flutter_helper_utils library


allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type bool.
allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type Color.
A utility class for converting objects to different types.
create a ValueNotifier of type DateTime, which reacts just like normal DateTime, but with notifier capabilities.
allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type double.
create a ValueNotifier of type Duration, which reacts just like normal Duration, but with notifier capabilities.
allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type int.
create a ValueNotifier of type List
MapNotifier<K, V>
create a ValueNotifier of type Map<K, V>, which reacts just like normal Map, but with notifier capabilities.
allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type num.
create a ValueNotifier of type Set, which reacts just like normal Set, but with notifier capabilities.
allows to quickly create a ValueNotifier of type String.
create a ValueNotifier of type Uri, which reacts just like normal Uri, but with notifier capabilities.


BrightnessNotifierEx on ValueNotifier<Brightness>
DHUCaseConversionExtensions on String
DHUCollectionsExtensions on Iterable<T>
DHUCollectionsExtensionsNS on Iterable<T>?
DHUDurationExt on Duration
DHUMapExt on Map<K, V>
DHUMapExtension on Map<K, V>
DHUMapNullableExtension on Map<K, V>?
DHUNullableListExtensions on List<E>?
DHUNullableSetExt on Set<E>?
DHUNullSafeCaseConversionExtensions on String?
DHUNullSafeStringExtensions on String?
DHUStringExtensions on String
FHUAlignExtensions on Widget
FHUArchiveMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUAudioMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUBoolEx on bool
FHUBoolNotifierEx on bool
FHUBoolNullablelEx on bool?
FHUBoolValueNotifierExtension on ValueNotifier<bool>
FHUBrightnessExtension on Brightness?
FHUBrightnessNotifierEx on Brightness
FHUColorExt on String
FHUColorNotifierEx on Color
FHUColorValueNotifierExtension on ValueListenable<Color>
Extension: ColorValueNotifierExtension
FHUContactMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUDateExtensions on DateTime
FHUDateNullString on String?
FHUDateString on String
FHUDateTimeNotifierEx on DateTime
FHUDocumentMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUDoubleExtensions on double
FHUDoubleNotifierEx on double
FHUDoubleValueNotifierExtension on ValueListenable<double>
FHUFocusScopeExtension on BuildContext
FHUFontMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUHexColor on Color
FHUHttpEx on num?
FHUImageMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUIntExtensions on int
FHUIntNotifierEx on int
FHUIntValueNotifierExtension on ValueListenable<int>
FHUListExtensions on List<Widget>
FHUListNotifierEx on List<E>
FHUMapNotifierEx on Map<K, V>
MapNotifierEx<K, V>
FHUMapNullableExtension on Map<K, V>?
FHUMediaQueryExtension on BuildContext
FHUMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUNavigationStateExtensions on State<StatefulWidget>
FHUNavigationStatelessExtensions on StatelessWidget
FHUNavigatorExtension on BuildContext
FHUNullableDateExtensions on DateTime?
FHUNullableListExtensions on List<E>?
FHUNullableSetExt on Set<E>?
FHUNullSafeNumExtensions on num?
FHUNullSafeStringExtensions on String?
FHUNullSafeURIExtensions on String?
FHUNumericValueNotifierExtension on ValueNotifier<num>
FHUNumExtensions on num
FHUNumNotifierEx on num
FHUObjectNullableExtensions on Object?
FHUOrientationEx on Orientation
FHUPaddingExtensions on Widget
FHUPlatformExtension on BuildContext
FHUPlatformExtensionNullable on BuildContext?
FHUProgrammingMimeChecksExtensions on String?
FHUScaffoldMessengerExtension on BuildContext
FHUSetNotifierEx on Set<E>
FHUStreamToValueNotifier on Stream<T>
Extension on Stream<T> to convert any stream into a ValueNotifier<T>.
FHUStringNotifierEx on String
FHUTargetPlatformExtension on TargetPlatform?
FHUThemeDataExtension on ThemeData
FHUThemeExtension on BuildContext
FHUThemeModeEx on ThemeMode?
FHUThemeModeNotifierEx on ThemeMode
FHUToDate on num
FHUUriEx on Uri
FHUURIExtensions on String
FHUUriNotifierEx on Uri
FHUValueListenableExtension on ValueListenable<T>
Extension on ValueListenable to seamlessly create a ValueListenableBuilder widget.
FHUValueListenableExtensions on ValueListenable<T>
FHUValueNotifierExtension on T
extension on T where T is any non-nullable Object, Its used to directly make ValueNotifier instance from that T.
FHUValueNotifierExtensions on ValueNotifier<T>
FHUVideoMimeChecksExtensions on String?
ThemeModeNotifierEx on ValueNotifier<ThemeMode>


isEqual<T>(T value1, T value2) bool
isPrimitiveType(dynamic value) bool
Determines whether a given value is of a primitive type for JSON serialization.
toBigInt(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) BigInt
Converts an object to a BigInt. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toBool(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) bool
Converts an object to a bool. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toDateTime(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex, String? format}) DateTime
Attempts to convert an object to a bool, or returns null if the object is null or conversion is not applicable. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toDouble(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) double
Converts an object to a double. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toInt(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) int
Converts an object to an int. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toList<T>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) List<T>
Converts an object to a List of type T. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toMap<K, V>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Map<K, V>
Converts an object to a Map with keys of type K and values of type V. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toNum(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) num
Converts an object to a num. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toSet<T>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Set<T>
Converts an object to a Set of type T. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toString1(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) String
Converts any object to a string if the object is not null. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
toType<T>(dynamic object) → T
Global function that allow Convert an object to a specified type.
toUri(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Uri
Converts an object to a Uri. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToBigInt(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) BigInt?
Attempts to convert an object to a BigInt, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToBool(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) bool?
Attempts to convert an object to a bool, or returns null if the object is null or conversion is not applicable. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToDateTime(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex, String? format}) DateTime?
Attempts to convert an object to a DateTime, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToDouble(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) double?
Attempts to convert an object to a double, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToInt(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) int?
Attempts to convert an object to an int, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToList<T>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) List<T>?
Attempts to convert an object to a List of type T, or returns null if conversion is not possible. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToMap<K, V>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Map<K, V>?
Attempts to convert an object to a Map with keys of type K and values of type V. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToNum(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) num?
Attempts to convert an object to a num, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToSet<T>(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Set<T>?
Attempts to convert an object to a Set of type T, or returns null if conversion is not possible. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToString(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) String?
Converts any object to a string, or returns null if the object is null. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.
tryToType<T>(dynamic object) → T?
Global function that allow Convert an object to a specified type or return null.
tryToUri(dynamic object, {Object? mapKey, int? listIndex}) Uri?
Attempts to convert an object to a Uri, or returns null if the object is null or conversion fails. mirroring the same static method in the ConvertObject, providing alternative easy less code usage options.


IndexedPredicate<T> = bool Function(int index, T)
Predicate<T> = bool Function(T)