement.
getter/setter pair
feSpotLight ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feSpotLight> FeSpotLightElement.
getter/setter pair
feTile ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feTile> FeTileElement.
getter/setter pair
feTurbulence ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <feTurbulence> FeTurbulenceElement.
getter/setter pair
fieldset ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <fieldset> FieldSetElement.
getter/setter pair
figcaption ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <figcaption> Element.
getter/setter pair
figure ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <figure> Element.
getter/setter pair
filter ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <filter> FilterElement.
getter/setter pair
font ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font> FontElement.
getter/setter pair
fontFace ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font-face> FontFaceElement.
getter/setter pair
fontFaceFormat ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font-face-format> FontFaceFormatElement.
getter/setter pair
fontFaceName ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font-face-name> FontFaceNameElement.
getter/setter pair
fontFaceSrc ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font-face-src> FontFaceSrcElement.
getter/setter pair
fontFaceUri ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <font-face-uri> FontFaceUriElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <footer> Element.
getter/setter pair
foreignObject ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <foreignObject> ForeignObjectElement.
getter/setter pair
form ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <form> FormElement.
getter/setter pair
Fragment ReactJsComponentFactoryProxy
Fragment component that allows the wrapping of children without the necessity of using an element that adds an additional layer to the DOM (div, span, etc).
getter/setter pair
g ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <g> GElement.
getter/setter pair
glyph ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <glyph> GlyphElement.
getter/setter pair
glyphRef ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <glyphRef> GlyphRefElement.
getter/setter pair
h1 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h1> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
h2 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h2> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
h3 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h3> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
h4 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h4> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
h5 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h5> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
h6 ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <h6> HeadingElement.
getter/setter pair
hatch ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <hatch> HatchElement.
getter/setter pair
hatchpath ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <hatchpath> HatchpathElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <head> HeadElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <header> Element.
getter/setter pair
hkern ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <hkern> HkernElement.
getter/setter pair
hr ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <hr> HRElement.
getter/setter pair
html ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <html> HtmlHtmlElement.
getter/setter pair
htmlMain ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <main> Element.
getter/setter pair
i ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <i> Element.
getter/setter pair
iframe ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <iframe> IFrameElement.
getter/setter pair
image ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <image> ImageElement.
getter/setter pair
img ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <img> ImageElement.
getter/setter pair
input ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <input> InputElement.
getter/setter pair
ins ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <ins> Element.
getter/setter pair
kbd ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <kbd> Element.
getter/setter pair
keygen ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <keygen> KeygenElement.
getter/setter pair
label ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <label> LabelElement.
getter/setter pair
legend ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <legend> LegendElement.
getter/setter pair
li ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <li> LIElement.
getter/setter pair
line ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <line> LineElement.
getter/setter pair
linearGradient ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <linearGradient> LinearGradientElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <link> LinkElement.
getter/setter pair
map ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <map> MapElement.
getter/setter pair
mark ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <mark> Element.
getter/setter pair
marker ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <marker> MarkerElement.
getter/setter pair
mask ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <mask> MaskElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <menu> MenuElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <menuitem> MenuItemElement.
getter/setter pair
mesh ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <mesh> MeshElement.
getter/setter pair
meshgradient ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <meshgradient> MeshgradientElement.
getter/setter pair
meshpatch ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <meshpatch> MeshpatchElement.
getter/setter pair
meshrow ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <meshrow> MeshrowElement.
getter/setter pair
meta ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <meta> MetaElement.
getter/setter pair
metadata ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <metadata> MetadataElement.
getter/setter pair
meter ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <meter> MeterElement.
getter/setter pair
missingGlyph ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <missing-glyph> MissingGlyphElement.
getter/setter pair
mpath ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <mpath> MpathElement.
getter/setter pair
The HTML <nav> Element.
getter/setter pair
noscript ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <noscript> Element.
getter/setter pair
object ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <object> ObjectElement.
getter/setter pair
ol ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <ol> OListElement.
getter/setter pair
optgroup ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <optgroup> OptGroupElement.
getter/setter pair
option ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <option> OptionElement.
getter/setter pair
output ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <output> OutputElement.
getter/setter pair
p ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <p> ParagraphElement.
getter/setter pair
param ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <param> ParamElement.
getter/setter pair
path ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <path> PathElement.
