forwardRef2 function

ReactComponentFactoryProxy forwardRef2(
  1. DartForwardRefFunctionComponent wrapperFunction, {
  2. String? displayName,

Automatically passes a Ref through a component to one of its children.

Example 1: Forwarding refs to DOM components

Analogous JS Demo

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:react/react.dart' as react;

// ---------- Component Definition ----------
final FancyButton = react.forwardRef2((props, ref) {
  return react.button({'ref': ref, 'className': 'FancyButton'}, 'Click me!');
}, displayName: 'FancyButton');

// ---------- Component Consumption ----------
void main() {
  final ref = createRef<Element>();

  react_dom.render(FancyButton({'ref': ref}));

  // You can now get a ref directly to the DOM button:
  final buttonNode = ref.current;

Example 2: Forwarding refs in higher-order components

Analogous JS Demo

import 'dart:html';
import 'package:react/react.dart' as react;
import 'package:react/react_client.dart' show setClientConfiguration, ReactJsComponentFactoryProxy;
import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;

// ---------- Component Definitions ----------

final FancyButton = react.forwardRef2((props, ref) {
  return react.button({'ref': ref, 'className': 'FancyButton'}, 'Click me!');
}, displayName: 'FancyButton');

class _LogProps extends react.Component2 {
  void componentDidUpdate(Map prevProps, _, [__]) {
    print('old props: $prevProps');
    print('new props: ${this.props}');

  render() {
    final propsToForward = {...props}..remove('forwardedRef');

    // Assign the custom prop `forwardedRef` as a ref on the component passed in via `props.component`
    return props['component']({...propsToForward, 'ref': props['forwardedRef']}, props['children']);
final _logPropsHoc = react.registerComponent2(() => _LogProps());

final LogProps = react.forwardRef2((props, ref) {
  // Note the second param "ref" provided by react.forwardRef2.
  // We can pass it along to LogProps as a regular prop, e.g. "forwardedRef"
  // And it can then be attached to the Component.
  return _logPropsHoc({...props, 'forwardedRef': ref});
  // Optional: Make the displayName more useful for the React dev tools.
  // See:
}, displayName: 'LogProps(${_logPropsHoc.type.displayName})');

// ---------- Component Consumption ----------
void main() {
  final ref = react.createRef<Element>();

  react_dom.render(LogProps({'component': FancyButton, 'ref': ref}),

  // You can still get a ref directly to the DOM button:
  final buttonNode = ref.current;



ReactComponentFactoryProxy forwardRef2(
  DartForwardRefFunctionComponent wrapperFunction, {
  String? displayName,
}) =>
    ReactDartWrappedComponentFactoryProxy.forwardRef(wrapperFunction, displayName: displayName);