react 7.2.0
react: ^7.2.0 copied to clipboard
Bindings of the ReactJS library for building interactive interfaces.
Dart wrapper for React JS #
Thanks to the folks at Vacuumlabs for creating this project! ❤️
Getting Started #
Installation #
If you are not familiar with the ReactJS library, read this react tutorial first.
Install the Dart SDK
brew install dart
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Create a
file in the root of your project, and addreact
as a dependency:name: your_package_name version: 1.0.0 environment: sdk: ^2.11.0 dependencies: react: ^6.0.0
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Install the dependencies using pub:
dart pub get
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Wire things up #
In a .html
file, include the native javascript react
and react_dom
(provided with this library for compatibility reasons) within your .html
and also add an element with an id
to mount your React component.
Lastly, add the .js
file that Dart will generate. The file will be the name of the .dart
file that
contains your main
entrypoint, with .js
at the end.
<!-- ... -->
<div id="react_mount_point">Here will be react content</div>
<script src="packages/react/react.js"></script>
<script src="packages/react/react_dom.js"></script>
<script defer src="your_dart_file_name.dart.js"></script>
Note: When serving your application in production, use
file instead of the un-minifiedreact.js
files shown in the example above.
Dart App
Once you have an .html
file containing the necessary .js
files, you can initialize React
in the main
entrypoint of your Dart application.
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:react/react.dart';
import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
main() {
// Something to render... in this case a simple <div> with no props, and a string as its children.
var component = div({}, "Hello world!");
// Render it into the mount node we created in our .html file.
react_dom.render(component, querySelector('#react_mount_point'));
Build Stuff #
Using browser native elements #
If you are familiar with React (without JSX extension) React-dart shouldn't surprise you much. All elements are defined as
functions that take props
as first argument and children
as optional second argument. props
should implement Map
and children
is either one React element or List
with multiple elements.
var aDiv = div({"className": "something"}, [
h1({"style": {"height": "20px"}}, "Headline"),
a({"href":""}, "Something"),
"Some text"
For event handlers you must provide function that takes a SyntheticEvent
(defined in this library).
var aButton = button({"onClick": (SyntheticMouseEvent event) => print(event)});
Defining custom components #
Define custom class that extends Component2 and implements - at a minimum -
.// cool_widget.dart import 'package:react/react.dart'; class CoolWidgetComponent extends Component2 { render() => div({}, "CoolWidgetComponent"); }
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Then register the class so ReactJS can recognize it.
var CoolWidget = registerComponent2(() => CoolWidgetComponent());
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should be called only once per component and lifetime of application. -
Then you can use the registered component similarly as native elements.
// app.dart import 'dart:html'; import 'package:react/react.dart'; import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom; import 'cool_widget.dart'; main() { react_dom.render(CoolWidget({}), querySelector('#react_mount_point')); }
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Custom component with props
// cool_widget.dart
import 'package:react/react.dart';
class CoolWidgetComponent extends Component2 {
render() {
return div({}, props['text']);
var CoolWidget = registerComponent2(() => CoolWidgetComponent());
// app.dart
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:react/react.dart';
import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
import 'cool_widget.dart';
main() {
react_dom.render(CoolWidget({"text": "Something"}), querySelector('#react_mount_point'));
Custom component with a typed interface
Note: The typed interface capabilities of this library are fairly limited, and can result in extremely verbose implementations. We strongly recommend using the
OverReact package - which makes creating statically-typed React UI components using Dart easy.
// cool_widget.dart
typedef CoolWidgetType({String headline, String text, int counter});
var _CoolWidget = registerComponent2(() => CoolWidgetComponent());
CoolWidgetType CoolWidget({String headline, String text, int counter}) {
return _CoolWidget({'headline':headline, 'text':text});
class CoolWidgetComponent extends Component2 {
String get headline => props['headline'];
String get text => props['text'];
int get counter => props['counter'];
render() {
return div({},
h1({}, headline),
span({}, text),
span({}, counter),
// app.dart
import 'dart:html';
import 'package:react/react.dart';
import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
import 'cool_widget.dart';
void main() {
headline: "My custom headline",
text: "My custom text",
counter: 3,
React Component Lifecycle methods
The Component2
class mirrors ReactJS' React.Component
class, and contains all the same methods.
