component_base library


AccessorMeta<T extends _Descriptor>
Provides a list of PropDescriptors and a top-level list of their keys, for easy access.
MapViewMixin<K, V>
Provides dart.collection.MapView-like behavior by proxying an internal map.
Provides a representation of a single prop declared within a UiProps subclass or props mixin.
Works in conjunction with MapViewMixin to provide dart.collection.MapView-like functionality to UiProps subclasses.
Metadata for the prop fields declared in a specific props class-- a class annotated with @Props, @PropsMixin, @AbstractProps, etc. for which prop accessors are generated.
A collection of metadata for the prop fields in all prop mixins used by a given component.
Provides a representation of a single state declared within a UiState subclass or state mixin.
Works in conjunction with MapViewMixin to provide dart.collection.MapView-like functionality to UiState subclasses.
Metadata for the state fields declared in a specific state class-- a class annotated with @State, @StateMixin, @AbstractState, etc. for which state accessors are generated.
UiComponent<TProps extends UiProps>
The basis for an over_react component.
A dart.collection.MapView-like class with strongly-typed getters/setters for React props that is also capable of creating React component instances.
A dart.collection.MapView-like class with strongly-typed getters/setters for React state.
UiStatefulComponent<TProps extends UiProps, TState extends UiState>
The basis for a stateful over_react component.


UiFactoryHelpers on UiFactory<TProps>
UiFactoryTypeMeta on UiFactory<UiProps>
Extensions to allow setting type-checking-related metadata on components.


defaultTestIdKey → const String
The string used by default for the key of the attribute added by UiProps.addTestId.


isComponentOfType(ReactElement? instance, dynamic typeAlias, {bool traverseWrappers = true, bool matchParentTypes = true}) bool
Returns whether instance is of the type associated with typeAlias, which can be a component's:
isValidElementOfType(dynamic instance, dynamic typeAlias) bool
Returns whether instance is a valid ReactElement of the type associated with typeAlias, which can be a component's:
registerAbstractComponent(Type abstractComponentClass, {ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>? parentType}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>
Helper function that wraps registerComponent, and allows an easier way to register abstract components with the main purpose of type-checking against the abstract component.
registerComponent(Component dartComponentFactory(), {bool isWrapper = false, ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>? parentType, UiFactory<UiProps>? builderFactory, Type? componentClass}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>
Helper function that wraps react.registerComponent, and allows attachment of additional component factory metadata.


BuilderOnlyUiFactory<TProps extends UiProps> = TProps Function()
A utility variation on UiFactory, without a backingProps parameter.
PropsModifier = dynamic Function(Map props)
Enforces that a function take a single parameter of type Map.
UiFactory<TProps extends UiProps> = TProps Function([Map? backingProps])
A function that returns a new TProps instance, optionally backed by the specified backingProps.