createContext<TValue> function

Context<TValue> createContext<TValue>([
  1. TValue? defaultValue,
  2. int calculateChangedBits(
    1. TValue? currentValue,
    2. TValue? nextValue

Creates a Context object. When React renders a component that subscribes to this Context object it will read the current context value from the closest matching Provider above it in the tree.

The defaultValue argument is only used when a component does not have a matching Context.Provider above it in the tree. This can be helpful for testing components in isolation without wrapping them.


react.Context MyContext = react.createContext('test');

class MyContextTypeClass extends react.Component2 {
  final contextType = MyContext;

  render() {
    return react.span({}, [
      '${this.context}', // Outputs: 'test'

___ OR ___

react.Context MyContext = react.createContext();

class MyClass extends react.Component2 {
  render() {
    return MyContext.Provider({'value': 'new context value'}, [
      MyContext.Consumer({}, (value) {
        return react.span({}, [
          '$value', // Outputs: 'new context value'

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Context<TValue> createContext<TValue>([
  TValue? defaultValue,
  int Function(TValue? currentValue, TValue? nextValue)? calculateChangedBits,
]) {
  final jsDefaultValue = ContextHelpers.jsifyNewContext(defaultValue);

  ReactContext JSContext;
  if (calculateChangedBits != null) {
    int jsifyCalculateChangedBitsArgs(currentValue, nextValue) {
      return calculateChangedBits(
        ContextHelpers.unjsifyNewContext(currentValue) as TValue?,
        ContextHelpers.unjsifyNewContext(nextValue) as TValue?,

    JSContext = React.createContext(jsDefaultValue, allowInterop(jsifyCalculateChangedBitsArgs));
  } else {
    JSContext = React.createContext(jsDefaultValue);

  return Context(
    ReactJsContextComponentFactoryProxy(JSContext.Provider, isProvider: true),
    ReactJsContextComponentFactoryProxy(JSContext.Consumer, isConsumer: true),