See: ReactJS Lifecycle Method Documentation for more information.
class MyComponent extends Component2 {
void componentWillMount() {}
void componentDidMount() {}
void componentWillReceiveProps(Map nextProps) {}
void componentWillUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) {}
void componentDidUpdate(Map prevProps, Map prevState) {}
void componentWillUnmount() {}
bool shouldComponentUpdate(Map nextProps, Map nextState) => true;
Map getInitialState() => {};
Map getDefaultProps() => {};
render() => div({}, props['text']);
Using refs and findDOMNode
The use of component ref
s in react-dart is a bit different from React JS.
- You can specify a ref name in component props and then call ref method to get the referenced element.
- Return values for Dart components, DOM components and JavaScript components are different.
- For a Dart component, you get an instance of the Dart class of the component.
- For primitive components (like DOM elements), you get the DOM node.
- For JavaScript composite components, you get a
representing the react component.
If you want to work with DOM nodes of dart or JS components instead,
you can call top level findDOMNode
on anything the ref returns.
var DartComponent = registerComponent2(() => _DartComponent());
class _DartComponent extends Component2 {
render() => div({});
void someInstanceMethod(int count) {
window.alert('count: $count');
var ParentComponent = registerComponent2(() => _ParentComponent());
class _ParentComponent extends Component2 {
final inputRef = createRef<InputElement>(); // inputRef.current is the DOM node.
final dartComponentRef = createRef<_DartComponent>(); // dartComponentRef.current is the instance of _DartComponent
void componentDidMount() {
print(inputRef.current.value); // Prints "hello" to the console.
dartComponentRef.current.someInstanceMethod(5); // Calls the method defined in _DartComponent
react_dom.findDOMNode(dartComponentRef); // Returns div element rendered from _DartComponent
react_dom.findDOMNode(this); // Returns root dom element rendered from this component
render() {
return div({},
input({"ref": inputRef, "defaultValue": "hello"}),
DartComponent({"ref": dartComponentRef}),
Example Application #
For more robust examples take a look at our examples.
Unit Testing Utilities #
lib/react_test_utils.dart is a Dart wrapper for the ReactJS TestUtils library allowing for unit tests to be made for React components in Dart.
Here is an example of how to use package:react/react_test_utils.dart
within a Dart test.
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:react/react.dart' as react;
import 'package:react/react_dom.dart' as react_dom;
import 'package:react/react_test_utils.dart' as react_test_utils;
class MyTestComponent extends react.Component2 {
Map getInitialState() => {'text': 'testing...'};
render() {
return react.div({},
react.button({'onClick': (_) => setState({'text': 'success'})}),
react.span({'className': 'spanText'}, state['text']),
var myTestComponent = react.registerComponent2(() => new MyTestComponent());
void main() {
test('should click button and set span text to "success"', () {
var component = react_test_utils.renderIntoDocument(myTestComponent({}));
// Find button using tag name
var buttonElement = react_test_utils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(
component, 'button');
// Find span using class name
var spanElement = react_test_utils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(
component, 'spanText');
var buttonNode = react_dom.findDOMNode(buttonElement);
var spanNode = react_dom.findDOMNode(spanElement);
// Span text should equal the initial state
expect(spanNode.text, equals('testing...'));
// Click the button and trigger the onClick event;
// Span text should change to 'success'
expect(spanNode.text, equals('success'));
Contributing #
Format using
dart format -l 120 .
While we'd like to adhere to the recommended line length of 80, it's too short for much of the code repo written before a formatter was use, causing excessive wrapping and code that's hard to read.
So, we use a line length of 120 instead.
Running Tests #
dart run build_runner test --release -- --preset dart2js
NOTE: When using Dart SDK < 2.14.0, use
--preset dart2js-legacy
Dart Dev Compiler ("DDC")
dart run build_runner test -- --preset dartdevc
NOTE: When using Dart SDK < 2.14.0, use
--preset dartdevc-legacy
Building React JS Source Files #
Make sure the packages you need are dependencies in package.json
then run:
yarn install
After modifying files any files in ./js_src/, run:
yarn run build