getter/setter pair
pattern ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <pattern> PatternElement.
getter/setter pair
picture ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <picture> PictureElement.
getter/setter pair
polygon ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <polygon> PolygonElement.
getter/setter pair
polyline ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <polyline> PolylineElement.
getter/setter pair
pre ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <pre> PreElement.
getter/setter pair
progress ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <progress> ProgressElement.
getter/setter pair
q ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <q> QuoteElement.
getter/setter pair
radialGradient ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <radialGradient> RadialGradientElement.
getter/setter pair
rect ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <rect> RectElement.
getter/setter pair
registerComponent Function
Registers a component factory on both client and server.
getter/setter pair
registerComponent2 ComponentRegistrar2
Registers a component factory on both client and server.
getter/setter pair
registerFunctionComponent FunctionComponentRegistrar
Registers a function component on the client.
getter/setter pair
rp ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <rp> Element.
getter/setter pair
rt ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <rt> Element.
getter/setter pair
ruby ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <ruby> Element.
getter/setter pair
s ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <s> Element.
getter/setter pair
samp ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <samp> Element.
getter/setter pair
script ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <script> ScriptElement.
getter/setter pair
section ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <section> Element.
getter/setter pair
select ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <select> SelectElement.
getter/setter pair
small ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <small> Element.
getter/setter pair
solidcolor ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <solidcolor> SolidcolorElement.
getter/setter pair
source ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <source> SourceElement.
getter/setter pair
span ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <span> SpanElement.
getter/setter pair
stop ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <stop> StopElement.
getter/setter pair
StrictMode ReactJsComponentFactoryProxy
StrictMode is a tool for highlighting potential problems in an application.
getter/setter pair
strong ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <strong> Element.
getter/setter pair
style ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <style> StyleElement.
getter/setter pair
sub ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <sub> Element.
getter/setter pair
summary ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <summary> Element.
getter/setter pair
sup ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <sup> Element.
getter/setter pair
Suspense ReactJsComponentFactoryProxy
Suspense lets you display a fallback UI until its children have finished loading.
getter/setter pair
svg ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <svg> SvgSvgElement.
getter/setter pair
svgSet ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <set> SetElement.
getter/setter pair
svgSwitch ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <switch> SwitchElement.
getter/setter pair
symbol ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <symbol> SymbolElement.
getter/setter pair
table ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <table> TableElement.
getter/setter pair
tbody ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <tbody> TableSectionElement.
getter/setter pair
td ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <td> TableCellElement.
getter/setter pair
text ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <text> TextElement.
getter/setter pair
textarea ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <textarea> TextAreaElement.
getter/setter pair
textPath ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <textPath> TextPathElement.
getter/setter pair
tfoot ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <tfoot> TableSectionElement.
getter/setter pair
th ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <th> TableCellElement.
getter/setter pair
thead ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <thead> TableSectionElement.
getter/setter pair
time ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <time> TimeInputElement.
getter/setter pair
title ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <title> TitleElement.
getter/setter pair
tr ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <tr> TableRowElement.
getter/setter pair
track ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <track> TrackElement.
getter/setter pair
tref ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <tref> TrefElement.
getter/setter pair
tspan ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <tspan> TSpanElement.
getter/setter pair
u ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <u> Element.
getter/setter pair
ul ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <ul> UListElement.
getter/setter pair
unknown ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <unknown> UnknownElement.
getter/setter pair
use ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <use> UseElement.
getter/setter pair
variable ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <var> Element.
getter/setter pair
video ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <video> VideoElement.
getter/setter pair
view ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <view> ViewElement.
getter/setter pair
vkern ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The SVG <vkern> VkernElement.
getter/setter pair
wbr ReactDomComponentFactoryProxy
The HTML <wbr> Element.
getter/setter pair


createContext<TValue>([TValue? defaultValue, int calculateChangedBits(TValue? currentValue, TValue? nextValue)?]) Context<TValue>
Creates a Context object. When React renders a component that subscribes to this Context object it will read the current context value from the closest matching Provider above it in the tree.
createRef<T>() Ref<T?>
Creates a Ref object that can be attached to a ReactElement via the ref prop.
createSyntheticAnimationEvent({SyntheticAnimationEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? animationName, num? elapsedTime, String? pseudoElement}) SyntheticAnimationEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticAnimationEvent instance.
