js_component library


A utility interop class for a plain JS "object"/"map"/"dictionary".
A JavaScript interop class representing the return value of createContext.


jsifyContextProp(Context? value) ReactContext?
Returns value converted to its JS context representation for storage in a props map, or null of the value is null.
jsifyMapListProp(List<Map?>? value) List<JsMap?>?
Runs jsifyMapProp on every Dart Map in the value.
jsifyMapProp(Map? value) JsMap?
Returns a JS-deep-converted version of value for storage in the props map, or null if value is null.
jsifyRefProp(dynamic value) → dynamic
Returns value converted to its JS ref representation for storage in a props map, or null of the value is null.
uiJsComponent<TProps extends UiProps>(ReactJsComponentFactoryProxy factoryProxy, dynamic _config) UiFactory<TProps>
Creates a Dart component factory that wraps a ReactJS factoryProxy.
unjsifyContextProp<T>(ReactContext? value) Context<T>?
Returns value converted back into its Dart Context representation, or null if the value is null.
unjsifyMapListProp<K, V>(List? value) List<Map<K, V>?>?
Runs unjsifyMapProp on every JS Map in the value.
unjsifyMapProp<K, V>(JsMap? value) Map<K, V>?
Returns value converted to a Dart map and Map.casted to the provided generics, or null if value is null.
unjsifyRefProp(dynamic value, {bool throwOnUnhandled = false}) → dynamic
Returns a JsRef object converted back into its Dart Ref object (if it was converted via jsifyRefProp, or if value is not a JsRef, passes through value (including null).