three_dart_jsm/three_dart_jsm/postprocessing/index library
- AfterimagePass
- BloomPass
- ClearMaskPass
- DotScreenPass
- EffectComposer
- FilmPass
- FullScreenQuad
- GlitchPass
- LUTPass
- MaskPass
- Pass
- RenderPass
- ShaderPass
- ShaderPasses
- SSAARenderPass
- Supersample Anti-Aliasing Render Pass
- TexturePass
- UnrealBloomPass
- UnrealBloomPass is inspired by the bloom pass of Unreal Engine. It creates a mip map chain of bloom textures and blurs them with different radii. Because of the weighted combination of mips, and because larger blurs are done on higher mips, this effect provides good quality and performance.