createSyntheticClipboardEvent({SyntheticClipboardEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, Object? clipboardData}) SyntheticClipboardEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticClipboardEvent instance.
createSyntheticCompositionEvent({SyntheticCompositionEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? data}) SyntheticCompositionEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticCompositionEvent instance.
createSyntheticEvent({SyntheticEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type}) SyntheticEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticEvent instance.
createSyntheticFocusEvent({SyntheticFocusEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, Object? relatedTarget}) SyntheticFocusEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticFocusEvent instance.
createSyntheticFormEvent({SyntheticFormEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type}) SyntheticFormEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticFormEvent instance.
createSyntheticKeyboardEvent({SyntheticKeyboardEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, String? char, bool? ctrlKey, String? locale, num? location, String? key, bool? metaKey, bool? repeat, bool? shiftKey, num? keyCode, num? charCode}) SyntheticKeyboardEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticKeyboardEvent instance.
createSyntheticMouseEvent({SyntheticMouseEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, num? button, num? buttons, num? clientX, num? clientY, bool? ctrlKey, Object? dataTransfer, bool? metaKey, num? pageX, num? pageY, Object? relatedTarget, num? screenX, num? screenY, bool? shiftKey}) SyntheticMouseEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticMouseEvent instance.
createSyntheticPointerEvent({SyntheticPointerEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? pointerId, num? width, num? height, num? pressure, num? tangentialPressure, num? tiltX, num? tiltY, num? twist, String? pointerType, bool? isPrimary}) SyntheticPointerEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticPointerEvent instance.
createSyntheticTouchEvent({SyntheticTouchEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, Object? changedTouches, bool? ctrlKey, bool? metaKey, bool? shiftKey, Object? targetTouches, Object? touches}) SyntheticTouchEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticTouchEvent instance.
createSyntheticTransitionEvent({SyntheticTransitionEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? propertyName, num? elapsedTime, String? pseudoElement}) SyntheticTransitionEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticTransitionEvent instance.
createSyntheticUIEvent({SyntheticUIEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? detail, Object? view}) SyntheticUIEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticUIEvent instance.
createSyntheticWheelEvent({SyntheticWheelEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? deltaX, num? deltaMode, num? deltaY, num? deltaZ}) SyntheticWheelEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticWheelEvent instance.
fakeSyntheticFormEvent(Element element, String type) SyntheticFormEvent
If the consumer specifies a callback like onChange on one of our custom form components that are not actually form elements - we still need a valid SyntheticFormEvent to pass as the expected parameter to that callback.
forwardRef2(DartForwardRefFunctionComponent wrapperFunction, {String? displayName}) ReactComponentFactoryProxy
Automatically passes a Ref through a component to one of its children.
memo2(ReactComponentFactoryProxy factory, {bool areEqual(Map prevProps, Map nextProps)?}) ReactComponentFactoryProxy
A higher order component for function components that behaves similar to the way React.PureComponent does for class-based components.
wrapNativeKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent nativeEvent) SyntheticKeyboardEvent
Helper util that wraps a native KeyboardEvent in a SyntheticKeyboardEvent.
wrapNativeMouseEvent(MouseEvent nativeEvent) SyntheticMouseEvent
Helper util that wraps a native MouseEvent in a SyntheticMouseEvent.


ComponentFactory<T extends Component> = T Function()
ComponentRegistrar = ReactComponentFactoryProxy Function(ComponentFactory<Component> componentFactory, [Iterable<String> skipMethods])
ComponentRegistrar2 = ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2> Function(ComponentFactory<Component2> componentFactory, {Component2BridgeFactory? bridgeFactory, Iterable<String> skipMethods})
DartForwardRefFunctionComponent = dynamic Function(JsBackedMap props, dynamic ref)
The callback to a React forwardRef component. See forwardRef2 for more details.
DartFunctionComponent = dynamic Function(JsBackedMap props)
A React component declared using a function that takes in props and returns rendered output.
FunctionComponentRegistrar = ReactDartFunctionComponentFactoryProxy Function(DartFunctionComponent componentFactory, {String? displayName})
PropValidator<T> = Error? Function(T props, PropValidatorInfo info)
Typedef for Component2.propTypes - used to check the validity of one or more of the props.