over_react_redux library


$ReduxProviderConfig UiFactoryConfig<_$$ReduxProviderProps>
mockableJsConnect ↔ ReactClass Function(ReactClass) Function([Function? mapStateToProps, dynamic mapDispatchToProps, Function? mergeProps, JsConnectOptions? options])
getter/setter pair
overReactReduxDevToolsMiddleware → MiddlewareClass
A Middleware that can be added to a DevToolsStore in order to utilize the Redux DevTools browser extension.
ReduxProvider UiFactory<ReduxProviderProps>
ReduxProvider makes the store available to any nested components that have been wrapped in the connect() function.
getter/setter pair


connect<TReduxState, TProps extends UiProps>({Map mapStateToProps(TReduxState state)?, Map mapStateToPropsWithOwnProps(TReduxState state, TProps ownProps)?, Map Function(TReduxState state) makeMapStateToProps(TReduxState initialState, TProps initialOwnProps)?, Map Function(TReduxState state, TProps ownProps) makeMapStateToPropsWithOwnProps(TReduxState initialState, TProps initialOwnProps)?, Map mapDispatchToProps(Dispatcher dispatch)?, Map mapDispatchToPropsWithOwnProps(Dispatcher dispatch, TProps ownProps)?, Map Function(Dispatcher dispatch) makeMapDispatchToProps(Dispatcher dispatch, TProps ownProps)?, Map Function(Dispatcher dispatch, TProps ownProps) makeMapDispatchToPropsWithOwnProps(Dispatcher dispatch, TProps ownProps)?, Map mergeProps(TProps stateProps, TProps dispatchProps, TProps ownProps)?, bool areStatesEqual(TReduxState nextState, TReduxState prevState)?, bool areOwnPropsEqual(TProps nextProps, TProps prevProps)? = propsOrStateMapsEqual, bool areStatePropsEqual(TProps nextProps, TProps prevProps)? = propsOrStateMapsEqual, bool areMergedPropsEqual(TProps nextProps, TProps prevProps)? = propsOrStateMapsEqual, Context? context, bool pure = true, bool forwardRef = false}) UiFactory<TProps> Function(UiFactory<TProps> )
A wrapper around the JS react-redux connect function that supports OverReact components.
createDispatchHook<TReduxState>([Context? context]) → dynamic Function(dynamic action) Function()
Returns a function that can be named and used as a replacement for useDispatch when you want to use custom context.
createSelectorHook<TReduxState>([Context? context]) → _SelectorFnHook<TReduxState>
Returns a function that can be named and used as a replacement for useSelector when you want to use custom context.
createStoreHook<TReduxState>([Context? context]) → Store<TReduxState> Function()
Returns a function that can be named and used as a replacement for useStore when you want to use custom context.
overReactReduxDevToolsMiddlewareFactory({String? name}) → MiddlewareClass
A Middleware that can be added to a DevToolsStore in order to utilize the Redux DevTools browser extension. Similar to overReactReduxDevToolsMiddleware, but allows passing of options to initialize dev tools with.
useDispatch() → dynamic Function(dynamic action)
This hook returns a reference to the Redux Store.dispatch function.
useSelector<TReduxState, TValue>(TValue selector(TReduxState state), [bool equalityFn(TValue tNextValue, TValue tPrevValue)?]) → TValue
A hook that allows you to extract data from the Redux Store state, using a selector function.
useStore<TReduxState>() → Store<TReduxState>
A hook that returns a reference to the same Redux Store that was passed in to the ReduxProvider component that the function component using the hook is a descendant of.


Dispatcher = dynamic Function(dynamic action)