unjsifyRefProp function

dynamic unjsifyRefProp(
  1. dynamic value, {
  2. @visibleForTesting bool throwOnUnhandled = false,

Returns a JsRef object converted back into its Dart Ref object (if it was converted via jsifyRefProp, or if value is not a JsRef, passes through value (including null).

For use in JS component prop getters where the component expects a JS ref, but accepting Dart refs is more convenient to the consumer reading/writing the props.

Should be used alongside unjsifyRefProp.

Note that Dart refs currently lose their reified types when jsified/unjsified, if they have not been passed into jsifyRefProp before.


dynamic unjsifyRefProp(dynamic value,
    {@visibleForTesting bool throwOnUnhandled = false}) {
  // Case 1: null
  if (value == null) return null;

  // Case 2: JS callback refs
  if (value is Function) return value;

  // Case 2: JS ref objects
  if (value is! Ref && value is JsRef && hasProperty(value, 'current')) {
    // Return the original Dart ref is there is one, otherwise return the JsRef itself.
    // See _dartRefForJsRef comment for more info.
    return _dartRefForJsRef.get(value) ?? value;

  // Case 3: unreachable?
  // We shouldn't ever get here, but just pass through the value in case there's
  // a case we didn't handle properly above (or throw for testing purposes).
  if (throwOnUnhandled) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(value, 'value', 'Unhandled case');
  return value;